Known Issues - POST BUGS HERE!

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Apr 28, 2011, 4:13:23 PM4/28/11
Here's what we know so far is missing from the iPhone app. If you find any bugs, post them here or to a board that has one of the team as the chairperson (Walker, Me, Nick Bradbury, Nick Harris, Reischl, or Brent Simmons)


- there is no UI on this app. just feature complete without design. there is no design on the email, nor have we done design on the invite web pages. 

- push notifications are not text messages we do not send text messages. (you aren't getting charged for these messages)

- the apps are not yet in any app store. We link to the app stores everywhere - none of them work

Creating a board

- if you choose someone from your contacts who has no email associated with their contact profile, the app will crash


- in board list, if you create a board and no one does anything in it, the board 'new' status (board name in blue) never goes to black

- in board list, board name will be blue when there have been activities in the board that you haven't seen. If you post in a board, the board name will turn blue even though it was your status that was new.

- in board list, sometimes the board images will disappear

- when you create a comment, if you write something in the comments field, then add an image, the comment you wrote will disappear

- there are no thumbnails when you add an image to a comment

- settings: set board pic: we should show the current board pic. We should have a default so that people know they can change it. if you use the camera or choose a pic it works, but takes awhile. 

- can't upload video yet…

- can't navigate directly to an item from a push notification

- can't leave a board

- in a new board, toggle the push notifications switch to receive pushes for that board


- photo is flaky. works best from photo gallery vs taking a pic with the camera. if you take with the camera, there is no preview. takes awhile for your photo to switch.

- mobile # is a little flaky

- mobile # needs to be formatted like a phone # xxx-xxx-xxxx

Web invite

- has no design or UI

ignored message page - "chairman" - needs to be "board chair"

Email Notifications

- no UI

- can't yet respond to emails to add comments. 

Walker Fenton

Apr 28, 2011, 5:35:05 PM4/28/11
to Beta Glassboard for iPhone
We should sort the board list based on activity, just as we do the
newsfeed. Boards with most recent activity should be listed first

On Apr 28, 2:13 pm, Jenny <> wrote:
> Here's what we know so far is missing from the iPhone app. If you find any
> bugs, post them here or to a board that has one of the team as the
> chairperson (Walker, Me, Nick Bradbury, Nick Harris, Reischl, or Brent
> Simmons)
> *Overall*
> - there is no UI on this app. just feature complete without design. there is
> no design on the email, nor have we done design on the invite web pages.
> - push notifications are not text messages we do not send text messages.
> (you aren't getting charged for these messages)
> - the apps are not yet in any app store. We link to the app stores
> everywhere - none of them work
> *Creating a board*
> - if you choose someone from your contacts who has no email associated with
> their contact profile, the app will crash
> *Board*
> - in board list, if you create a board and no one does anything in it, the
> board 'new' status (board name in blue) never goes to black
> - in board list, board name will be blue when there have been activities in
> the board that you haven't seen. If you post in a board, the board name will
> turn blue even though it was your status that was new.
> - in board list, sometimes the board images will disappear
> - when you create a comment, if you write something in the comments field,
> then add an image, the comment you wrote will disappear
> - there are no thumbnails when you add an image to a comment
> - settings: set board pic: we should show the current board pic. We should
> have a default so that people know they can change it. if you use the camera
> or choose a pic it works, but takes awhile.
> - can't upload video yet…
> - can't navigate directly to an item from a push notification
> - can't leave a board
> - in a new board, toggle the push notifications switch to receive pushes for
> that board
> *Profile*
> - photo is flaky. works best from photo gallery vs taking a pic with the
> camera. if you take with the camera, there is no preview. takes awhile for
> your photo to switch.
> - mobile # is a little flaky
> - mobile # needs to be formatted like a phone # xxx-xxx-xxxx
> *Web invite*
> - has no design or UI
> ignored message page - "chairman" - needs to be "board chair"
> *Email Notifications*

Greg Reinacker

Apr 28, 2011, 7:30:24 PM4/28/11
When I click the "new" button, it shows a screen with a camera button, and the location slider, and it's just gray at the top.  It's not immediately obvious what to do.  Being clever and stuff, I tapped on the gray box and typed...but it wasn't intuitive.


Apr 28, 2011, 7:32:23 PM4/28/11
Yeah you can probably tell there wasn't any real consideration for the UI. So hey everyone that big grey area is where you type :-)

Brent Simmons

Apr 28, 2011, 7:32:48 PM4/28/11
We have an Actual Designer working with us -- but none of his work appears yet. So the UI is much more like quick-prototype UI for the moment. It's a good thing our testers are all clever. :)


Greg Reinacker

Apr 28, 2011, 7:35:42 PM4/28/11
My profile shows "Invited User", my email address, and a box for my phone number.  Again, not clear what to do.

- I'll put in my name instead of "invited user", 'cause again I'm clever like that.  Hopefully that's what I'm supposed to do.  Ooh, when I delete "invited user", I just see "First Name".  So, uh, I guess I'll just type my first name then.

- Ok, seems now I'm known as "Greg <emailaddr>".  Hmm.  I see walker has a last name.  Going back to my profile, deleting my email, and adding my last name.

- Why does it want my phone number?  


Apr 28, 2011, 7:37:03 PM4/28/11
So people can call you via the app when they view your profile.

Greg Reinacker

Apr 28, 2011, 7:37:08 PM4/28/11
Ok, so the UI's not quite done. ;-)

What sort of feedback are you looking for?  Pretty much anything but pixels?


Greg Reinacker

Apr 28, 2011, 7:39:54 PM4/28/11
Hmm...I can't get my profile pic to stick.  I can add it in my profile, and it shows up there, but it seems to forget as soon as I leave the profile screen. 


Apr 28, 2011, 7:41:34 PM4/28/11
I had that happen too, it just took some time

Greg Reinacker

Apr 28, 2011, 7:44:05 PM4/28/11
Suggestion: when you tap on someone's phone number, it should ask if you want to call them as opposed to just making the call.  I might want to text, or I might just want to see what the button did...

Greg Reinacker

Apr 28, 2011, 7:47:39 PM4/28/11
The purple location indicator in my status bar turns on (as expected) when I make a new post and turn location on.  However, it stays on indefinitely after that.  Seems like it should turn back off when I'm done with my post.

Workaround was to start a new post, and turn location back off, which made the purple thing turn back off.

Greg Reinacker

Apr 28, 2011, 8:01:31 PM4/28/11
When I invite someone from the app, and choose them from my contacts, it automatically grabs one of the email addresses I have in my contacts for them. But it ought to let me choose _which_ email address to use, if I have more than one.

For example, I have two emails in my address book for Nick B.  One I know is out of date, but I haven't deleted it.  But that one is the one it I had to delete it, exit the app and look in my address book to find the right one, then come back and put it in.


Apr 28, 2011, 8:02:47 PM4/28/11
Yeah I got your invite, but I don't have an account under my newsgator address. Care to send it to

Greg Reinacker

Apr 28, 2011, 8:12:09 PM4/28/11
Not sure if it's possible, but it would be nice if you could turn off the autocomplete when you're typing an email address for an invite...

Greg Reinacker

Apr 28, 2011, 8:16:26 PM4/28/11
I notice the board list highlights the boards that have new activity.  Cool!

However, I don't think it should show up highlighted if I'm the only one who has done anything.  So for example:

1. Look at my fancy new board, where I'm the only member.
2. Go back to board list, it's black.
3. Someone joins the board!  Woot!
4. See it blue in board list, go in and see new member post.
5. Leave a comment on the new member post.
6. Board list now shows it in blue, even though I'm the only one that's done anything since the last time I was here.

Greg Reinacker

Apr 28, 2011, 8:20:31 PM4/28/11
FYI, same problem trying to add a pic for a group.

Greg Reinacker

Apr 28, 2011, 8:26:04 PM4/28/11
So it seems I'm the only one who can't see my profile pic, and the board pic for a board I made.  Jenny said she can see them...

Update: I just killed the app (with the double-click home button, hold on it, and click '-').  Restarted the app, and now I can see my profile pic and the board pic I uploaded!


Apr 28, 2011, 8:26:36 PM4/28/11
I agree with that

Greg Reinacker

Apr 28, 2011, 8:29:16 PM4/28/11
I'm not getting any push notifications, but I have my settings set to use them.  Are they supposed to be working, or just not enabled yet?

Greg Reinacker

Apr 28, 2011, 8:34:29 PM4/28/11
On profile images:

It seems profile images on the boards themselves look fine.  However, if I go into the "Members" area, and tap on Jenny to check her out, her picture is forced into a square aspect ratio which makes her look like she has a huge head.

Aspect ratio for all photos should be preserved.

This is super important, IMHO...

Greg Reinacker

Apr 28, 2011, 8:46:49 PM4/28/11
Related to this...after I send an invite, and I see the confirmation pop-over thing, something should happen.  As it is, the email address remains in the box, and I'm tempted to keep hitting "Invite" just to see how many invites it will send.  Not that I would do such a thing! :-)

At very least, perhaps clearing the email address from the edit box would be good.



Apr 28, 2011, 8:57:57 PM4/28/11
We've found some people have been able to get them to work by turning them off, saving, and turning them on again.


Apr 28, 2011, 8:58:18 PM4/28/11
Yeah that ain't right 'cause I have a TINY head :-)

Nick Harris

Apr 28, 2011, 9:04:51 PM4/28/11
One thing it could do is automatically show the keypad and set the cursor in the box. Even without UI formatting that seems like a universal expected behavior.

Greg Reinacker

Apr 28, 2011, 9:14:15 PM4/28/11
Ok, I did that, and I'm getting some notifications now.

Greg Reinacker

Apr 28, 2011, 9:14:59 PM4/28/11
Bug: I'm getting push notifications for my own updates.

Greg Reinacker

Apr 28, 2011, 9:16:38 PM4/28/11
Bug: when I first open the app and look at my list of groups, all of the group pictures are gone. It takes them a few seconds to come back.

Nick Harris

Apr 28, 2011, 9:28:11 PM4/28/11
Known issue - won't be fixed anytime soon do to other constraints.

Jack Brewster

Apr 29, 2011, 1:45:23 PM4/29/11
to Beta Glassboard for iPhone
That's the same thought I had.

Jack Brewster

Apr 29, 2011, 2:28:11 PM4/29/11
I haven't noticed any notifications. I confirmed the option is enabled, and I get notifications from other apps that I use.

Anything specific I can check?

Greg Reinacker

Apr 29, 2011, 3:56:08 PM4/29/11
I had to turn notifications off for each board, save, and then turn
them back on. Then they worked...

Sent from my phone.

Walker Fenton

Apr 29, 2011, 6:25:51 PM4/29/11
to Beta Glassboard for iPhone
I'm getting feedback about:

case sensitivity
profile pics & names not getting updated fast enough
first name / last name not being populated in the app (after supplied
in the web form)

so far...

Jack Brewster

May 3, 2011, 12:34:38 PM5/3/11
to Beta Glassboard for iPhone
Turning notifications on/off in the board settings, per Greg's
suggestion, has resolved the problem.

Paul Kafasis

May 18, 2011, 6:09:29 PM5/18/11
I got a crash after creating my own board. Specifically, I was setting a board picture. It seemed to work, though there was no animation or anything. I then moved back to the board list, to see if the picture was there, and it crashed. When I re-opened it, the pic was there, no problem.

Caveat: My iPhone is jailbroken. I can't imagine that will cause issues, but if it does, I have a non-jailbroken iPod Touch and a non-jailbroken iPad I can test with instead.


May 18, 2011, 6:11:11 PM5/18/11
We looooove crash logs! Thanks Paul

I encourage you to test with other devices too.


May 18, 2011, 6:16:30 PM5/18/11
Ugh it looks like your other two devices didn't get in the build in time... next round for sure though.

Graham Lee

Aug 23, 2011, 6:02:29 AM8/23/11
Issues I've come across. Please note that I think this is a great app, and I'm only complaining so you make it greatererer :P

- if you add an incorrect email address to a list of invitations, you can't remove that address, you just have to cancel the whole invitation and add all the addresses.
- selection/copypasta would be useful
- it's hard to manage large boards (where by "large", I mean a dozen people or so). Collecting and typing all the email addresses is time-consuming and error prone. It'd be useful to have a moderated subscribe function, so that I could post a link "click here to join my board" then review requests that come in.
- when you get a new notification to join a board, if you're not connected to the person already they show up in the app as "Unknown Name". That doesn't help identify them so I can't tell whether I _want_ to join their board - especially if the board name is no help too (and remember that the board name is under the potential spammer's control).
- the Notifications list needs extra context. So "Brent Simmons liked your comment in Cocoa Dev", that's nice to know but if I could find out _which_ comment without clicking through it'd be better. Similarly, when people comment after my comment, I'd like to see what thread it's in so that I can decide whether to review the comment now or leave it. The News feed is better in this regard.
- the ability to turn off further notifications for a given discussion in a board would be useful.


Graham Lee

Aug 23, 2011, 12:56:21 PM8/23/11
to Glassboard for iPhone
Also, the ability to review invitations in-flight would be great so I
can distinguish people who haven't responded from people I forgot to


Brent Simmons

Aug 23, 2011, 1:38:24 PM8/23/11
Added to bug tracker. Thanks, Graham.


Brent Simmons

Aug 23, 2011, 2:37:35 PM8/23/11
Great stuff! Thanks, Graham. Added all to bug tracker.



May 25, 2012, 12:30:13 PM5/25/12
So, I don't know if this was mentioned anywhere previously, but after I post a message with my location, the app continues to track location. This will kill the battery and is a simple fix. Just thought I'd mention it in case no one else noticed...


Jun 28, 2012, 3:25:12 PM6/28/12
to Glassboard for iPhone

It is indeed by design, but it's definitely something we want to fix
in a future version of the app.


On Jun 27, 2:52 pm, Michael Lee <> wrote:
> Scanned through and didn't see this one reported ...
> Links apparently are detected and can be tapped on to bring up the in-app
> browser, but there's no highlighting to indicate that this is possible. Is
> this by design? I think even the lightest of traditional-blue link
> highlighting would be nice for new users.
> On Thursday, April 28, 2011 3:13:23 PM UTC-5, Jenny wrote:
> > Here's what we know so far is missing from the iPhone app. If you find any
> > bugs, post them here or to a board that has one of the team as the
> > chairperson (Walker, Me, Nick Bradbury, Nick Harris, Reischl, or Brent
> > Simmons)
> > *Overall*
> > - there is no UI on this app. just feature complete without design. there
> > is no design on the email, nor have we done design on the invite web pages.
> > - push notifications are not text messages we do not send text messages.
> > (you aren't getting charged for these messages)
> > - the apps are not yet in any app store. We link to the app stores
> > everywhere - none of them work
> > *Creating a board*
> > - if you choose someone from your contacts who has no email associated
> > with their contact profile, the app will crash
> > *Board*
> > - in board list, if you create a board and no one does anything in it, the
> > board 'new' status (board name in blue) never goes to black
> > - in board list, board name will be blue when there have been activities
> > in the board that you haven't seen. If you post in a board, the board name
> > will turn blue even though it was your status that was new.
> > - in board list, sometimes the board images will disappear
> > - when you create a comment, if you write something in the comments field,
> > then add an image, the comment you wrote will disappear
> > - there are no thumbnails when you add an image to a comment
> > - settings: set board pic: we should show the current board pic. We should
> > have a default so that people know they can change it. if you use the
> > camera or choose a pic it works, but takes awhile.
> > - can't upload video yet…
> > - can't navigate directly to an item from a push notification
> > - can't leave a board
> > - in a new board, toggle the push notifications switch to receive pushes
> > for that board
> > *Profile*
> > - photo is flaky. works best from photo gallery vs taking a pic with the
> > camera. if you take with the camera, there is no preview. takes awhile for
> > your photo to switch.
> > - mobile # is a little flaky
> > - mobile # needs to be formatted like a phone # xxx-xxx-xxxx
> > *Web invite*
> > - has no design or UI
> > ignored message page - "chairman" - needs to be "board chair"
> > *Email Notifications*
> > - no UI
> > - can't yet respond to emails to add comments.


Jul 2, 2012, 1:38:50 PM7/2/12
to Glassboard for iPhone
Good catch: we'll try to reproduce this on our side so we can fix it.


On Jul 2, 7:27 am, fretn <> wrote:
> I think I found a bug:
> I created a board, and then invited two friends.
> After the first one joined, I renamed the board to something else.
> Then the second one joined, and the boardname is changed back to its
> original name


Sep 24, 2012, 1:22:04 PM9/24/12
to Glassboard for iPhone

I'm trying to repro this on my side. Can you provide some more detail?
When you long tapped and chose delete, did you see the confirmation
popup, followed by a spinner on your screen saying "Deleting"? At this
point, the comment was still present in the app? If you try performing
this action again does it do the same thing?



On Sep 22, 1:59 pm, Steve Baker <> wrote:
> Glassboard new feature to delete comment has a bug?
> On iPhone I long tapped on a comment, then chose delete.
> On the web site the comment hides, but on the phone it still shows.
> The comment was one in the middle of several comments within one post.
> I closed and opened the iPhone app to attempt to refresh the view.

Steve Baker

Sep 26, 2012, 1:31:11 AM9/26/12
I just upgraded to iPhone version 2.3.1 this morning.
I'm using a glassboard named  Xcoders Learning OpenGL ES.
In case it's helpful information, Brent Simmons is a member.

Tonight on Mac Safari browser I turned on cookies, then finished signing in to Glassboard.
On iPhone, I attempted to delete the last comment in a post.

The comment is the last one in a series of comments to a post.
Comment date September 22
First line  "// by Steve Baker, Beepscore LLC."
Preceding comment date September 22
First line "Pretty html version".
The comment is just above a post 17 Sept, Brian Henderson Joined the board.

On iPhone, I long tapped the comment.
Modal view appeared from bottom, I tapped red "Delete Comment" button.
Confirmation alert with 2 buttons appeared, I tapped "Delete".
Deleting Activity indicator appeared, disappeared, check mark appeared and disappeared.

On Mac, comment shows as deleted.
On iPhone, it's still there.

On iPhone I tried to delete again with same result.

I stopped iPhone app (not just backgrounded), and restarted.
Comment is still visible.


Brian Reischl

Oct 17, 2012, 2:16:19 PM10/17/12
  That's no good. Does this happen with all videos? Or is it only some subset, such as videos you just uploaded, or videos in a particular board? 

On Monday, October 15, 2012 7:00:45 AM UTC-6, Alex Matheu wrote:
Videos in the iPhone app, take 4-5 clicks on them until the video will play.

Brian Reischl

Oct 17, 2012, 2:18:50 PM10/17/12
  What error message do you get? Could you also send me your email address so that I can look up your account? If you don't want to post it here then please send it to


On Wednesday, October 17, 2012 12:12:39 PM UTC-6, Jonathan wrote:
I can not even log into the app.  I get an error.  I can log into the website just fine.


Oct 22, 2012, 6:50:44 PM10/22/12
to Glassboard for iPhone
Hi Matt,

Glassboard will only display those contacts that you also are on a
board with. Are there people who are on your boards that you're not

There aren't plans right now to post to Twitter or Facebook (we want
the app to be as private as possible) but we always revisit things
that people suggest to us. Thanks!

On Oct 20, 4:54 pm, Matt Gomes <> wrote:
> Started using Glassboard today.  It only shows F-Z of my contacts... and it
> seems to be missing some of them in the range as well.
> Would like to see the ability to send the post to Facebook/Twitter as well.

Michael Llewellyn

Dec 12, 2013, 3:06:19 AM12/12/13

I don't know if this topic should still be used but just in case :)

I think the lack of a URL scheme to be able to launch Glassboard should be considered a bug - Glassboard is such a great app it really should let other apps launch it for their boards :)

And given how simple it would be to add this, it would make a great little thing to add to your next update?

Here's a guide to adding them I found at random (the Apple docs guide might even be better!)

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