WCS Client

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May 17, 2016, 1:34:21 PM5/17/16
to GeoScript
Hey Jared,

I'm in need of a WCS client/layer.   I'm having a hard time finding an example
in GeoTools anywhere.   Before I go off implementing one,  do you know if
one exists already?


Jared Erickson

May 17, 2016, 11:39:30 PM5/17/16
to GeoScript Google Group
Hey Scottie!

Sorry, I don’t have any experience using WCS and I am not aware of GeoTools support.  However, I would  love to see a WCS Layer in GeoScript, so good luck!


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Justin Deoliveira

May 18, 2016, 9:49:37 AM5/18/16
to GeoScript Google Group
Hey Scottie,

I am not 100% sure but i think someone from geotools started a WCS client at one point… although a quick scan of geotools unsupported modules doesn’t yield anything. You may want to ask on the geotools dev list. 


scott bortman

May 18, 2016, 9:57:21 AM5/18/16
to geos...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Justin and Jared.

Damn,  nobody uses WCS!?!?  

I'll see what I can cobble together.   Is it okay if I bounce
ideas off ya now and again?

Justin Deoliveira

May 18, 2016, 10:32:07 AM5/18/16
to geos...@googlegroups.com
For sure. Good luck with the development!

Andrea Aime

May 18, 2016, 11:09:10 AM5/18/16
to geos...@googlegroups.com
On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 3:57 PM, scott bortman <scott....@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks Justin and Jared.

Damn,  nobody uses WCS!?!?  

Most of the usages I know are kind of custom, the WCS specification has suffered 
a long history with complete protocol rewrites between one version and then next one.
If I had to write a client today, and assuming it's feasible for your use case, I'd concentrate
on the WCS 2.0 specification only, it's the sanest in the lot and the simplest to use


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scott bortman

May 19, 2016, 4:21:28 PM5/19/16
to geos...@googlegroups.com
So,  here's my first attempt at a very naive WCS Layer.    
Looking for some feedback if anybody is willing to take a peak.

Basically,  it takes a WMS and WCS layer from Good Ol' GeoServer
and renders it out as PNG.   Wanted to make sure imagery lined
up w/reference.

I started w/1.0.0 at first as that was what I was most familiar but
might Andrea's advice and look at 2.0 ;-)

So,  I have a few questions (you can see my Hack comments in
the code):

1.   geoscript.proj.Projection doesn't like urn codes  (i.e. urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84).
 Could it be that the authority provider jar isn't on the class on the classpath.   And,  if so,
 what would the name of that jar?

2.  Passing a stream to:
def raster = new GeoTIFF(getCoverageURL.openStream()).read()   

Causes an exception.    I came up with a workaround by lifting some
of the GeoTiffReader but there's gotta be a better way.   Anybody know
why it fails?




Jared Erickson

May 19, 2016, 11:46:43 PM5/19/16
to GeoScript Google Group
Nice work!

It seems that #1 is a known bug (https://osgeo-org.atlassian.net/browse/GEOT-1710).  GeoTools and GeoScript do support at least some urn projection strings because this works:

Projection p = new Projection("urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326")

and I use AUTO projection strings to create map cubes:

I reproduced #2 with a GeoTiff file input stream.  So far I haven't found a solution.  I did try specifying the projection while reading the Raster but that didn't seem to help.


scott bortman

May 20, 2016, 9:14:53 AM5/20/16
to geos...@googlegroups.com
I wonder why GeoServer outputs a projection code that GeoTools doesn't support?
Maybe there some extra stuff in GeoServer that isn't in GeoTools?

I suppose those are questions for another forum. ;-)

I think the problem w/the image stuff is deep on the bowels of imageio-ext so I'll
stick w/the workaround.

So,  if I were to continue w/this,  should I follow the model of your geoscript.layer.WMS?

Man,  it was nice to get back to groovy for a bit,  been having to do Go for a while here 
at work.  :-(   Not bashing it,  just not my favorite.

Justin Deoliveira

May 20, 2016, 9:41:00 AM5/20/16
to geos...@googlegroups.com
On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 7:14 AM scott bortman <scott....@gmail.com> wrote:
I wonder why GeoServer outputs a projection code that GeoTools doesn't support?
Maybe there some extra stuff in GeoServer that isn't in GeoTools?

Yeah, depending on the configuration GeoServer includes some extra projection definitions you don’t get “out of the box” with GeoTools. Although it would be relatively easy to enable them in any GeoTools app the same way GeoServer does.

Jared Erickson

May 21, 2016, 4:12:54 PM5/21/16
to GeoScript Google Group

Yes, a pull request would be great.  We should report the problems with GeoTiffReader to the GeoTools mailing list but a test case in Java would probably be required.

Justin, could you point me the right direction to where Geoserver includes extra projection definitions?

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