A new TED Talk - on the Gulf of Mexico catastrophe still unfolding

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Warren Hoskins

da leggere,
12 lug 2010, 21:18:4812/07/10
a global-warning...@googlegroups.com
I'm sharing this TED Talk video because I feel that we all do need to pay it appropriate attention, and use some of our better minds to think these things through - not all the alarmists are right, but not all the alarming statements are all wrong, either:

Good info about the work in progress on the well/blowout primary point right now (see the informative comments, too):

And, the newer data on what the cleanup crews are experiencing (plus some info on what they are internally accumulating, as they walk around scooping up tar balls, digging up oily sand and picking up dead fish and birds):
There is a real worry that, like those who cleaned on the Exxon Valdez spill, and the clean-up crews after 9/11/2001 in New York City, down the road these thousands of temp employees will be demonstrating that they have permanent health deficits as a result of exposures to Corexit and the various oils and gases gushing up from the ocean floor.


Warren Hoskins
Oberlin College Class of 1969
Cel. 786.~ 253.~6997

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