[Gfs-users] Probelm on simulating jet breakup stimulated by axial vibrating orifice

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佘 垒

Apr 2, 2019, 4:00:35 AM4/2/19
to gfs-...@lists.sourceforge.net

Hello Gfs-Users,

  I am trying to simulats a Rayleigh jet breakup sitimulated by axial vibrating orifice, using GfsSolidMoving. I inserted a cube gts file into a rectangle fluid domain and defined its velocity of sinusoidal vibration. Gerris code and gts file is attached. However, the simulation stoped immediately afer run and appeared "mpirun noticed that process rank 2 with PID 2299 on node inieselei-virtual-machine exited on signal 8 (Floating point exception)." 

  How to deal with this problem?

  Also about the gts, why do I have to set the scale parameter to a little bigger than 1 ? I think the scale should be 1 so that the orifice radius will equal 1, but error appears when set scale parameter to 1. 



Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China


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