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Technology Georchestra

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Luis Clemente Villaescusa

Jan 26, 2024, 3:15:47 AM1/26/24
to georchestra
Hello, good morning. Excuse me for me english.
Could you confirm me that the technology used in the Georchestra front-end, to integrate the different components is Angular ?
If I want to add a new tool to Georchestra, I would have to do two things.
The first one is to modify the front-end to be able to add that tool to the menu. I would do this with Angular.
And the second to modify the back-end, if I want to integrate it with any of the components of Georchestra, for example, with the map viewer Mapstore, I would have to do it with Java.
Am I right ?
Thank you very much in advance.

Florian Necas

Jan 26, 2024, 10:23:32 AM1/26/24
to georchestra

It depends on which application you want to work with. 

Mostly, for the backend side, Java is indeed the main language used (often java 11 for now). 

On the frontend part, it changes with each modules/apps. Recents apps use Angular like Datahub and datafeeder,  Console is a mix of JSP and AngularJS, Geoserver uses Apache wickets.

Maybe you won't need to use it all, it depends of what you want to achieve.

Don't hesitate if you want to discuss about it !

Luis Clemente Villaescusa

Jan 27, 2024, 3:12:03 AM1/27/24
to georchestra
Thank you very, very much.
Your reply is of great help to me.
Have a nice day. Best regards.
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