ggvis 0.1

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Winston Chang

Feb 27, 2014, 1:08:00 PM2/27/14
Hi everyone -

We're pleased to announce the 0.1 release of ggvis. ggvis is the next iteration of ggplot2, and it adds new capabilities like interactivity, dynamic updates, and rendering in a web browser.

You're receiving this email because you are an active member of the ggplot2 community, an early user of ggvis. This is an invitation to start using ggvis, participate in the mailing list ( and give feedback via the GitHub issue tracker (

There is online documentation at

To install ggvis, run the following code in R:
if(!require('devtools') || packageVersion('devtools') < 1.4) {
devtools::install_github(c("hadley/testthat", "rstudio/shiny", "rstudio/ggvis"))

Version 0.1 of ggvis is an alpha release, so please keep in mind that the API is still subject to change. We strongly suggest not using for it for production purposes at this time.

Thanks for your help!
Winston Chang and Hadley Wickham

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