We are happy to announce the release of glue v0.10!
An overview of the main changes in this release is available here:
The most significant changes are as follows:
- The data linking dialog has been re-organized to make it easier to define links and understand which ones are set up.
- Data and subsets can now be exported, and users can define their own exporters (we will be adding support for more formats in the next release)
- Selection performance has been significantly improved in cases where 3D data cubes are present
- The glue-vispy-viewers plugin package, which provides 3D viewers for glue, is now a formal dependency of glue and will therefore always be installed by default alongside glue. In addition, this plugin has also been updated to provide small improvements in functionality and fix issues (the latest version of this package is now v0.7.1)
In addition, this release includes many bug fixes and small improvements in usability, as well as significant improvements to the code under-the-hood to pave the way for new built-in viewers in the next version of glue.
Installing/updating Glue
As usual, we recommend installing
Glue using the
Anaconda Python Distribution. To get the latest version (v0.10.0), you will need to make sure you use the
conda-forge conda channel. If you are using the conda command, this means that you need to do:
conda install -c conda-forge glueviz
If you use the Anaconda launcher or navigator to install
glue graphically, take a look at the
instructions on our website to find out how to get the latest version.
We also provide instructions for other installation methods, including pip.
Please let us know if you run into any issues, and thanks to everyone who contributed to this release!