Re: Sheridan Data Widgets 3.0 Download

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Vita Strait

Jul 7, 2024, 8:59:30 AM (yesterday) Jul 7
to glasesexmo

How to Download Sheridan Data Widgets 3.0 and Boost Your Data Analysis Skills

If you are a Visual Basic developer who works with data-intensive applications, you might be interested in Sheridan Data Widgets 3.0, a set of six bound ActiveX controls that can help you create powerful and user-friendly data interfaces. In this article, we will show you how to download Sheridan Data Widgets 3.0 and how to use some of its features to enhance your data analysis skills.

What are Sheridan Data Widgets 3.0?

Sheridan Data Widgets 3.0 are a collection of six ActiveX controls that can be used to display and edit data from various sources, such as databases, text files, or arrays. The controls are:

sheridan data widgets 3.0 download

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    • Data Grid: a fully editable bound grid that allows you to edit an entire record set on screen without writing any code.
    • Data Combo: a combo box that can be used to display and edit a field value from one record set while providing a dropdown list of values from another set.
    • Data DropDown: a grid that can be linked to a cell in the Data Grid for use as a value selection list.
    • Enhanced Data: a control that provides advanced data binding features, such as hierarchical binding, batch optimistic locking, and bookmarking.
    • Data Option Set: a control that displays a set of option buttons that can be bound to a field value.
    • Data Command Buttons: a control that displays a set of command buttons that can be bound to actions such as moving to the first, last, next, or previous record.

    Sheridan Data Widgets 3.0 support OLE DB and ADO data binding methods, which means they can work with any data source that supports these standards, such as Microsoft Access, SQL Server, Oracle, or Excel. They also support unbound and AddItem modes, which allow you to populate the controls with data from other sources, such as arrays or collections.

    How to Download Sheridan Data Widgets 3.0?

    Sheridan Data Widgets 3.0 are part of the Infragistics product line, which offers various tools and components for developing user interfaces and data visualization applications. You can download Sheridan Data Widgets 3.0 from the Infragistics website, where you can also find other useful products such as UltraGrid, UltraChart, or UltraWebGrid.

    To download Sheridan Data Widgets 3.0, you need to register on the Infragistics website and provide some basic information about yourself and your company. You will then receive an email with a link to download the product installer. The installer is a self-extracting executable file that will guide you through the installation process. You will need to accept the license agreement and choose the destination folder for the product files.

    After the installation is complete, you will find the Sheridan Data Widgets 3.0 files in the folder you specified. The files include:

      • ssdw3bo.ocx and ssdw3ao.ocx: these are the OCX files that implement the OLE DB-bound versions of the controls.
      • ssdw3b32.ocx and ssdw3a32.ocx: these are the OCX files that implement the ODBC-bound versions of the controls.
      • ssdw3b.hlp and ssdw3a.hlp: these are the help files that contain detailed information about the properties, methods, events, objects, and collections of the controls.
      • Samples folder: this folder contains various samples that demonstrate how to use the controls in different scenarios.

      To use Sheridan Data Widgets 3.0 in your Visual Basic projects, you need to register the OCX files on your system using the regsvr32.exe utility. You can do this by opening a command prompt window and typing:

      regsvr32.exe C:\Windows\ssdw3bo.ocx
      regsvr32.exe C:\Windows\ssdw3ao.ocx

      where C:\Windows is the folder where you installed the OCX files. You can also rename or move these files to another location if you prefer.

      Once you have registered the OCX files, you can add them to your Visual Basic project by opening the Project menu and selecting Components. In the Components dialog box, scroll down until you find Sheridan Data Widgets 3.x (OLE DB) and Sheridan Data Widgets 3.x (OLE DB) Additional Controls. Check both boxes and click OK. You will then see six new icons in your toolbox representing the Sheridan Data Widgets 3.0 controls.

      • AllowSort: this property determines whether the user can sort the grid by clicking on the column headers.
      • StyleSets: this property returns a collection of StyleSet objects that define the appearance and behavior of the grid and its elements. You can use this property to create and apply different styles to the grid, such as fonts, colors, borders, pictures, and so on.

      Some of the most useful methods of the Data Grid control are:

        • AddItem: this method adds a new row to the grid with the specified values. You can use this method in AddItem mode to populate the grid with data from other sources.
        • RemoveItem: this method deletes the specified row from the grid. You can use this method in AddItem mode to remove rows from the grid.
        • Refresh: this method updates the display of the grid to reflect any changes in the data source or the grid properties.
        • PrintGrid: this method prints the contents of the grid to a printer or a file.
        • ExportGrid: this method exports the contents of the grid to a text file or an HTML file.
        • SaveLayout: this method saves the current layout and style of the grid to a file.
        • LoadLayout: this method loads a previously saved layout and style of the grid from a file.

        Some of the most important events of the Data Grid control are:

          • BeforeColEdit: this event occurs before a cell is edited by the user. You can use this event to validate or modify the cell value before editing.
          • AfterColEdit: this event occurs after a cell is edited by the user. You can use this event to validate or modify the cell value after editing.
          • BeforeColUpdate: this event occurs before a cell is updated in the data source. You can use this event to validate or modify the cell value before updating.
          • AfterColUpdate: this event occurs after a cell is updated in the data source. You can use this event to perform any actions after updating.
          • BeforeDelete: this event occurs before a row is deleted by the user. You can use this event to confirm or cancel the deletion.
          • AfterDelete: this event occurs after a row is deleted by the user. You can use this event to perform any actions after deletion.
          • BeforeInsert: this event occurs before a new row is added by the user. You can use this event to initialize or modify
          • AfterInsert: this event occurs after a new row is added by the user. You can use this event to perform any actions after adding.
          • BeforeRowColChange: this event occurs before the current row or column changes. You can use this event to perform any actions before changing.
          • AfterRowColChange: this event occurs after the current row or column changes. You can use this event to perform any actions after changing.
          • ButtonClick: this event occurs when the user clicks on a button cell in the grid. You can use this event to execute any code when the button is clicked.
          • ColResize: this event occurs when the user resizes a column in the grid. You can use this event to adjust the column width or cancel the resizing.
          • RowResize: this event occurs when the user resizes a row in the grid. You can use this event to adjust the row height or cancel the resizing.
          • ColMove: this event occurs when the user moves a column in the grid. You can use this event to adjust the column position or cancel the moving.
          • HeadClick: this event occurs when the user clicks on a column header in the grid. You can use this event to sort the grid by the clicked column or perform any other actions.

          As you can see, the Data Grid control offers a lot of functionality and flexibility for displaying and editing data in your Visual Basic applications. You can customize the appearance and behavior of the grid to suit your needs and preferences, and you can handle various events to add more interactivity and logic to your data interfaces. The Data Grid control is a great tool for creating powerful and user-friendly data analysis applications with Sheridan Data Widgets 3.0.

          How to Use Enhanced Data Control

          The Enhanced Data control is another useful control in Sheridan Data Widgets 3.0 that provides advanced data binding features for your Visual Basic applications. The Enhanced Data control can be used to bind to any data source that supports OLE DB or ADO data binding, such as databases, text files, or arrays. The Enhanced Data control can also be used to bind to hierarchical recordsets, which are recordsets that contain multiple tables or queries related by parent-child relationships.

          To use the Enhanced Data control in your Visual Basic project, you need to add it to your form from the toolbox and set its properties, methods, and events according to your needs. Some of the most important properties of the Enhanced Data control are:

            • DataSource: this property specifies the data source that the control is bound to, such as a data control, a recordset object, or an array.
            • DataMember: this property specifies the data member that the control is bound to within the data source, such as a table name, a query name, or an array index.
            • BatchUpdate: this property determines whether the control uses batch optimistic locking when updating the data source. Batch optimistic locking means that the changes made by the user are not sent to the data source until the UpdateBatch method is called.
            • Bookmark: this property returns or sets a bookmark that identifies the current record in the recordset. A bookmark is a unique value that can be used to locate a specific record in a recordset.
            • RecordCount: this property returns the number of records in the recordset.
            • EOF: this property indicates whether the current record position is after the last record in the recordset.
            • BOF: this property indicates whether the current record position is before the first record in the recordset.

            Some of the most useful methods of the Enhanced Data control are:

              • MoveFirst: this method moves the current record position to the first record in the recordset.
              • MoveLast: this method moves the current record position to the last record in the recordset.
              • MoveNext: this method moves the current record position to the next record in the recordset.
              • MovePrevious: this method moves the current record position to the previous record in the recordset.
              • AddNew: this method adds a new record to the recordset.
              • Delete: this method deletes


              In this article, we have shown you how to download Sheridan Data Widgets 3.0 and how to use some of its controls to create powerful and user-friendly data interfaces for your Visual Basic applications. Sheridan Data Widgets 3.0 are a set of six bound ActiveX controls that can work with any data source that supports OLE DB or ADO data binding, such as databases, text files, or arrays. They also support unbound and AddItem modes, which allow you to populate the controls with data from other sources, such as collections or user input.

              The controls are:

                • Data Grid: a fully editable bound grid that allows you to edit an entire record set on screen without writing any code.
                • Data Combo: a combo box that can be used to display and edit a field value from one record set while providing a dropdown list of values from another set.
                • Data DropDown: a grid that can be linked to a cell in the Data Grid for use as a value selection list.
                • Enhanced Data: a control that provides advanced data binding features, such as hierarchical binding, batch optimistic locking, and bookmarking.
                • Data Option Set: a control that displays a set of option buttons that can be bound to a field value.
                • Data Command Buttons: a control that displays a set of command buttons that can be bound to actions such as moving to the first, last, next, or previous record.

                You can customize the appearance and behavior of the controls to suit your needs and preferences, and you can handle various events to add more interactivity and logic to your data interfaces. The controls also offer features such as printing, exporting, saving and restoring layouts and stylesets, data masking, and more. The controls come with detailed help files and sample programs that demonstrate how to use them in different scenarios.

                Sheridan Data Widgets 3.0 are part of the Infragistics product line, which offers various tools and components for developing user interfaces and data visualization applications. You can download Sheridan Data Widgets 3.0 from the Infragistics website, where you can also find other useful products such as UltraGrid, UltraChart, or UltraWebGrid.

                We hope you have enjoyed this article and learned something new about Sheridan Data Widgets 3.0. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for reading!

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