Dear colleagues,
If you have doctoral students or other early career scholars interested in the policy process and especially policy evaluation, please point them in the direction of this year’s IPPA summer school on "Evaluation and Policy Process" in Venice/Padova from 17-21 June 2024. I will contribute insights and work on environment and climate policy evaluation.
Applications are still open until 30 April 2024. A limited number of grants for PhD students are available.
Best wishes,
Dr. Jonas Schönefeld
Institut Wohnen und Umwelt GmbH
Rheinstraße 65
64295 Darmstadt
Institute for Housing and Environment -
Research institution of the State of Hessen
and the City of Darmstadt
Fon: ++49/(0)6151/2904-38
Fax: ++49/(0)6151/2904-97
Registergericht Darmstadt HRB 1649
Geschäftsführerin: Dr. Monika Meyer
New publications:
Adapting to climate change: Promises and pitfalls in the diffusion of solutions (2024) (Regional Environmental Change)
The evaluation of polycentric climate governance (2023) (Cambridge University Press)
Auswertung: Die Mollerstadt in Darmstadt – ein Quartier voller Herausforderungen? (2023) (Zukunftsorientierte nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung: Eine transdisziplinäre Untersuchung am Beispiel eines innerstädtischen Quartiers)
The role and functioning of evaluation in the European Union (2023) (Handbook of Public Policy Evaluation)