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[Global Change: 3793] Fwd: [Climate Himalaya Initiative] Quarterly News and Article Series-VI, 1-15 May 2010

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K N Vajpai

May 17, 2010, 1:36:41 PM5/17/10
Apology for Cross posting!

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From: Info Climate Himalaya Initiative <>
Date: Mon, May 17, 2010 at 12:16 AM
Subject: [Climate Himalaya Initiative] Quarterly News and Article Series-VI, 1-15 May 2010

Climate Himalaya Initiative NEWS Series

News and Articles 1-15 May 2010 [Series-VI]

Categories: 1.Biodiversity and Climate Change 2. Climate Himalaya News  3. Climate Science 4. Disaster and Climate Change 5. Ecosystem and Climate Change 6. Energy and Climate Change 7. Forest and Climate Change 8. General News on Climate Change 9. Glaciers and Climate Change 10. Global Warming and Climate Change 11. Governance and Climate Change 12. Government Policies and Climate Change 13. Hydropower Projects and Climate Change 14. International Agencies and Climate Change 15. IPCC News 16. Opinion on Climate Change 17. Pollution and Climate Change  18. Water and Climate Change

In case you have problem in reading or viewing the full article, please visit the blog:  where you can find them in all similar categories.


1.    Biodiversity and Climate Change

Why Himachal (India) should remain GM-Free

Faced with challenges on multiple fronts, civil society groups within Himachal Pradesh are … more →

Mommy, where have all the birds gone?

OUR FOREFATHERS were very wise and generous men, who always respected and worshipped the elements of … more →

India Eyes Pact with China to Save Tigers

… more →

Uttarakhand (India) to Restrict Tourists in Eco-Sensitive Zones

Gangotri, Valley of Flowers and othe … more →

2.    Climate Himalaya News

Climate Change Risk Assessment for India

Since industrialization, the anthropogenic influx of greenhouse gas emissions has significantly altered the climate system. By the end of the century, the global mean te… more →

Heat Wave Abates in North-West

Heat wave conditions have abated from Rajasthan and Haryana … more →

3.    Climate Science

Rex Murphy: Getting lectured by Ban Ki-moon

His Eminence, Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, seems like a nice guy. This … more →

CLIMATE CHANGE; New findings from University of Quebec describe advances in climate change

According to a study from Montreal, Canada, “The impacts of climate change on medium-term rese … more →

Climate change in Mustang: Early symptoms

Temperature rise in the Himalayas is reported to be many folds higher than … more →

UN Climate Panel Under Review: No Stranger to Controversy

U.N. climate panel under review: no stranger to controversy The U.N. panel of climate scientists cam … more →

Carbon Emission Intensity Registers Decline in India

New Delhi India’s greenhouse emissions have increased by 41.66 per cent betwee … more →

Good PLANETS are Hard to Come by

Andrew Glikson, Earth and paleoclimate scientist, Australian National University “We’re … more →

Climate Science: Fact From Fiction

G-Online Confused by conflicting reports on global warming? Get the facts on climate … more →

4.    Disaster and Climate Change

Chinese province parched by drought

It was the clamshells that were the most startling. Larger than my hand, they lay whole on the parched earth, presenting… more →

5.    Ecosystem and Climate Change

Putting a Price-Tag to Nature

By Darryl D’Monte Can you put a price-tag to nature and biodiversity? Unfortunately, we may have to, as all decision-makers today base their choices on economic considerations. Which is why ther… more →

6.    Energy and Climate Change

India Looking to Germany for Assistance in Renewable Energy Technologies

India, one of the biggest markets for alternative energy technologies, is looking towards Germany for technological assistance and knowledge transfer in the field of renewable en… more →

Indonesia Hosts World's biggest Geothermal Energy Forum

BBC News, Jakarta Indonesia is hosting what is being called the world’s b … more →

7.    Forest and Climate change

Dedicated Satellites to Monitor Green House Gases, Forests-India

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) will launch dedicated satellites for monitoring green house gases and forest cover by 2012 and 2013 re… more →

8.    General News on Climate Change

Wait for a green signal-National Green Tribunal Bill INDIA

Minister of State for Environment and Forests Jairam Ramesh announced his intention to introduce a Bill related to the setting up of a new National Environment Protection Authority (Nepa) in the 2010 … more →

First Summits of the Year on Everest

The first summits of the spring season on Evere … more →

9.    Glaciers and Climate Change

 Greenland Glacier slide Speeds 220 Percent in Summer

A glacier in Greenland slides up to 220 percent faster toward the sea in summer than in winter and global warming could mean a wider acceleration that would raise sea levels, accordi… more →

Glacier Shrinkage may affect Brahmaputra River

Climate Himalaya wrote 1 week ago: Special Correspondent, NEW DELHI, May 3 – The Ministry of Environment and Forest in India hinted tha … more →

10.Global Warming and Climate Change

Future of Trading in Carbon Emission Reductions Uncertain

Sale of carbon credits depends on developed countries’ commitment to cut emissions. By Padmaparna Ghosh New Delhi: Three companies had promised Rajeev Sadanand that they would invest in a scheme… more →

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Fell by 30% During 1994-2007

India has released its first greenhouse gas emissions inventory since 1994 — showing a 30 per cent f … more →

Carbon Tax is an Expensive Fraud

AS Eamon Gilmore and others lambaste the Government for not giving adequate protection to those most … more →

11.Governance and Climate Change

Bamboo Riverbank Protection in Bhutan

Wearing a white-peaked cap, 76-year old Dophu picked up a stem of bamboo (paksh … more →

Pandit Sets off on Long Distance Race for Climate Change Awareness-Nepal

Long distance runner Sanjay Pandit began his 200-km race from Jiri to Kathmandu o … more →

Arunachal Cong Opposes Chinese Dam

The ruling Congress in Arunachal Pradesh has aired its strong oppos … more →

Cell on climate change to be set up at ASTEC

The Department of Science & Technology, Government of Assam h … more →

12.Government Policies and Climate Change

 State Govt Sikkim (India) Gears up for State Action Plan on Climate Change-GTZ Supports

A brainstorming workshop was organized by the State Government for preparation of State Action Plan on Climate Change on Sikkim in collaboration with German Technical Cooperat… more →

Avoiding comment on China fiasco, Ramesh (India Minister) says Satellites to monitor Greenhouse Gases, Forests

Refusing to take any questions on the controversy that he allegedly generat … more →

China breaks the Himalayan barrier

China’s profile as the South Asia’s leading interlocutor highlights India’s inabil … more →

Time Running out for Nepal to Meet Constitution Deadline

Amid the deepening political crisis in Nepal, time may be running out for its bickering l … more →

'Bureaucratic Reasons' Delaying Glaciology Agreement: Jairam Ramesh

The much awaited India-China agreement on cooperation on Himalayan glaciers has been … more →

Climate Science Monitoring and Dissemination Within Government-INDIA

The startling situation of Action by the Government of India on National Action Plan for Climate Cha … more →

SAARC focus on climate change, for a green, happy South Asia

Ramesh Prasad Bhushal The 16th Summit of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC … more →

NPC Working on Climate Change-NEPAL

National Planning Commission (NPC) has made efforts to address climat … more →

Right to Information Shocker: Govt. Admits No Strategy To Push West on Climate-INDIA

Right to Information queries reveal that the government of India has no strategy or plan of action t … more →

Congress Finds a new ploy to Harass BJP-India

The Centre’s scrapping of three dams in BJP-ruled Uttarakhand and Madhya Pradesh has raised th … more →

Half Day Executive Level Workshop on SLM and & DrukDIF held

A half day executive level workshop was organised by the Sustainable Land Management Project (SLMP) … more →

Suo Motu Statement by Minister of External Affairs Shri S.M. Krishna in Parliament on ‘Prime Minister’s visit to Bhutan for the 16th SAARC Summit’

New Delhi, India :  Hon’ble Speaker, Hon’ble Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh returned … more →

To save environment, Himachal (India) schools take pledge

To develop “green” habits among children, the Himacha … more →

13.Hydropower Projects and Climate Change

Dam the Money

Arunachal Pradesh is witnessing a gold rush, and how. Impounded water is gold in this hill state that sits, unfortunately, safe from a media glare that dims east o… more →

A World of Opportunity-Hydropower

Hydro is high on the global agenda as nations look to energize their economies, bring power to remot … more →

Centre Nod to Dam: Jairam (Environment Minister) overruled in INDIA?

The Centre has given the go ahead for partial wor … more →

Why Neogal Hydropower Project in Palampur (HP, India) does not deserve Carbon Credits

Concerned Citizens and Environment Action groups of Palampur have submitted detailed objections on t … more →

Priests’ Dam Protests Curtail Hydropower for Tata Motors, Bajaj

Avimukteshwaran and Saraswati stands on the banks of the Gan … more →

14.International Agencies and Climate Change

Head of UN panel on climate defends scientists Despite Errors, but Welcomes review of Work

A dozen eminent scientists began reviewing the work of the Nobel-winning U.N. science body on climate change Friday, determined to eliminate errors that have bolstered sk… more →

Challenge to IPCC’s Bangladesh Climate Predictions

Scientists in Bangladesh posed a fresh challenge to the UNs top climate change panel Thursday, sayin … more →

From Cochabamba Through Thimphu to Petersberg

Thimphu in Bhutan and Petersberg in Germany are milestones … more →

12 Experts to Review U.N. Climate Panel’s Work

Harold T. Shapiro, a former president of Princeton University and the University o … more →

15. IPCC News

IPCC’s Pachauri: Climate Body Should Learn

The Chief of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has stated that the organization requires learning from latest criticisms and modernizing its workings.He said that regardless of making a mi… more →

IPCC Review: Friend or Foe?

“Now that we’re in the kitchen, we ha … more →

Pachauri on Himalayas, IPCC Structure and Non-Peer-Reviewed Studies

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s chief has spoken frankly about the human faili … more →

Rajendra Pachauri Says Glaciers mistake in IPCC Report was 'Human Failure'

Head of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change admits error but defends use of ‘grey litera … more →

16.Opinion on Climate Change

Peak Soil: It's Like Peak Oil, Only Worse

Peak Generation Resource collapse is bigger than peak oil, and bigger even than the projected depletion of natural gas, coal and uranium – it encompasses each and every … more →

Let us Seize this Opportunity

Ishtiaq Ahmed With a population of over one and a half billion and continuous, composite civilisatio … more →

A planet on the backburner

Temperature anomaly and the radiative forcing (Watt/m2) due to the rise in greenhouse gases, du … more →

17.Pollution and Climate Change

Dying Rivers: Washed Away by our sins-India

Nitin Sethi, TOI Crest, May 15, 2010 Geetika Narang walks around Connaught Place in Delhi, asking random people two simple questions: “Where do you get your water from and where does your shit g… more →

18.Water and Climate Change

1% Ganges-The Ganges at Varanasi (India) is no more

The myth goes that when King Bhagirath asked Ganga to come down to earth, she put her foot down and said no. Then Vishnu intervened. He promised that all the sins accumulated by mortals would dissolve… more →

Talking Water Treaties-India and Pakistan

All journalists going in search of a story have to wade through muddy waters to reach the truth. Thi … more →

Monsoon may reach Andaman Sea next week

The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting ( … more →

Not A Single Drop to Drink

The ‘war’ over water between India and Pakistan can jeopardize joint efforts to conserve … more →

Rise and fall of the river Saraswati

The Rig Veda, no doubt, is the most ancient epic in the world. A large fluctuations … more →

Water flow in Rivers likely to be Affected

The studies conducted by the Geological Survey of India indicate that the glaciers of Himalaya are r … more →


What’s New at Climate Himalaya Initiative:


Climate Himalaya Partners: Beej Bachao Andolan (BBA), or Save the Seeds movement began in the late 1980s in Uttarakhand mountains of India, led by Vijay Jardhari, that drew links between the erosion of agricultural biodiversity and rural livelihoods in promoting traditional agriculture and crop varieties. The first step was to discontinue the cultivation of chemical-dependent seeds. To a casual onlooker the method of cultivation seemed like a maddening range of crops grown on a small piece of land. But what the farmers here are doing is avoiding monocultures. The method is called baranaja (12 grains), where a number of cereals and legumes are intercropped. The diversification is security against drought and crop failure, so climatic extremes. Different crops are harvested at different times of the year and ensure year-round supply of food. Today BBA has about 100 varieties of paddy, 170 varieties of kidney beans, eight varieties of wheat, four varieties of barley and about a dozen varieties of pulses and oil seeds.

Read More>>>,0s251x67.jpgThe Third Pole Project is a multi-year, bilingual, regional editorial project on the Himalayan watershed. We aim to raise public awareness of the impacts of climate change in a strategic and vulnerable region and to promote cooperation across geographical, cultural and political fault lines. is a unique platform in Chinese and English that offers a common space for information and open discussion. It publishes high quality, accurate articles across a major language barrier and serves as a meeting ground for scientists, journalists, activists and policy makers to explore the scientific, social, economic and security aspects of the environmental changes that are under way. It seeks to promote mitigation, adaptation, conflict prevention and regional cooperation through raising awareness and promoting discussion. All material (with author’s permission) is published in Chinese and English under a Creative Commons license and is freely available for republication for non-profit and educational use.  

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Aaranyak is a premier non-Governmental organization of North- Eastern part of India, that works mainly on nature conservation, community based natural resources management, livelihoods, natural hazards and climate change issues. Through its WATCH-Water Climate and Hazards program, Aaranyak is engaged in carrying out awareness and educational campaign about global warming and climate change in North East Himalayan region of India. A number of research projects related to climate variability and climate change (climate change adaptation, climate induced water stress and hazards, assessment of impacts and vulnerability, etc.) are in progress at Aaranyak. It has been recognized by the Government of India as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation-SIRO.

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Videos by Members:

A Fable from the Himalayas - Perspectives on Climate Change - Notions & Solutions

Saving the Yamuna River that originates from Himalaya

Earth Day (HQ)

Events by Members

'Climate Change adaptation in the International Year of Biodiversity


Photos by Members


Statistics till 15 May 2010:


Blog/ News Hits: 1790  Website Hits: 1270


About Climate Himalaya Initiative:


||What: The Climate Himalaya Initiative is a voluntary initiative of a group of people and organizations, those have interest in sustainable mountain development and in Himalayas. || Why: Mountains are the water towers, weather makers, rich in biological diversity, and as privileged places for spiritual and physical recreation. An initiative felt due to high importance of Himalaya and recognizing various ongoing climate change phenomena and scanty processes. ||  Focus: Interactive platform building, developing capacities of people, an advocacy network, practitioner’s database and closely observing climate change adaptation processes. || When: Launch scheduled on 5 June 2010 in Uttarakhand, India || This Phase: Partnership and platform building and strategic decisions till 31 May 2010 || Next Phases: A.) Meetings, workshops, discussions and strengthening partners involvement, till December 2010; B.) Capacity building, deepening the actions and closely watching the processes-On Going. || Website (for Details): || News Platform (for News): || Interactive Platform (to Speak): ||  Contact:

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