Fully funded postdoc or research engineer in collaborative robotics at MINES ParisTech, PSL

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Sotiris Manitsaris

Oct 11, 2019, 5:37:23 AM10/11/19
to gesturechallenge
Dear all,

The Centre for Robotics (MINES ParisTech, PSL Université Paris) is seeking candidates for a fully-funded Postdoc position (or research engineer) on H2020 projects. More precisely, MINES ParisTech is opening a position on Scene Understanding and Movement-based Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) in Industry 4.0 in the context of the ‘Collaborate' project.

For more information please click here: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/326208

Please share this information to anyone who could be interested in such a job description.

Cordialement | Regards | Με εκτίμηση,
Dr. Sotiris Manitsaris

Senior Researcher | Research Project Leader
Centre for Robotics | MINES ParisTech | PSL Université Paris
A: 60, boulevard Saint Michel | 75272 Paris cedex 06 | France
W: sotirismanitsaris.eu | LinkedIn Page
Director of the Post-Master AIMove
"AI & MOVΕment in industries and creation"
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