"Working" Wheel of Death when reconciling

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May 10, 2021, 6:40:25 PM5/10/21
to Getty Vocabularies as Linked Open Data
Hi Everyone, 

I was working on a lot of metadata remediation about ten weeks ago and went on parental leave for 10 weeks. When I returned this week, I found that when I went to reconcile my data using the Getty service I had previously installed, I just got a "Working" wheel of death. I don't know how to delete and reinstall the service - when I go to Reconcile and try to select the X to get rid of the service, OR thinks I am selecting that service to reconcile with (forgive me if I'm missing something obvi). 

Did something change while I was on leave? I have tried deleting and reinstalling OR, and trying the service with a smaller dataset to no avail. 



Gregg Garcia

May 10, 2021, 6:44:37 PM5/10/21
to Getty Vocabularies as Linked Open Data
Hi, Jessica.
You need to reinstall the service in OR by clicking the 'X' in the reconcile pop-up next to the Vocabs service and then add the service using the https address:

Hope this help.

Gregg Garcia
Software Architect
Getty Digital
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