On 2 Mar 2023, at 09:07, Andrew Lockley <andrew....@gmail.com> wrote:
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Hi All
You could delay balloons bursting by fitting a pressure relief valve to vent gas when the outside pressure fell below some chosen value.
Emeritus Professor of Engineering Design
School of Engineering
University of Edinburgh
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Edinburgh EH9 3DW
0131 650 5704 or 0131 662 1180
YouTube Jamie Taylor Power for Change
From: geoengi...@googlegroups.com <geoengi...@googlegroups.com>
On Behalf Of Andrew Lockley
Sent: 02 March 2023 08:58
To: Daniele Visioni <daniele...@gmail.com>
Cc: geoengineering <geoengi...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [geo] SATAN
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Please can you expand a bit regarding your comment of unsafe slow assent vs difficulty venting. This sounds like something of importance. I have always assumed that venting or slowing down the speed would be an option. Understanding this sounds quite important. I would note that weather balloons seem to have a solution to this but I may be mistaken.
I would also point out that by doing the work that you did that you underscored the value of why actual experiments need to happen. It is essential.
David Sevier
Carbon Cycle Limited
248 Sutton Common Road
Sutton, Surrey SM3 9PW
Tel 44 (0) 208 288 0128
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What about an upside down parachute deployed at the right time?
I second Dan, and your juvenile response to him regarding your choice of project name should leave no doubt on anyone’s part that you don’t take this subject seriously.
Had you actually been paying attention to the field as you claim to have been, you would be aware that there are broad public concerns, that trust is paramount, and that transparency is essential, as has been consistently recommended in every list of recommendations ever written on the subject – and your excuse of hiding while waiting for peer review is pathetic given that what’s needed would be transparency in advance about the existence of the test and the purpose, not about results.
You also know that your test has zero engineering value to the field since there’s no viable pathway to getting meaningful radiative forcing through balloons anyway. There are certainly plausible engineering tests that could have value, but IMO this isn’t one of them.
So cost-benefit analysis… the benefit of your “test” is zero, but the cost, in terms of potentially setting back perceptions of the field and engendering a backlash against actual real legitimate science, is non-zero. Hopefully people will appropriately ignore this stunt and recognize that it is neither directly damaging nor actually relevant to SAI.
From: geoengi...@googlegroups.com <geoengi...@googlegroups.com>
On Behalf Of Andrew Lockley
Sent: Thursday, March 2, 2023 12:58 AM
To: Daniele Visioni <daniele...@gmail.com>
Cc: geoengineering <geoengi...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [geo] SATAN
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/geoengineering/CAJ3C-07tzg2o%3Dj1EodrjMmWi%2Br7t8k58iNF69xHMxQm0%3DN_WTQ%40mail.gmail.com.
I second Dan, and your juvenile response to him regarding your choice of project name should leave no doubt on anyone’s part that you don’t take this subject seriously.
What specifically was juvenile about my response to Dan?
How is a decade of unpaid work not serious?
Is the project name sillier or less descriptive than these examples - some of which are now scientifically standard? https://www.businessinsider.com/15-fantastic-scientific-acronyms-2014-1
Had you actually been paying attention to the field as you claim to have been, you would be aware that there are broad public concerns, that trust is paramount, and that transparency is essential, as has been consistently recommended in every list of recommendations ever written on the subject – and your excuse of hiding while waiting for peer review is pathetic given that what’s needed would be transparency in advance about the existence of the test and the purpose, not about results.
You also know that your test has zero engineering value to the field since there’s no viable pathway to getting meaningful radiative forcing through balloons anyway.
There are certainly plausible engineering tests that could have value, but IMO this isn’t one of them.
So cost-benefit analysis… the benefit of your “test” is zero, but the cost, in terms of potentially setting back perceptions of the field and engendering a backlash against actual real legitimate science, is non-zero. Hopefully people will appropriately ignore this stunt and recognize that it is neither directly damaging nor actually relevant to SAI.
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I personally don’t want to be associated even remotely with anything you do now or in the future, so this will be my last message on this group before I unsubscribe.
Hi All
I ask as an ignorant non-legal person, please could one of the many expert ethicists and political decision makers help me understand the difference between the release of very small quantities of medicinally benign material aimed at helping all species intended to advance knowledge which can easily be stopped as against the release of very much larger quantities of materials, already known to be dangerous, but profitable to a small number of very rich people.
From: geoengi...@googlegroups.com <geoengi...@googlegroups.com>
On Behalf Of Andrew Lockley
Sent: 03 March 2023 15:54
To: Jessica Gurevitch <jessica....@stonybrook.edu>
Cc: Oliver Morton <oliver...@economist.com>; geoengineering <geoengi...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [geo] SATAN
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Jessica I've taken on board your point that the SATAN branding (while perhaps usefully provocational in the UK) is more literally believed elsewhere - and therefore probably isn't appropriately cross cultural. I remember a similar problem with mitigation being described as a "Manhatten project", which outraged the Japanese delegates at the conference where it was discussed. But it's too late to change this branding now, partly due to the leak.
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There is an EPA authority, the Toxic Substances Control Act, TSCA, that can require risk information be developed and submitted to EPA for review prior to releasing chemicals into the environment, at scale, for a new use:
TSCA Section 5(a) Significant New Use Rules (SNURs) can be used to require notice to EPA before chemical substances and mixtures are used in new ways that might create concerns
EPA could either publish a list of chemicals that require fate, risk and/or other information prior to using them for a particular use, e.g., SRM, cloud seeding, or possibly ocean fertilization. My reading of the statute indicated it’s also possible they could simply publish a “use” without knowing the chemical beforehand, such as listing SRM, when that is a “novel” use of any chemical. I’m a chemist not a lawyer, so that last idea is speculative
TSCA is here http://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title15/chapter53&edition=prelim
Citizens can also petition EPA under TSCA section 21 asking that EPA publish a SNUR, by showing there is a possibility of unreasonable risk to human health and the environment if a chemical is used in a particular fashion. This would be similar to CPRIs petition to regulate GHGs under TSCA, now being litigated. See https://cprclimate.org/
I’m happy to provide more information.
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I don't know the details of Andrew's effort, and agree that the SATAN moniker was unfortunate, but I tend to believe that anything that we can do to spur awareness, discussion, and debate over the urgent (and as I think most of us believe existential for human civilization) need for direct climate cooling now (or as soon as reasonably prudently possible depending on method is generally a positive contribution to our epochal challenge of a scope and within a expedited timeline never before encountered in human history.
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I totally get the idea behind gluing yourself to famous paintings. It’s the grotesque situation that we value paint on canvas in millions (of dollars, of course), while we head to extinction. Reading such articles on BBC again and again really made me think. I would glue myself to a painting too if i didn’t fear my career would go bust. Call me an idiot, Sir. You say that most people react negatively to such a move. But it’s just your pronunciation not a fact.
I think it would be extremely important that we do not repeat
that bad press of people who do not understand the urgency or do
not want to understand the urgency. People have different
approaches to try to safe humanity. Some speak and write a lot,
some demonstrate, some glue themselves. We need all of them. And
we all need to stand up together and defend our backs against the
majority of stupidity.
I think it is awful, not timely and not understandable when climate scientists repeat the bad press against the last generation. I though you understood the urgency, no?
Actually, here in Germany the press is becoming more and more positive. People don´t like it, but they start to understand.
They don´t need to be liked. They need to be understood. And they
need the focus on the urgency. If people like you just repeat the
bad press, then of course things look quite dire for their
movement. Do you want that?
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