Feature Request: Hide Lines not matching Filter && Show Line Number

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Feb 1, 2012, 5:39:56 PM2/1/12
to glogg
Hi Guys

I use your application alot to scroll through massive logs we have on
our web application. I wish you could add a feature where you can
quickly hide lines not matching the Filters so you can quickly see
what you need to see without having to scroll huge number of lines.

Another essential feature missing is that glogg is not showing Lines
numbers. Please consider adding these features. Thanks


Jan 10, 2013, 6:23:08 PM1/10/13
to glogg...@googlegroups.com, john....@gmail.com
You can use something like this to list lines not containing STRING1 and STRING2.


Overly simplified explanation:

^ beginning of line
! negates the search
? look ahead for STRING1 or STRING2
. matches everything
* matches zero or more of them on the same line
$ end of line
( and ) groups items

So this matches every line that does not have STRING1 and every line that does not have STRING2.  You can add as many strings, using regular expressions, or course, as you like.  I use this to find things I don't expect to find in our syslogs.


Apr 10, 2013, 1:27:41 PM4/10/13
to glogg...@googlegroups.com, john....@gmail.com, chokm...@gmail.com
Maybe you can help. How do I filter so I get all lines containing STRING1 and STRING2 but does *not* contain STRING3 and STRING4 and...?

Searching just for string1 and 2 results in far too many records, so I need to filter some stuff out. Can't seem to get the regex working.


Apr 12, 2013, 9:53:57 AM4/12/13
to glogg...@googlegroups.com, john....@gmail.com, chokm...@gmail.com
I am no regex expert, so I could be wrong about this, but I don't think this is possible with a single regex string.  The problem is that the search we are using spans the entire line.  So any line that does not match these strings matches.  We can add additional strings to match, but it will include them also.

Here a few of suggestions which everyone reading this has probably already thought of, but I'll list them here anyway.

You might be able to get by with using the quickfind search to find the lines you are interested in after excluding the ones with the regular search.  Or use filters to highlight the ones you are interested in.

If your syslog program has the ability, you might be able to have it put what you are interested in in another file.

Of course, you could always run the files through grep twice to extract the lines you are interested in, then load it into glogg for closer analysis.

I think the best solution would be to have two fields for matching in glogg: One to include lines that match and one to exclude lines that match.  Any programmers out there?  I think Nicolas would appreciate a patch to do this.
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