How To Deal With A Error 1935 Message When Installing ArcGIS On A Windows 8/8.1 Computer

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GIS in Ecology

Apr 21, 2015, 7:13:06 AM4/21/15
Hi All,
I was recently helping a student install ArcGIS 10.3 on a computer running the Windows 8.1 operatin system when it came up with an error message I had not come across before. This error message was: “Error 1935: An error occurred during the installation of the assembly component {943B542A-A22E-38EB-885D-52C90B865DDA}. HRESULT: 0x80070BC9.” 
A bit of searching on the internet revealed that this is not an uncommon issue, but all the suggested solutions seemed overly complicated, especially for those who are not particularly technically minded (such as the one provided here:
However, a bit more digging led to an alternative solution which worked perfectly in this particular instance, and which was much easier to impliment. This was to update/repair the .Net Framework of the computer to the latest version. This can be done through the following link:, and is simple for anyone to do, even with little or no technical knowledge.
Once the .Net Framework had been updated to the latest version (at the time of writing, version 4.5.2), the installation of ArcGIS worked exactly as it should (and first time)
As others are likely to come across this same problem, I figured I'd post this solution here for future reference.
All the best,


Aug 16, 2015, 6:40:42 PM8/16/15
to GIS In Ecology Forum
Hi Colin,
I came across the same problem. And this solution works very well for me. Thanks a lot for your post!
Song Shu

GIS in Ecology

Aug 16, 2015, 6:44:26 PM8/16/15
to GIS In Ecology Forum
Hi Song Shu,
Great to hear that this solution worked for you too, and thanks for letting the GIS In Ecology forum community know this. The more we share information like this, the more we all benefit.
All the best,

Yadanar Kyaw

Apr 3, 2017, 4:21:17 AM4/3/17
to GIS In Ecology Forum
Hi Colin,
I have in trouble installing Arcgis 10.3 in window 7 32 bit. Error is 1935(97F81AF1-0E47-DC99-A01F-C8B3B9A1E18E)
How can i fix it? Please give me any suggestion. Thank you

Best Regards,

GIS in Ecology

Apr 10, 2017, 10:14:20 AM4/10/17
to GIS In Ecology Forum
Hi Yadanar,

I would start by checking that your .NET Framework is up to date, as outlined above. If you are still having problems, check that the version of AcrGIS you are trying to install is compatible with a 32 bit version of Windows 7 and that it doesn't required a 64 bit version. If this doesn't solve the problem you are having, check whether Mcaffee Antivirus software has ever been installed on your computer. If so, you may need to run an additional install tool (which you can find here: 

It is very common for a fragment left behind by an uninstall of Mcaffee to cause problems with ArcGIS (and many other software packages).

If none of this works, then you'd probably be best contacting the ESRI support people to see if they can provide any advice.

I hope this helps.

All the best,

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