MCWrapper OSError

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Kevin Saldana

Aug 29, 2022, 1:49:06 PM8/29/22
Hello Software Help,
I am using MCWrapper to generate events over a run of ranges and run into problems once MCWrapper finishes computing the flux for the run ranges with the following output 

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/group/halld/Software/builds/Linux_CentOS7.7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/gluex_MCwrapper/gluex_MCwrapper-v2.6.1/", line 1843, in <module>


  File "/group/halld/Software/builds/Linux_CentOS7.7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/gluex_MCwrapper/gluex_MCwrapper-v2.6.1/", line 1666, in main


  File "/group/halld/Software/builds/Linux_CentOS7.7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/gluex_MCwrapper/gluex_MCwrapper-v2.6.1/", line 120, in swif_add_job

    jobSubout=subprocess.check_output(add_command.split(" "))

  File "/apps/python/2.7.12/lib/python2.7/", line 567, in check_output

    process = Popen(stdout=PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs)

  File "/apps/python/2.7.12/lib/python2.7/", line 711, in __init__

    errread, errwrite)

  File "/apps/python/2.7.12/lib/python2.7/", line 1343, in _execute_child

    raise child_exception

OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

I use the current build version using 


and try to submit jobs with the following command:

$MCWRAPPER_CENTRAL/ a2_minus/MC.config 50685-51768 100000 batch=2

the path to the config file is "/lustre19/expphy/cache/halld/home/ksaldan/a2_minus/MC.config"

any help on how to correct this would be helpful.


Kevin Saldana

Peter Pauli

Aug 30, 2022, 3:31:22 AM8/30/22
to GlueX Software Help Email List
Hi Kevin,

It looks like you use an old config file. I see that you specify swif and not swif2 as your BATCH_SYSTEM. Also you should use ACCOUNT and PARTITION instead of PROJECT and TRACK.

Please have a look at the example config file to see which variables should be set. You can find it here:

Also you might want to consider using /scigroup/mcwrapper/gluex_MCwrapper/ for the latest changes and most up-to-date version of mcwrapper.

You can find more info on MCwrapper here:

Let me know if the issue persists.


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Kevin Saldana

Aug 31, 2022, 12:45:53 PM8/31/22
to Peter Pauli, GlueX Software Help Email List
Hey Peter,
   I updated the config file which helped in creating a workflow in swif2, much appreciated. I will continue the problem solving in this thread. 
The problem at the moment is once the job implements genr8, the job stalls in this stage which does not usually happen when using MCWrapper interactively on the command job. I have attached the output file of one of the jobs in the message. I have had similar problems with genr8 when not implementing X11Forwarding (thread here: but the job stalled once the particle reaction was read. Could this be a similar problem or something else? Once again, help in this problem would be greatly appreciated.

Kevin Saldana


Peter Pauli

Sep 1, 2022, 4:34:12 AM9/1/22
to Kevin Saldana, GlueX Software Help Email List
Hi Kevin,

I think this is very much related to that issue on GitHub.

I  tried swapping things around a bit and was successful to get it to run when I changed the order of part 2,3 <—> 4,5. So specify the daughters of the meson decay first and then the baryon decay (baryon is still 0 and meson still 1).
You can have a look at the config file, I put it in /work/halld/home/ppauli/test_ksaldan/.

Please have a go and carefully check the output. I *think* this should be totally allowed, but it goes a bit against convention to reverse the order like that.



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