DHD >>= UHac: Register by April 1 for the DHD

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Sean Leather

Mar 30, 2012, 5:34:05 AM3/30/12
to has...@haskell.org, haskel...@haskell.org, ghen...@googlegroups.com, dutc...@googlegroups.com, hack...@haskell.org
DHD >>= UHac will be held from Friday, April 20, to Sunday, April 22, 2012. The Dutch HUG Day (DHD) is on the first day. The Utrecht Hackathon (UHac) follows the DHD on Friday and continues through the weekend.

Please register for the DHD by Sunday, April 1. Our sponsor for the DHD, Ordina, will use the registration to prepare the (free!) lunch and venue.

If you're coming only to UHac and not the DHD, you can register by April 19.

See you in Utrecht!

The Organizers:
Sean Leather
Jurriën Stutterheim
Jurriaan Hage
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