Estimating the soil water holding capacity.

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Borona Mwenda

Jun 30, 2015, 9:19:37 AM6/30/15

I am working on estimation of the length of the growing period in southern Burkina Faso using daily rainfall data.


In this regard one of the inputs is the soil water holding capacity (an estimate).


Since I am using a programme called instant I have estimated the value to be 100mm.


I now need to justify this value because it could vary based on the soil type such that it could be 60mm, 140mm or any other estimate.


To this end I am seeking your assistance whether your databases such as do provide an estimate for this area .

Jorge de Jesus

Jun 30, 2015, 9:54:14 AM6/30/15
to Borona Mwenda,
Dear Borona

Thank you for posting the question on the forum it may help more people. For what I understood you are only interested on soil class type specifically  I am not certain if you work with maps or just point data. I will assume that you work with point data, if not please correct me and I will give a proper answer

In soilgrids we have a webservice that we use to query single point data

Normally we query this system by adding the coordinate point to the URL e.g a the coordinates of Banfora(lat=10.6308, lon=-4.7589)

On the reply you will find:
"TAXGWRBMajor": "Luvisols", 
        "TAXGOUSDAMajor": "Ustalfs", 

The TAXGWRBMajor is the most likely soil for the WRB classification, this is very likely what you need

In general we dont use the REST directly instead we tend to use R programming to access it, give a look at this wiki
And look at section: "REST service for Soilgrids1km"  there we have a tutorial on how to obtain data.

If you are familiar with R this is an example on how to obtain the major WRB soil type for two points:

pnts <- data.frame(lon=c(10.65,5.36), lat=c(51.81,51.48), id=c("p1","p2")) #you need to change your points here
coordinates(pnts) <- ~lon+lat
proj4string(pnts) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
ov <- over(soilgrids.r, pnts)

  ov.TAXGWRBMajor   lon   lat id
1       Cambisols 10.65 51.81 p1
2        Gleysols  5.36 51.48 p2

For the 2 points queries we obtained the major WRB classes

I hope that this response help you

Jorge de Jesus

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Borona Mwenda

Jun 30, 2015, 10:47:48 AM6/30/15
Many thanks Jorge!! I managed to get the results from my points,see script below. I hope this is correct but I refereed to my other literature and this soil type is indeed dominant.
The remaining query is whether I am able to obtain an estimate of the soil water holding capacity of this soil class. 

> library(rjson)
> library(sp)
> library(GSIF)
> library(rjson)
> library(sp)
> pnts <- data.frame(lon=c(-2.10,-2.48), lat=c(11.16,11.45), id=c("p1","p2")) #you need to change your points here
> coordinates(pnts) <- ~lon+lat
> proj4string(pnts) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
> soilgrids.r<-REST.SoilGrids(c("TAXGWRB")) 
> ov <- over(soilgrids.r, pnts)
> data.frame(ov$TAXGWRBMajor,pnts)
  ov.TAXGWRBMajor   lon   lat id optional
1        Lixisols -2.10 11.16 p1     TRUE
2        Lixisols -2.48 11.45 p2     TRUE
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Jorge de Jesus

Jul 1, 2015, 3:36:38 AM7/1/15
to Borona Mwenda,
Hi to all

Maria shave a look at the code and she said everything is ok.

Concerning the soil water capacity, for what I undestood from you first email you are using a specific software for iit. Just to let you know that in 1 or 2 weeks (I think 6 July), the Afsis and GYGA project will release maps of soil water capacity for Africa at a 250mt resolution

This could of interest for you  and other GSIF users

Jorge de Jesus

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Borona Mwenda

Jul 1, 2015, 4:38:54 AM7/1/15
to Jorge de Jesus,

Very well.

I will be on the look out.Thanks.

Pius Mwenda

Oct 16, 2018, 4:08:59 AM10/16/18
to Jorge de Jesus,
Dear Jorge,

We had a conversation a while ago in June 2015.
You did share a very useful script then that is useful in identifying a soil group. We did use the scipt and cited effectively.

I tried running the script in version 3.02 and getting an error below. Could there been changes.

> library(rjson)
Error in library(rjson) : there is no package called ‘rjson’
> library(sp)
> library(GSIF)
Error in library(GSIF) : there is no package called ‘GSIF’
> library(rjson)
Error in library(rjson) : there is no package called ‘rjson’
> library(sp)


Rossiter, David

Oct 16, 2018, 4:39:04 AM10/16/18
to Pius Mwenda, Jorge de Jesus,
You need to install the packages to your R system before trying to load them with library().

The error messages mean just what they say: there is no package *in your R system* with the name.

In R studio go to “Packages” tab and then “Install packages”.

Rossiter, D G (David)
Guest Researcher
ISRIC - World Soil Information<>

On 16 Oct 2018, at 16:09, Pius Mwenda <<>> wrote:

Dear Jorge,

We had a conversation a while ago in June 2015.
You did share a very useful script then that is useful in identifying a soil group. We did use the scipt and cited effectively.

I tried running the script in version 3.02 and getting an error below. Could there been changes.

> library(rjson)
Error in library(rjson) : there is no package called ‘rjson’
> library(sp)
> library(GSIF)
Error in library(GSIF) : there is no package called ‘GSIF’
> library(rjson)
Error in library(rjson) : there is no package called ‘rjson’
> library(sp)


On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 3:19 PM, Borona Mwenda <<>> wrote:
I am working on estimation of the length of the growing period in southern Burkina Faso using daily rainfall data.

In this regard one of the inputs is the soil water holding capacity (an estimate).

Since I am using a programme called instant I have estimated the value to be 100mm.

I now need to justify this value because it could vary based on the soil type such that it could be 60mm, 140mm or any other estimate.

To this end I am seeking your assistance whether your databases such as do provide an estimate for this area .

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Pius Mwenda

Oct 16, 2018, 4:42:15 AM10/16/18
to, Jorge de Jesus,
Dear David,

Many thanks for the response. I have done the installation. But still trying to find out the source of this error, in blue.

> library(rjson)
> library(sp)
> pnts <- data.frame(lon=c(10.65,5.36), lat=c(51.81,51.48), id=c("p1","p2")) #you need to change your points here
> coordinates(pnts) <- ~lon+lat
> proj4string(pnts) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
> soilgrids.r<-REST.SoilGrids(c("TAXGWRB"))
> ov <- over(soilgrids.r,pnts)
Error in .local(x, y, ...) : object 'ret' not found
> data.frame(ov$TAXGWRBMajor,pnts)
Error in data.frame(ov$TAXGWRBMajor, pnts) : object 'ov' not found


Leenaars, Johan

Oct 16, 2018, 6:31:25 AM10/16/18
to Pius Mwenda, Rossiter, David, Jorge de Jesus,
Dear all, why estimating soil water holding capacity based on soil types?


Verzonden vanaf mijn Samsung Galaxy-smartphone.

-------- Oorspronkelijk bericht --------
Van: Pius Mwenda <>
Datum: 16-10-18 10:42 (GMT+01:00)
Aan: "Rossiter, David" <>
Cc: Jorge de Jesus <>,
Onderwerp: Re: Estimating the soil water holding capacity.

Dear David,

Many thanks for the response. I have done the installation. But still trying to find out the source of this error, in blue.

> library(rjson)
> library(sp)
> pnts <- data.frame(lon=c(10.65,5.36), lat=c(51.81,51.48), id=c("p1","p2")) #you need to change your points here
> coordinates(pnts) <- ~lon+lat
> proj4string(pnts) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
> soilgrids.r<-REST.SoilGrids(c("TAXGWRB"))
> ov <- over(soilgrids.r,pnts)
Error in .local(x, y, ...) : object 'ret' not found
> data.frame(ov$TAXGWRBMajor,pnts)
Error in data.frame(ov$TAXGWRBMajor, pnts) : object 'ov' not found


On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 11:39 AM Rossiter, David <<>> wrote:
You need to install the packages to your R system before trying to load them with library().

The error messages mean just what they say: there is no package *in your R system* with the name.

In R studio go to “Packages” tab and then “Install packages”.

Rossiter, D G (David)
Guest Researcher
ISRIC - World Soil Information<><<>>

On 16 Oct 2018, at 16:09, Pius Mwenda <<><<>>> wrote:

Dear Jorge,

We had a conversation a while ago in June 2015.
You did share a very useful script then that is useful in identifying a soil group. We did use the scipt and cited effectively.

I tried running the script in version 3.02 and getting an error below. Could there been changes.

> library(rjson)
Error in library(rjson) : there is no package called ‘rjson’
> library(sp)
> library(GSIF)
Error in library(GSIF) : there is no package called ‘GSIF’
> library(rjson)
Error in library(rjson) : there is no package called ‘rjson’
> library(sp)


On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 3:19 PM, Borona Mwenda <<><<>>> wrote:
I am working on estimation of the length of the growing period in southern Burkina Faso using daily rainfall data.

In this regard one of the inputs is the soil water holding capacity (an estimate).

Since I am using a programme called instant I have estimated the value to be 100mm.

I now need to justify this value because it could vary based on the soil type such that it could be 60mm, 140mm or any other estimate.

To this end I am seeking your assistance whether your databases such as do provide an estimate for this area .

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Rossiter, David

Oct 16, 2018, 6:41:42 AM10/16/18
to Pius Mwenda, Jorge de Jesus,
The second error is because of the first, object ‘ov’ was not defined because the ‘over’ function failed.

I will leave that to others to explain, I am not in ISRIC at the moment. I did answer about the packages because it was so obvious and easy.

Rossiter, D G (David)
Guest Researcher
ISRIC - World Soil Information<>

On 16 Oct 2018, at 16:42, Pius Mwenda <<>> wrote:

Dear David,

Many thanks for the response. I have done the installation. But still trying to find out the source of this error, in blue.

> library(rjson)
> library(sp)
> pnts <- data.frame(lon=c(10.65,5.36), lat=c(51.81,51.48), id=c("p1","p2")) #you need to change your points here
> coordinates(pnts) <- ~lon+lat
> proj4string(pnts) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
> soilgrids.r<-REST.SoilGrids(c("TAXGWRB"))
> ov <- over(soilgrids.r,pnts)
Error in .local(x, y, ...) : object 'ret' not found
> data.frame(ov$TAXGWRBMajor,pnts)
Error in data.frame(ov$TAXGWRBMajor, pnts) : object 'ov' not found


On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 11:39 AM Rossiter, David <<>> wrote:
You need to install the packages to your R system before trying to load them with library().

The error messages mean just what they say: there is no package *in your R system* with the name.

In R studio go to “Packages” tab and then “Install packages”.

Rossiter, D G (David)
Guest Researcher
ISRIC - World Soil Information<><<>>

On 16 Oct 2018, at 16:09, Pius Mwenda <<><<>>> wrote:

Dear Jorge,

We had a conversation a while ago in June 2015.
You did share a very useful script then that is useful in identifying a soil group. We did use the scipt and cited effectively.

I tried running the script in version 3.02 and getting an error below. Could there been changes.

> library(rjson)
Error in library(rjson) : there is no package called ‘rjson’
> library(sp)
> library(GSIF)
Error in library(GSIF) : there is no package called ‘GSIF’
> library(rjson)
Error in library(rjson) : there is no package called ‘rjson’
> library(sp)


On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 3:19 PM, Borona Mwenda <<><<>>> wrote:
I am working on estimation of the length of the growing period in southern Burkina Faso using daily rainfall data.

In this regard one of the inputs is the soil water holding capacity (an estimate).

Since I am using a programme called instant I have estimated the value to be 100mm.

I now need to justify this value because it could vary based on the soil type such that it could be 60mm, 140mm or any other estimate.

To this end I am seeking your assistance whether your databases such as do provide an estimate for this area .

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