Re: User names are too prominent

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Apr 10, 2013, 6:57:47 PM4/10/13
to Glassboard for iPhone
Just to be sure you see it, here is the response to your first post:


On Apr 3, 1:00 pm, John <> wrote:
> I tried posting earlier but it doesn't seem to have made it through. The
> gist of it was that the bold user names distract from the reading
> experience of replies and messages. Why not either place the names off to
> the left side using initials for people who have not uploaded their user
> photo? (I don't think there is a need for both) Please consider enlarging
> the user photos on the replies.
> I also think moving the time stamp to the far right or below the user photo
> is a better user of space and help the replies to flow better.
> Alternately, if you could use a less weighty font for the names and match
> its color to the time stamp. If going this route, I would move the time
> stamp up to the same line as the name.
> Thanks!
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