GF seminar #4: Vote for date and time by 26 October

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Oct 19, 2022, 10:31:14 AM10/19/22
to Grammatical Framework
Hello everyone!

It's time for the 4th quarterly GF seminar. (The gap over the summer was for lying on the beach or whatever people like to do in the summer.) As usual, we have a doodle to determine the date and time, which you can fill here:

Fill it by 26th October, and I will announce the seminar time on 27th October. As long as I haven't announced it yet or closed the doodle, you still have time to vote.

If you would like to present something longer than a spontaneous 5 minute update, email me and I will also put you on the list. Doesn't have to be too polished, this is an informal gathering to keep the GF community up to date on what people are doing.

Any questions or suggestions, feel free to email me.


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