Intercity names exchange

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Roma Zvarych (hisbvdis)

Jan 3, 2024, 12:04:54 PM1/3/24
to GeoNames
I'm begginer developer.
I wanted to start using Geonames database and I noticed an opportunity of increasing amount of cities with alternate names.
I will consider cities in Ukraine and Russia.

There are a lot of cities with the same names, but not all of them have alternate names.
You could just iterate through every city and copy alternate names from another city with the same name, but having ones.

What do you think?
Maybe it's possible to do it at least for ukraininan and russian-language names for these cities.
I could show SQL-query, but I'm not sure that it will be good enough.

P.S. Thanks for great db.
P.P.S. Sory, my english is not so good
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