International Speakers + Newly Released Spending Data @ Nairobi Data Bootcamp

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Justin Arenstein

Nov 22, 2014, 6:31:24 AM11/22/14

Development Spending: 

Does It Really Benefit Ordinary People? 

Come Hack The Data & Find Out.

[22 November 2014]. Ever wondered where all the 100s of millions of development dollars really go? Does donor and government development spending really improve the lives of ordinary citizens, or grow the economy? Come explore the data and find out at Nairobi’s largest annual data journalism workshop.

Kenya’s annual data literacy d|Bootcamp is offering free seats to journalists, developers / coders / designers, and members of civil society who are interested in building data-driven services for Kenyan citizens.

The 4-day event will feature keynote speakers from the USA’s leading data journalism newsroom, at the Texas Tribune, and the BBC News’ digital team in London.

d|Bootcamp participants will benefit from additional mentorship from experts from the International Center of Journalists, the World Bank Innovation Lab, the Open Aid Partnership, and homegrown heroes from Upande and Data Science, as well as the National Treasury,  the ICT Authority, and Code for Kenya.

The intensive hands-on workshop will take place at the Aga Khan University’s brand new state-of-the-art Graduate School of Media and Communications (GSMC) campus, in Westlands, between November 26-29, 2014.

The best projects built during the d|Bootcamp will receive seed grants and technology support to turn their prototype into a build a fully-functional public initiative during an ongoing ‘aftercare’ programme.

Projects built at previous d|Bootcamps, such as Got To Vote, have gone on to be adopted as public services by media and governments across the continent.

Participants at the Nairobi d|Bootcamp will work in multidisciplinary teams of journalists / developers / designers, along with data analysts, to learn new skills while building news-driven mobile apps and civic engagement websites using previously inaccessible financial and development spending data from the National Treasury and Open Aid Partnership. Participants will also be introduced to government’s new e-PRoMIS procurement tracking system, with data that can be re-used to power your own apps or other projects.

d|Bootcamp participants are encouraged to join the local HacksHackers chapter, so they can get access to ongoing funding and skills support for civic tech projects.

To confirm your seat, you must commit to attend all three days of the d|Bootcamp. You should reserve your seat by registering at:

Seats will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. You should therefore reply as soon as possible.

Queries can be sent to: nsibisi (at) africanmediainitiative (dot) org.

Cory Armbrecht

Nov 22, 2014, 4:08:50 PM11/22/14
This sounds awesome- I wish I could afford the flight over! :p  Will the sessions be recorded? I am currently working on two projects that are extremely inline with this conference, and I wish I could add them to the Ideas / Projects list. One came out of an altruistic hackathon, and was financially supported by a few cloud service providers.  They already have a decent amount of development (from a small group of like-minded people), and would make on-boarding to the ideas easier.

Just being among many talented, like-minded people using creativity, technology, and open data for positive change... >_<  Killin' me! Just reading the Registration page questions makes me want to go. I wish everyone at the conference the best, and can't wait to see what comes out it, along with more conferences like it. Thanks for the post!
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