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COP 29 accreditation

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Helge Jörgens

Apr 10, 2024, 5:39:22 AM4/10/24
Dear all,

can anyone help with an accreditation for two researchers as observers of the upcoming UNFCCC COP 29 in Azerbaijan?

Our research is part of the TranSpace project that started this year and is financed by the German Research Foundation DFG. Nina Kolleck is the project leader and I am project partner. TranSpace analyses the emergence of transnational administrative spaces within the context of global climate policy. 
We are seeking assistance in securing accreditation for two researchers, Bruna Rodrigues and Keith Goldstein of Potsdam University, to attend COP29. We greatly appreciate any support or advice!

We already asked our colleagues at Potsdam University, but unfortunately all its accreditations are already attributed.

Thank you so much for your help!
Best regards, 

Helge Jörgens

Helge Jörgens
Associate Professor 

Department of Political Science and Public Policy

Director of the Master's Program in Public Policy

Researcher at CIES - Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology
Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon
Perfil Ciência-IUL

New Publications:

Jörgens, H.; Ch. Knill and Y. Steinebach (eds.) 2023: Routledge Handbook of Environmental Policy. London: Routledge

Goritz, A.; H. Jörgens and N. Kolleck (2023): A matter of information – The influence of international bureaucracies in global climate governance networks, Social Networks.

Jörgens, H.; N. Kolleck and M. Well (eds) (2024): International Public Administrations in Environmental Governance: The Role of Autonomy, Agency, and the Quest for Attention. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (open access).

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