Question to Ben Laenen - on DejaVu fonts glyphs Descender

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Nov 23, 2008, 7:22:33 PM11/23/08
to ქართული შრიფტები, Georgian Fonts
DejaVu fonts dimensions are defined as -

Key dimensions: Descender = -492

TrueType-specific: (OS/2) TypoDescender= -492; WinDescent = -483.
(hhea) Descender = - 483

For purposes of Georgian it is important to use maximum available
Descender - so according DejaVu fonts it can be -492 (or minimum -

But -- testing inside Ubuntu-Gnome – for example while
System > Preferences > Appearance > Fonts
Menu elements Names "Shortcut Underlines" are not shown
especially under characters using maximal Descender –
like ე, ვ, კ, ჟ, უ, ფ, ქ, ღ, ყ, ც, ჭ, ჯ
but are shown under characters which are on base line
like ა, ბ, ზ, თ, ი, მ, ნ, ო, რ, ს, შ, ჩ, ძ, წ, ხ
– if are used fonts having descender -492...-483.

From other side – inside applications like Open Office -- Menu
Shortcuts Underline are shown correctly.

It is important to know if there are some strong limitations for fonts
Descender usage, or – this is some bug, which can be corrected.

Besarion - BPG

Ben Laenen

Nov 24, 2008, 6:55:07 AM11/24/08
to, BPG
On Monday 24 November 2008, BPG wrote:
> DejaVu fonts dimensions are defined as -
> Key dimensions: Descender = -492
> TrueType-specific: (OS/2) TypoDescender= -492; WinDescent = -483.
> (hhea) Descender = - 483

windescent is where cut-offs are possible.

> For purposes of Georgian it is important to use maximum available
> Descender - so according DejaVu fonts it can be -492 (or minimum -
> 483).
> But -- testing inside Ubuntu-Gnome – for example while
> System > Preferences > Appearance > Fonts
> Menu elements Names "Shortcut Underlines" are not shown
> especially under characters using maximal Descender –
> like ე, ვ, კ, ჟ, უ, ფ, ქ, ღ, ყ, ც, ჭ, ჯ
> but are shown under characters which are on base line
> like ა, ბ, ზ, თ, ი, მ, ნ, ო, რ, ს, შ, ჩ, ძ, წ, ხ
> – if are used fonts having descender -492...-483.

AFAIK the line under the letter is based on the bounding box of that
glyph, but I guess it's drawing the line too low there. Obviously
shouldn't happen when so you should file a bug report on Gnome for
that, as I think it should at least allow glyphs in the font to extend
to the windescent.

> From other side – inside applications like Open Office -- Menu
> Shortcuts Underline are shown correctly.

Different renderers, different results :-)

> It is important to know if there are some strong limitations for
> fonts Descender usage, or – this is some bug, which can be corrected.

It's a Gnome bug in my opinion.


Vladimer Sichinava

Nov 24, 2008, 11:36:13 AM11/24/08
What's the name of the application ?  here is the bug filing site.

2008/11/24 Ben Laenen <>

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