What are the x and y va,ues for aes?

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Dec 16, 2022, 2:32:10 PM12/16/22
to ggplot2
Let me start bu saying that this is not  \a school problem.

I have some data:

> head(DA_Plot)
# A tibble: 6 × 12
  DME...1 DME...2 DME-Wa…¹ Tacrine Tacri…²   TRS TRS-W…³ Cyclo…⁴ Soman    VX
    <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1   -6.81   -6.64    -8.49   -8.54   -8.56 -12.1  -11.3    -6.17 -5.32 -6.03
2   -6.71   -6.57    -8.37   -8.41   -8.42 -11.8  -11.0    -5.93 -5.24 -5.92
3   -6.63   -6.43    -8.34   -8.34   -8.23 -11.6  -10.6    -5.81 -5.16 -5.90
4   -6.48   -6.37    -8.16   -8.30   -8.22 -11.1  -10.3    -5.76 -5.14 -5.88
5   -6.34   -6.34    -8.08   -8.23   -8.18 -10.6   -9.68   -5.72 -5.08 -5.85
6   -6.32   -6.32    -8.08   -8.13   -8.14 -10.5   -9.63   -5.68 -5.07 -5.84
# … with 2 more variables: `R-Tabun` <dbl>, `S-Tabun` <dbl>, and
#   abbreviated variable names ¹​`DME-Water`, ²​`Tacrine-Water`,
#   ³​`TRS-Water`, ⁴​Cyclosarin
# ℹ Use `colnames()` to see all variable names

I can get a bare bones plot using boxplot(DA_Plot), but want to use ggplot. My problem is: what do use in the aes statement? Google only serves to confuse  me.

Thanks in advance

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