A bug found

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liu yuan

Jul 16, 2009, 5:01:35 AM7/16/09
to gle...@googlegroups.com
I found a bug in sys_plan9_open@syscalls.c

in the program,
"putname" is called to free the memory for character array 'path', which is an automatic array allocated in the stack. So calling putname would result in an odd side-effect.

so I fixed it to call 'getname' before calling putname.This does knock out the odd message when trying 'cat' on my box.

Best regards,
Liu Yuan 

liu yuan

Jul 16, 2009, 5:04:32 AM7/16/09
to gle...@googlegroups.com

Hi, This is the patch file.:)

Best regards,
Liu Yuan

Rahul Murmuria

Jul 16, 2009, 6:36:33 AM7/16/09
to gle...@googlegroups.com
Hi Liu,
Wait for Anant or Mauro to read your email. They have been busy lately.
In the meantime, do look into our archives to see how you must send
the patches... they did insist sending the patches in a particular
form on this mailing list a couple of months before. They wanted the
actual patch to be pasted in the content of the email. It is
convenient that way.

Happy hacking on Glendix!
Rahul Murmuria
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