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~ Y A S M I N ~

May 19, 2024, 3:06:46 AMMay 19
to ~Y A S M I N~

'Alhamduli'Allahi Rabbil-'Aalameen wa-Salaatu wa-Salaamu `alaa Ashrafil-
 Anbiyaa-e-wal-Mursaleen~`Amma Baa`d...
'Assalaamu `Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu'.

 ~ *Look in the Mirror*~ {!} 

 A Reminder for myself  first {!}  
 and after that , to all my fellow Muslimeen --- 

 For surely, the one who looks in the Mirror 
  and is able to see the truth... 
  the truth unadulterated 
 has been blessed...{!}
     Walhamdulillah !

 Iyaas Ibn Mu’aawiyah~ { Rahimahullaah} said...
“There is no one who does not know his own 
faults, except that he is stupid.”
  of course, we all have our faults... 
 but the reality is many of us 
 we do not see them... {!} 

 Rather, we busy ourselves with the faults 
 of others...{!}
Perhaps this preoccupation with the mistakes 
 of others  is to mask our own 
 faults- mistakes- and transgressions...{!}
 putting the spotlight on their shortcomings 
  and forgetting our own...! 
 Be it Criticism... {!} 
 Be it 'Nameemah'[gossip]... {!}  
 Be it Backbiting ...{!}
 The Poisons of the Tongue are Rampant !
 Perhaps our chief problem lies in the fact 
 that we don’t see these faults ! 
 In this respect, one who recognizes their own 
 faults has truly been Blessed {!}
 for Bi’idhnillah now they may remedy them.

 But what of the one who is 
 blind to his/her own faults... {?}
 who looks in the Mirror and sees 
 Perfection --- {?}
   one who doesn’t turn back to Allah 
 in 'Tawbah' for he sees nothing wrong 
 with himself --- ?
        and is this not the scarier of the two...? 

And it is true, that we may dismiss such 
 a  notion of ever becoming the latter ...
 that is, one who is heedless, 
 such that he sees NO fault within himself ---?  
 But - is it not a possibility ? 
 I ask --- 
 If we do not frequent this Mirror...{?}   
 if we go about our daily business without 
 T R U L Y 
 looking at our reflection and assessing  
 our own character...? 

  we pray never to be amongst such people {!}

 Let us heed the message of Isa Ibn Maryam (a. s.) who said---
“Do not look at the people’s faults 
  as if you are Lords... 
  but look at your own faults as if you are slaves ! 
 because people are of  two {2} types...

~Afflicted and Pardoned~{!}

 So have Mercy on the Afflicted and thank Allah 
 for pardoning you and protecting you from it.”
'In Shaa Allah'~ may our trips to this Mirror 
become frequent through...   

#1/~ Contemplation...
#2/~ Reflection... 
  and--- ? 
#3/~ Self-Assessment !
{'In Shaa Allah' ~ 'Aameen' !}

Inline image
'Invite all to the way of thy Lord with wisdom
  and beautiful preaching... 
  And consult with them in ways that are best 
 and most gracious'.

  [Source~  'Qur'an' Surat An-Naĥl ~(The Bee) ~ سورة النحل, 16: A #125 ]
~My 'Salaams' to  all ~
~Y a s m i n~
"All that is on earth will Perish. But will abide {Forever}
the Face of thy Lord, full of Majesty, Bounty and Honor"
{'Qur`an'- Surah Al-Rahman-55.A # 26-27 }
 Son of Adam! You are nothing but a number of days,
 whenever each day passes then part of you has Gone!
{Al-Hasan Al-Basri (r)}
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Posted by: ~ Y A S M I N ~ <fisabilillah_...@yahoo.com>

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