Hi Allan,
if you're more comfortable with typical IT tools than RDF and tend to develop in Python you can have a look at skosprovider_getty (http://skosprovider-getty.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html). It offers an object oriented model on the Getty vocabs. It does this by abstracting away a lot of the complexity of the Getty vocabs, so you're basically trading richness of data and flexibility for ease of use. Underlying it talks to the Getty webservices, so it's always up to date. It's part of a larger family of Python libraries (http://skosprovider.readthedocs.io/en/latest/intro.html) that define a simple interface based on SKOS and implement that against different vocabularies (currently Getty, Heritagedata.org, our own services, SKOS files, JSON files, CSV files, SQLALchemy).
At Flanders Heritage we use these to talk to thesauri (basically to find out which SKOS Concept URI to associate with a record in our database). Most of our software is written in Python using the Pyramid framework, so there's also a pyramid_skosprovider
to help integrate with Pyramid. This also offers a REST services on the underlying configured providers (basically acting as proxy). So if you call
http://glacial-bastion-1106.herokuapp.com/conceptschemes/AAT/c/300000638 (a demo instance), you get a simplified version of a Getty vocab record.
If you're using Django, also have a look at Arches (http://archesproject.org/). This project has a module called RDM that allows you to edit controlled vocabularies. I believe they also had some plans to integrate with the Getty vocabs.
All software I've talked about is open source and written in Python. So, you can at least have a look at the different codebases and see what they're doing behind the screens.
Van Daele Koen
Agentschap Onroerend Erfgoed
T 02 553 16 82,
M 0499 94 93 68
Hi Allan,
if you're more comfortable with typical IT tools than RDF and tend to develop in Python you can have a look at skosprovider_getty (http://skosprovider-getty.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html). It offers an object oriented model on the Getty vocabs. It does this by abstracting away a lot of the complexity of the Getty vocabs, so you're basically trading richness of data and flexibility for ease of use. Underlying it talks to the Getty webservices, so it's always up to date. It's part of a larger family of Python libraries (http://skosprovider.readthedocs.io/en/latest/intro.html) that define a simple interface based on SKOS and implement that against different vocabularies (currently Getty, Heritagedata.org, our own services, SKOS files, JSON files, CSV files, SQLALchemy).
At Flanders Heritage we use these to talk to thesauri (basically to find out which SKOS Concept URI to associate with a record in our database). Most of our software is written in Python using the Pyramid framework, so there's also a pyramid_skosprovider to help integrate with Pyramid. This also offers a REST services on the underlying configured providers (basically acting as proxy). So if you call http://glacial-bastion-1106.herokuapp.com/conceptschemes/AAT/c/300000638 (a demo instance), you get a simplified version of a Getty vocab record.
If you're using Django, also have a look at Arches (http://archesproject.org/). This project has a module called RDM that allows you to edit controlled vocabularies. I believe they also had some plans to integrate with the Getty vocabs.
All software I've talked about is open source and written in Python. So, you can at least have a look at the different codebases and see what they're doing behind the screens.
Van Daele Koen
Agentschap Onroerend Erfgoed
T 02 553 16 82, M 0499 94 93 68
Van: gettyv...@googlegroups.com <gettyvocablod@googlegroups.com> namens Allan Berry <allan...@gmail.com>
Verzonden: woensdag 23 november 2016 6:08
Aan: Getty Vocabularies as Linked Open Data
Onderwerp: [gettyvocablod] newbie guidance on implementing Getty vocabularies?
Hi there,--
I've long admired the Getty vocabularies from afar, and I finally have a project wherein I can employ their awesomeness. I'm happy to do the main work of learning and application, but I'd appreciate any available guidance at the outset so I don't make too many wrong turns.
This will be a FOSS web database (using Python/Django and React.js), to track art in Chicago; I'd like to employ ULAN and TGN, and probably AAT as well. (Also perhaps the LoC subject guides.) It seems a straightforward use-case: In web forms I'd like to guide users toward existing terms when possible. I envision some asynchronous calls on the front-end to poll the vocabularies, and saving term IDs in a database for later use, perhaps in visualizations.
I'm a bit overwhelmed by the various ontological flavors available; I have zero experience with RDF outside reading brief conceptual descriptions in library school seminars. So:
- Is there any sort of REST API which I might call on an ad-hoc basis?
- Are my assumptions correct so far, or.do I need to take a step back, and learn/implement RDF or something? I'm worried about bolting on too much complexity at project outset.
- Any useful Python or JS tools you recommend?
- Anything else occur to you at this stage? Better approaches?
Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.-Allan
p.s.: http://answers.semanticweb.com/questions/ask/getty/ seems to be down
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Hi Allan,
One thing you may want to do is check out an application called ImageSnippets (http://www.imagesnippets.com). What you can see there is the implementation of RDF and the Getty Vocabularies used for image descriptions and an interface made for user who have less knowledge of than you do.
At least you can see some of these things you are describing in practical use.
Margaret Warren