> I will assume, for simplicity, that the biocoal is 85% carbon.
> Humans are currently adding about 8.5 gigatonnes of carbon
> (GtC) to the active carbon cycle per year, mostly by burning
> fossil carbon. Just to maintain the current 385 ppm of
> atmospheric CO2 then requires producing and sequestering
> 10 gigatonnes of biocoal per year.
It's not as bad as that, actually. A large chunk of what we are
currently producing is being soaked up by oceans and biomass. So we
only need to sequester about half of gross emissions to stabilise
atmospheric CO2, and anything more will cause a decline. Of course
this sink will not last for ever (the ocean will saturate) but it
does reduce the scale and urgency of the issue (setting aside for now
whether this sort of target is sensible in the first place).
The details are complicated, but as I understand it, to first order an
excess unit of CO2 on decadal time scales has a 50% chance of ending
up in the biota or the ocean. That is, the biota and the ocean are
equilibrating to the excess, not to the amount. Accordingly David's
approximation seems much better to me than James' does. (Such drawdown
as exists is on millenial time scales and is thus of second order on
the time scale of interest here.)
David, am I reading correctly that you are proposing sequestering the
biocoal directly? Why not burn it and sequester the CO2 instead?
Also, you get a third of your cost back because you are replacing coal
which is not free.
> The price of coal is now high enough (see Wednesday's TNYT) that
> investors ought to be seriously considering making biocoal to compete
> in the metalugical anthracite market. Looks to me there is money to
> be made, in a carbon-neutral fashion.
There was an interesting article in NewScientist a few months ago,
suggesting that "peak coal" may also be upon us rather earlier than many
official estimates (and for similar reasons).
"THERE used to be a saying about taking coal to Newcastle, but these
days the issue is getting the stuff out. Newcastle in New South Wales,
Australia, may be the biggest coal export terminal in the world's
biggest coal-exporting country, but even it is having trouble keeping up
with demand. The line of ships waiting to load coal can stretch almost
to Sydney, 150 kilometres to the south. At its peak last year, there
were 80 vessels in the queue, each forced to lie idle for up to a month.
"The delays have been increasing since 2003, and not just because of the
port's limited capacity. Gnawing doubts are also beginning to emerge
about the supply of coal, not just in Australia but worldwide, and not
only because of logistics but also because of geology. In short, coal
may be running out."
> the biomass must be harvested, moved to the hydrothermal
> carbonization facility, converted to biocoal (while generating
> some process heat for electricity generation), and then the
> biocoal moved to the landfill site. By conducting all these
> operations in parts of the world with ample excess land and
> low-cost labor (Africa) I will assume these steps can be done
Two potential flies gathering around the ointment: land management and labor
The price of charcoal in Africa is skyrocketing due in part to supply
restrictions brought about by bans on traditional charcoal producers'
deforestation practices. The charcoal market is sending a clear signal:
Africa needs to produce more charcoal (or a cheaper, more suitable
substitute). But sustainable forestry policy demands that this be done as
efficiently as possible, with attention to reforestation and biodiversity
Building a modern capital-intensive mechanized biocoal industry in the
tropics (e.g. a Million Herreshoff Furnaces) will be challenging, and not
least of the challenges will be social equity concerns for workers displaced
from the traditional charcoal industry by mass production of low-cost
biocoal. With livelihoods at stake, there is potential for social conflict
if the benefits of industrialization are not shared fairly. The history of
industrialization in the developed world has taught us that there should be
equal power-sharing between the interests of capital and labor, which
requires establishing respect for the rule of law to avoid open conflict.
The history of industrialization in the developing world has taught us this
is not always so.
This brings us to fly number two: slavery in charcoal camps. Charcoal is
used extensively to produce pig iron in Brazil, and slavery has been
documented. Respect for human rights and the rule of law are sometimes
lacking in tropical forests where industrial production under conditions of
extreme poverty is concerned. It is a challenge to ensure that the biofuels
and carbon offset industries play by the rules in developing countries. We
should move forward to meet that challenge in the tropics, and also consider
the potential to grow these industries in temperate climates, where the
regulatory framework for socially just and ecologically sustainable
industrial forestry is better established. If the agribusiness marketing
machine can be turned on to Agrichar, then we may begin burying charcoal on
a large scale, at a profit.
African charcoal market:
Slavery in charcoal camps:
> African charcoal market:
> http://www.sundayvision.co.ug/detail.phpmainNewsCategoryId=7&newsCategoryId=132&newsId=616830
That link is bad, try this one instead: http://tinyurl.com/2k8647
> Don Libby:
> First, biocoal is made via hyrothermal carbonization, basically a
> pressure cooker. So no Herreshoff Furnaces are used.
It's not clear to me what advantage biocoal batch production via pressurized
hydrothermal carbonization would have over continuous char production via
fast or slow pyrolysis for the purpose of landfilling or soil amendment.
For example, here is a company with a continuous fast pyrolysis process
developed to the point of early commercialization, which produces char as
well as liquid and gaseous fuels from a variety of feedstocks:
http://www.dynamotive.com/ .
It would seem to me that char produced by pyrolysis in Ontario would serve
the carbon sequestration purpose at least as well as biocoal produced by
hydrothermal carbonization in Namibia, no?
> On Mar 31, 4:58 pm, "Michael Tobis" <mto...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Wouldn't the best way to end up with a given amount of buried coal be to
>>refrain from digging that amount up in the first place?
> Yup. But it is a done deal, about 500 GtC worth. Much of that needs
> putting back, one way or the other.
> But the point was that for quite a modest tax, it would be possible to
> start 'putting it back' today, safely and 'forever' secure.
Diamonds are forever. I suppose graphite is too, for present purposes.
Both can be synthesized, for a price: is it worth it? Pressure-cooked
bio-anthracite may be stable enough, indeed ordinary charcoal may be stable
enough, but further research is required to measure biodegradability. Seems
like a good idea. I suspect the excellent article you posted
or something very similar will find its way into the next IPCC assessment
report on "mitigation strategies". Certainly worth a closer look, but the
closer I look at the ointment I see a multiplying myriad of flies.
On economic grounds, one estimate says torrefied wood transported 80 miles
or less is competitive with coal at $80/ton for electricity production in
South Carolina (
http://terrapreta.bioenergylists.org/files/TorrefiedWoodPresentation_2-08.pdf )
. Central Appalachian coal is currently selling at about that price (Powder
River Basin coal goes for about $15/ton). Annual torrefied wood production
from logging slash would amount to 10% of annual coal use for South
Carolina. This suggests that even with the biofuel carbon offset, the coal
plants should be fitted with carbon capture and storage technology if a
radical reduction in carbon emissions is desired.
That analysis assumes that forestry slash can be utilized for torrefaction,
which is by no means certain. Looking at biomass removal as an alternative
to prescribed burns in US forests, no less than 34 technical, economic,
environmental, and socio-political barriers have been identified (
In Wisconsin, with abundant forestry residues, two wood-burning electric
power plants (Xcel Energy 100 MW units at French Island and Bay Front), and
greater demand than available supply of waste-wood, market research has
shown fuel-wood plantations to be more viable than forest residue harvest.
Woody biomass energy plantations compete for land with food crops, and have
a long investment recovery period: there are no woody biomass energy
plantations in Wisconsin despite favorable conditions (
In February 2008 the NRC docketed Duke Energy's application to build two
AP1000 power plants at the site of the existing Lee nuclear generating
station in South Carolina, which amounts to about 33% of existing coal-fired
generating capacity in that state. Doubling that state's nuclear capacity
would eliminate coal from its generating mix - probably the most direct path
toward "leaving coal in the ground", rather than fussing around in the
forest. Doubling nuclear capacity would leave many smaller gas and
oil-fired plants to experiment with carbon capture and storage along with
bio-gas and bio-oil combustion, and would leave bio-char to be marketed
primarily for soil improvement rather than energy production. If carbon
emission taxes (or caps) and tradable carbon offset/sequestration credits
can be secured by bio-char/gas/oil (and nuclear power) producers, so much
the better for a "carbon negative" energy mix.