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System calls or Per process namespaces?

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Anant Narayanan

Apr 11, 2009, 11:15:37 AM4/11/09
to glendix
Which do you think will be more useful to us right now:

Implementation of the remaining system calls + #e/#c devices (this
will definitely get rc working)
- or -
Implementation of Plan 9 style per-process namespaces and union mounts
(long term glendix goal)

Feedback is appreciated :-)


J.R. Mauro

Apr 11, 2009, 11:29:45 AM4/11/09
On Saturday, April 11, 2009, Anant Narayanan <> wrote:
> Which do you think will be more useful to us right now:
> Implementation of the remaining system calls + #e/#c devices (this
> will definitely get rc working)

My vote goes here. We can iron out the details later, but for now
making things work would be nice

Chirag Anand

Apr 13, 2009, 2:46:37 AM4/13/09

>> Implementation of the remaining system calls + #e/#c devices (this
>> will definitely get rc working)

My vote goes here. We can iron out the details later, but for now
making things work would be nice
I agree with Mauro here. Making things work for now would be a better idea. We can extend these to implement per-process namespaces later. As it will also take a lot of time and we need to get many things working before we can actually start with this (and for it's testing etc.).

Chirag Anand
4th Year, B.Tech
Computer Science Department, JUIT Solan

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Linux User: 476783

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