SSC Newsletter: Tons of Opportunities and Events!

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Feb 20, 2010, 1:11:10 AM2/20/10
We hope you had a fantastic President's Day weekend/Valentine's Day! Members of the Student Sustainability Collective, EcoNauts and friends journeyed up to Santa Cruz this weekend to attend the Strengthening the Roots: Food & Justice Convergence sponsored by the California Student Sustainability Coalition and West Coast Real Food Challenge. Check out our photos on our Facebook page!

1. SSC Director Position Available - Deadline extended!
2. Teach-In Regarding Racism on Campus
3. TGIF Application deadline
4. Cycling for Commuters Workshop Series
5. Wilderness and Human Values offered this Spring Quarter!
6. Transition Town Workgroup
7. CSSC 8th Annual Spring Convergence
8. The Sustainable Food Project
9. Event Invitation: "Hillcrest 2.0: Charting the future of Hillcrest"
10. Invisible Children Schools 4 Schools: Legacy Tour


1. SSC Director Position Available apply by Friday, February 26th

Application deadline extended!

Do you want to impact environmental and social justice efforts on campus? 

Are you eager to apply your extensive knowledge about sustainability? 

Become a Student Sustainability Collective Director! 

For an application, visit or email

Application due by Friday, February 26th to

2. Teach-In Regarding Racism on Campus

The Cross Cultural Center invites you to join the dialogue regarding the recent student party mocking Black History Month and racist slander. Held this coming Wednesday Feb. 24th from 12-2pm at the PC East Ballroom.

3. TGIF Application deadline is March 12th
The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) provides funding for projects that reduce UC San Diego’s negative impact on the environment and to make UC San Diego more sustainable in both the social and environmental sense. Check out for more information.

4. Cycling for Commuters Workshop Series
Come out and learn how to fix a flat tire, be visible at night, use the bus bike racks, and get to school the fastest! Join us at the Sustainability Resource Center (next to PC Theater) on Thursdays from 3-4pm for the rest of the quarter (February 27th, March 4th, and March 11th).
Free local, organic snacks will be provided!

5. Wilderness and Human Values offered this Spring Quarter!
The schedule of classes is up and an awesome new class is being offered next quarter!  ENVR 141, Wilderness and Human Values is a brand new course for students looking to explore the ideas of wilderness, the outdoors, nature and the environment.  There are no pre-requesites, and the course offers opportunities to camp and backpack during and after the quarter!  Get credit for thinking about and exploring the outdoors?  It doesn't get any cooler than that!  

6. Transition Town Workgroup
Are you worried about peak oil? Come to the Sustainability Resource Center every Friday at 10 am to help form a Transition Town within our UCSD community.

7. CSSC 8th Annual Spring Convergence to be held April 30th, May 1st-2nd
Do you like weekends of Sustainable fun?  Do you like fresh, local, organic, food?  Do you like time with students from other colleges?  Then you should join in the preparation of the California Student Sustainability Coalition's 8th Annual Spring Convergence! UCSD was recently gifted the opportunity to host this weekend long event that draws students from all over California as well as outside the state, and the Student Sustainability Collective is working to put together all the nuts and bolts.  If you want to be a part of this great event please email Jared A Muscat at

The Sustainable Food Project has just created a new website at  Check out the site for updates. We has been working hard through the year to raise the necessary funds for an Urban Farm at UCSD, and we are getting closer and closer.  However, we want some more friends so we can get farming sooner! Come to our meetings every Wednesday at 3:00 pm in the Sustainability Resource Center!

9. Event Invitation: "Hillcrest 2.0: Charting the future of Hillcrest"
When: Thursday, February 25 from 5pm-7pm. 
Location: Hillcrest's famous Baja Betty's, located on 1421 University Ave. 

The featured speaker at the Hillcrest BIA will be Dr. Sherry Ryan from San Diego State University. Dr. Ryan's research is on transportation and its elements–land use interactions, and the influence of land use patterns on travel behavior, physical activity, and health. She will be presenting new and exciting case studies as to what Hillcrest can do. 

Please RSVP at RSVP is not required, but preferred.
More information about Dr. Ryan can be found here:;

10. Invisible Children Schools 4 Schools: Legacy Tour 
UCSD Schools 4 Schools is hosting the Invisible Children Legacy Tour on Thursday, March 4th in Price Center Ballroom B, from 7-9pm. Come out to screen Invisible Children's newest documentary, "The Rescue". Guest speakers from Uganda will be presenting along with Invisible Children Roadies.


Thank you for your continued interest and support!

-The Student Sustainability Collective 
at the Sustainability Resource Center
University of California, San Diego
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