Dear GentFPG members,
This is a friendly reminder about the meeting we shall have next Tuesday, March 20th, 2012.
The meeting will take place at 19:30 in auditorium V1 of building S9 at Campus De Sterre (Krijgslaan 281, 9000 Gent). We will post signs at building S9 to guide you towards the auditorium.
Normally the gates in the De Pintelaan and the Krijgslaan next to the S9 building should be open, if this is not the case, you can always enter the premises at the far end of the campus (see attached map_)

The program is as follows:
1. Jasper Van der Jeugt: digestive-functors 0.3
Formlets are a way of building HTML forms that are type-safe, handle
errors, abstract and are easy to combine into bigger forms. I present
the digestive-functors library, a formlets implementation which solves
a number of issues with the original formlets library, such as
annotation of errors, labelling, and separation of the validation
model from the actual HTML output.
2. Jeroen Janssen: the typeclassopedia.
This is part of a new type of talks we are going to try with GhentFPG.
Each meeting we would like to introduce you to some of the important
papers in the world of FP. This meeting I am going to introduce you to the
brilliant "Typeclassopedia" paper. This paper, which originally appeared
in the monad reader issue 13, introduces many of the important typeclasses
in the Haskell standard library and explains how they are interrelated, both in
a formal fashion as in a practical fashion.
Hope to see you all there!
The GhentFPG Organizing Committee.