I'm reconciling a list of terms using OpenRefine and the GVP reconciliation service. This works, I get links to GVP/AAT data. I can then select the best match, so that I have only one link per term. I then want to extract only the dutch scopenote for that concept. From within OpenRefine, this doesn't seem to work (anymore).
In GVP's Sparql endpoint (
http://vocab.getty.edu/sparql), this does exactly what I want.
select * {
aat:300212636 skos:scopeNote [dct:language gvp_lang:nl; rdf:value ?scope_note]
Copy-pasting this line in the browser works too:
http://vocab.getty.edu/sparql.json?query=select * {aat:300212636 skos:scopeNote [dct:language gvp_lang:nl; rdf:value ?scope_note]}
The question is: how to do this from OpenRefine using
Add column by fetching urls. As per documentation, I think I need to replace all spaces in the query by a plus, and replace the value that I'm looking for by either `'+ value + '` or `' + escape(value, 'url') +'`.
I think the URL just doesn't give any response, not even an error code. I also tried using a simple google url, that does return html soup.
What am I doing wrong?
Many thanks,