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Working on the /net fs

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Anomit Ghosh

Oct 3, 2009, 5:45:57 AM10/3/09
I've been going through this code recently but I'd really like to know a
bit more about the future development roadmap and if there any parts
where a newbie like me could help.


Anomit Ghosh

J. R. Mauro

Oct 3, 2009, 7:08:32 AM10/3/09
I put some half-baked ideas in 'dat.h'

If people think those ideas make sense, they could be expanded.

Rahul Murmuria

Oct 3, 2009, 2:19:17 PM10/3/09
There are ideas in every corner of this project. Each of us have
different research inspirations and see a different future for the
project, and all of them might be achievable together. You have to
choose your area of interest first.

Are you aware of Plan 9 concepts? Do you wish to be implementing Plan9
system calls in Glendix? Are you interested in per-process namespaces
and union mounts? Are you interested in filesystems like /net and
/dev/draw? Or working with the security of Glendix (The Plan 9
authentication system was ported to Linux by someone outside our
project, and it can be incorporated and taken forward).

There is this and lots more. Find your place... and then we will see
where to take things forward...

Happy hacking!
Rahul Murmuria

Anant Narayanan

Oct 3, 2009, 5:57:02 PM10/3/09
Anomit mentioned in his subject that he's interested in working on /net

Rahul, since you've the been the primary developer behind /net would
like to give Anomit a few pointers as to where help is needed and how
he may contribute?

- Anant

Rahul Murmuria

Oct 3, 2009, 8:09:48 PM10/3/09
Hi Anant and Anomit!

On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 5:57 PM, Anant Narayanan <> wrote:
> Anomit mentioned in his subject that he's interested in working on /net

Ah! Thanks Anant for reminding me that! I had forgotten why I started
following this thread in the first place!

> Rahul, since you've the been the primary developer behind /net would
> like to give Anomit a few pointers as to where help is needed and how
> he may contribute?
> - Anant

So I can point to a few things. I am working things out myself, but
have been slow for the last few weeks. For starters, I am attaching a
report I wrote which addresses our current status on /net. Its not a
very good report, but its got things of value to read. You also need
to read where I had been logging most of my
work until now and go through the code, specially on net.c and
socklib.c which is important for us at the moment.

The present code has one bug while trying connect(), which once fixed,
we will have our proof of concept ready. After that, I intend to
change tracks a little, and evaluate some security aspects with the
designs at hand. Then we need to change the code a little to support
IPv6 and solve our DNS problem. After that, we can start supporting
all the aspects of networking, to get /net to a usable stage, so that
other programs from Plan 9, once supported on Glendix, can use our
/net in exactly the same way as they do in Plan 9.

Hope to have you on my team. I could use some help serious on this project.

Have fun!
Rahul Murmuria


Anant Narayanan

Oct 4, 2009, 3:12:31 AM10/4/09
On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 2:09 AM, Rahul Murmuria <> wrote:
> So I can point to a few things. I am working things out myself, but
> have been slow for the last few weeks. For starters, I am attaching a
> report I wrote which addresses our current status on /net. Its not a
> very good report, but its got things of value to read. You also need
> to read where I had been logging most of my
> work until now and go through the code, specially on net.c and
> socklib.c which is important for us at the moment.

The blog is, of course :-)

- Anant

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