Gitblit 1.9.3 and Apache Httpd mod_proxy

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Scott M. Parrill

Nov 21, 2022, 4:09:20 PM11/21/22

After going through the “Running Gitblit behind Apache” at, I found that I would end up with a 404 error on https://localhost:8443 when creating a new ticket.  The ticket created correctly and could be viewed by going back into the ticket interface from another direction.  I’m not sure if I missesed something somewhere else, but I have found that adding


Header edit Ajax-Location "^https://localhost:8443" https://<server>


To the VirtualHost definition eliminates the problem and I am dropped into the page for the new ticket upon completion of ticket creation.





Scott Parrill

Systems Administrator

Enterprise IT, Infrastructure and Security

University of Wyoming



Florian Zschocke

Nov 22, 2022, 2:56:48 PM11/22/22
to gitblit
You think this is an error or rather something to add to the documentation, like in 

Scott M. Parrill

Nov 22, 2022, 3:10:44 PM11/22/22



Knowing nothing about how Wicket works, I don’t know if this is a real bug or just something that needs to be added to the documentation.  My gut reaction is to think it is something different in the ticket creation process than in any of the other bits, but I have not done extensive testing of what other functionality may not work without it.





Scott Parrill

Systems Administrator

Enterprise IT, Infrastructure and Security

University of Wyoming



From: <> On Behalf Of Florian Zschocke
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2022 12:57 PM
To: gitblit <>
Subject: Re: Gitblit 1.9.3 and Apache Httpd mod_proxy


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You think this is an error or rather something to add to the documentation, like in 

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Florian Zschocke

Nov 22, 2022, 3:36:45 PM11/22/22
to gitblit
I thought maybe you might have similar experience with other applications.

But coming to think of it, there are currently multiple issues on Github ref reverse proxies, mostly problems with HTTPS ending in HTTP redirects. So it might actually be something in Gitblit. This sound like a similar issue:


Florian Zschocke

Nov 22, 2022, 3:49:09 PM11/22/22
to gitblit

do you use HTTP or HTTPS  between Gitblit and the proxy?
How much of your Apache configuration can you share?


Scott M. Parrill

Nov 22, 2022, 3:49:24 PM11/22/22

When I have seen this with other applications, it has generally been related to a URL that incorrectly included the host name in the request.  My experience is that within a web site or application, it is best to let the browser keep track of what the server name is and not hard code server names when you are staying within the same site/application.  As such, I would personally call this a bug.


With that said, I’m not sure how easy it is to get Wicket to change its behavior here so the workaround may be the easiest solution for dealing with the issue.


The issue you referenced does sound like it could be similar to what I’m seeing.  I will have to do some testing once I get SSL certificates reconfigured on the site I’m setting up.





Scott Parrill

Systems Administrator

Enterprise IT, Infrastructure and Security

University of Wyoming



From: <> On Behalf Of Florian Zschocke
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2022 1:37 PM
To: gitblit <>
Subject: Re: Gitblit 1.9.3 and Apache Httpd mod_proxy


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I thought maybe you might have similar experience with other applications.


But coming to think of it, there are currently multiple issues on Github ref reverse proxies, mostly problems with HTTPS ending in HTTP redirects. So it might actually be something in Gitblit. This sound like a similar issue:





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Scott M. Parrill

Nov 22, 2022, 4:00:46 PM11/22/22

I’m using HTTPS between mod_proxy and Gitblit.  Here is only a slightly redacted version of my Apache configuration for this site:

LoadModule ssl_module modules/


Listen *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>

    ServerName <server name>


    # Loging information

    CustomLog "logs/access_log" combined

    ErrorLog "logs/error_log"


    Redirect "/" https://<server name>/



Listen *:443

<VirtualHost *:443>

    # Define virtual host server name

    ServerName <server name>


    # Loging information

    CustomLog "logs/ssl_access_log" combined

    ErrorLog "logs/ssl_error_log"


    # SSL configuration

    SSLEngine on

    SSLCertificateKeyFile "/etc/pki/tls/private/<key file>"

    SSLCertificateFile "/etc/pki/tls/certs/<certificate file>"


    SSLProxyCipherSuite PROFILE=SYSTEM


    # Apache is just a proxy for Gitblit running on localhost

    SSLProxyEngine on

    SSLProxyCheckPeerName off


    # Reverse proxy configuration


    ProxyPass "/" https://localhost:8443/

    ProxyPassReverse "/" https://localhost:8443/


    # Options needed to make Gitblit work behind mod_proxy


    # Needed to make the ticket creation bits work

    Header edit Ajax-Location "^https://localhost:8443" https://<server name>


    # Don't decode encoded slashes

    AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode


    # Needed for push/pull/clone operations

    ProxyPreserveHost On



This configuration is based on information from and my testing of my installation.



Scott Parrill

Systems Administrator

Enterprise IT, Infrastructure and Security

University of Wyoming



From: <> On Behalf Of Florian Zschocke
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2022 1:49 PM
To: gitblit <>
Subject: Re: Gitblit 1.9.3 and Apache Httpd mod_proxy


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Florian Zschocke

Nov 22, 2022, 4:58:32 PM11/22/22
to gitblit
Thank you. I didn't find a quick fix, as this is actually Ajax.
Last question for today, does your Apache set the 'X-Forwarded' headers? Like 'X-Forwarded-Host', 'X-Forwarded-Proto' and 'X-Forwarded- For'?
I mean, does it do that automatically for a ProxyPass? Or must it be enabled with a 'RequestHeader set'?

Unrelated, but you may want to note the advice to use the 'no canon' keyword mentioned in issue 1024, I linked to earlier.

I guess the documentation on reverse proxies is in dire need of an update. I don't even use Apache anymore but have used nginx in my last Gitblit installations.

Florian Zschocke

Nov 23, 2022, 1:03:11 PM11/23/22
to gitblit
I tried this with a nginx as reverse-proxy and see the described behaviour. I don't know yet how to fix it.

But if you run behind a reverse proxy I highly recommend setting X-Forwarded-Host, X-Forwarded-Port and X-Forwarded-Proto. Also set the 'web.canonicalUrl' Gitblit property.

Scott M. Parrill

Nov 23, 2022, 6:15:57 PM11/23/22

According to the Apache 2.4 documentation at, the mod_proxy already sets X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Host, and X-Forwarded-Server headers.  I have got ahead and added the X-Forwarded-Proto and X-Forwarded-Port headers as recommended.  I have also added the “nocanon” to the ProxyPass configuration.





Scott Parrill

Systems Administrator

Enterprise IT, Infrastructure and Security

University of Wyoming



From: <> On Behalf Of Florian Zschocke
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2022 2:59 PM
To: gitblit <>
Subject: Re: Gitblit 1.9.3 and Apache Httpd mod_proxy


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Thank you. I didn't find a quick fix, as this is actually Ajax.


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Florian Zschocke

Nov 24, 2022, 11:13:54 AM11/24/22
to gitblit
If on a repository's page you see the URL to clone it listed under localhost, then web.canonicalUrl can help. 
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