Calling out the Climate Cranks on Feb. 15

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Brad Stocker

Feb 11, 2011, 10:20:53 PM2/11/11
to brad stocker
'Bout time.
Love is the most universal, formidable, and mysterious of cosmic energies. -- Teilhard de Chardin

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From: The Nation Magazine <>
Sent: Fri, February 11, 2011 4:11:22 PM
Subject: Calling out the Climate Cranks on Feb. 15

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The Nation Magazine

Dear Nation Reader,

For years, climate “skeptics” have denied the near-unanimous scientific consensus around global warming in an effort to delay action.

But, they’re not really “skeptics” – they’re cranks and hacks, and it’s time to unmask those who are holding our nation's climate policy hostage.

The Nation is partnering in a new initiative, galvanized by our environmental correspondent Mark Hertsgaard, to name and shame the climate cranks sabotaging our nation's response to climate change. 

On Tuesday, February 15, Mark (author of the new book, HOT: Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth) and the rest of the team will head to Capitol Hill, the Fox TV bureau, the Chamber of Commerce and other hotbeds of climate denial.  Their goal?  Put the climate cranks on the spot and make them explain -- on camera and in front of kids -- why they have condemned the young people of “Generation Hot” (as Mark calls them), to spending the rest of their lives coping with the hottest climate in human history. 

Here’s how you can get involved:

Visit the Facebook page for Generation Hot. Post your suggestions for which cranks to target, what questions to ask, and how to use this action to transform the climate conversation in this country.

Post your questions and crank suggestions via Twitter, using the hashtag #climatecranks.

Join Mark and fellow activists in Washington, DC on February 15. You can sign up to help confront climate cranks in the morning or the afternoon. There will also be an opportunity to attend a talk at lunchtime.

Learn more about the campaign by watching this short video and reading a Nation excerpt from HOT.

All best,
Peter Rothberg, The Nation


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