Re: [darcs-users] Help with the wiki

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Gwern Branwen

Dec 3, 2009, 1:33:02 PM12/3/09
to Jason Dagit, darcs-users, Gitit
On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 1:26 PM, Jason Dagit <> wrote:
> Hello,
> Recently I wanted to use the wiki while I was offline.  It's great that
> darcsit makes this possible, but I ran into some problem areas.  Perhaps
> someone can help me?
> 1) When I wanted to edit a page locally, the text box that holds the page's
> markup was empty.  I opened the corresponding .page file in emacs and pasted
> the contents into the browser window and edited there.  This allowed me to
> see previews and just generally use it has a wiki.  But why do I have to
> bootstrap the editing process by copying out of the .page file?

You shouldn't have to. That sounds like a serious bug. Are you using a
up-to-date Gitit, or an odd browser, or something?

> 2) Once I had my local edits queued up and I wanted to share them, I
> couldn't figure out how to push them.  I (ab)used my patch review account to
> to figure out where the wiki's repo is located and tried a push
> but I didn't have permission to modify the wiki repo so the push failed.
> Since I can apply patches from the web interface I don't really see the
> point of sending the patches to darcs-users so I avoided configuring
> sendmail or attaching the patch in my email client.  I ended up pasting my
> local version of the page into the wiki and hitting submit.  Since
> I only had edited one page that was "okay" but suboptimal.
> How can get push access to the wiki and is there a fix for #1?  (maybe I
> should use scp to get a copy of the the wiki instead of darcs get?).
> Thanks,
> Jason

IIRC, you can't apply a .dpatch via the Gitit web interface. You can
edit, sure, but editing is deliberately more restricted than patches:
for example, there should be no way to change preferences (such as
hooks...) through the web interface, but this can easily be done in
patches. Since preferences are very dangerous, regular web users have
no access, but more trusted users with push access can do them.


Gwern Branwen

Dec 3, 2009, 9:02:39 PM12/3/09
to Jason Dagit, darcs-users, Gitit
On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 1:38 PM, Jason Dagit <> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 10:33 AM, Gwern Branwen <> wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 1:26 PM, Jason Dagit <> wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > Recently I wanted to use the wiki while I was offline.  It's great that
>> > darcsit makes this possible, but I ran into some problem areas.  Perhaps
>> > someone can help me?
>> >
>> > 1) When I wanted to edit a page locally, the text box that holds the
>> > page's
>> > markup was empty.  I opened the corresponding .page file in emacs and
>> > pasted
>> > the contents into the browser window and edited there.  This allowed me
>> > to
>> > see previews and just generally use it has a wiki.  But why do I have to
>> > bootstrap the editing process by copying out of the .page file?
>> You shouldn't have to. That sounds like a serious bug. Are you using a
>> up-to-date Gitit, or an odd browser, or something?
> My gitit is:
>  $ gitit --version
> gitit version 0.6.6 +plugins
> I installed it yesterday from hackage.  The one thing that may have confused
> gitit is that when I first ran it, I forgot to tell it the config file so it
> thought it was creating a new wiki.  Maybe I should get again and this time
> start it with the right config file?  My browser is firefox 3.x.

Hm, I'm not really sure what the issue is. If you had went ahead and
created a new page, then it would be easy to see whether Gitit was
operating on a new/empty wiki - you would just look in wikidata/ and
see whether your new file was there. So maybe try that if restarting
the whole thing is too time-consuming.


Dino Morelli

Dec 7, 2016, 1:09:06 PM12/7/16
to gitit-discuss,,,
This sounds crazy but I'm seeing this blank-edit-control issue now (yes, in 2016). I built new gitit binaries from the source code from Github. Running it against a wiki I've had for years (started with an earlier version of gitit). I can navigate the pages fine, but editing any page results in a completely blank edit control. It's basically unusable.

I tried turning on max logging with the conf file and also `--debug`, not much comes out of it. Info about the requests that looks normal to me.

My specifics:

- gitit (built from Github source with stack against Stackage LTS-4.0)
- Server is a modern Debian system running testing
- wikidata stored as a darcs repo, darcs 2.12.14 installed
- On the client-side, problem observed in both Chromium and Firefox on Linux

Any ideas anyone?
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