--The Mansfield Center for Ethics and Public Affairs at the University of Montana (with support from the National Science Foundation) is pleased to announce the launch of the Ethics of Geoengineering Online Resource Center.
We have attempted to make this an exhaustive resource for materials, organizations, and events related to geoengineering and ethics. We will continue to work to make the site increasingly comprehensive, accessible, and engaging. We welcome feedback and suggestions about significant resources that are not yet included. Please bring to our attention any papers, events, and other media you think may be missing.
Visit the site at: http://www.umt.edu/ethics/resourcecenter/default.php
Please email feedback or suggestions to geoenginee...@gmail.comThanks!Andrea GammonGraduate Research Assistant, Department of PhilosophyUniversity of Montana, '13
Christopher PrestonAssociate Professor of Philosophy and Fellow at the Program on Ethics and Public AffairsUniversity of Montana
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I think it's primarily a question of scale. The underlying philosophical questions aren't new, but the scale at which the questions apply -- in terms of both time and geography -- is comparable to only a few other issues (most notably, nuclear weapons). There are few substantive issues that have this kind of (literally) planetary-level importance coupled with the condition of being direct human choices (as opposed to second-order consequences).In other words, getting this wrong could screw over nearly everyone, potentially for multiple generations.-Jamais Cascio
Not having an undergraduate degree in Philosophy, and my
involvement with the subject being confined to participating in
demonstrations and marches led by Bertrand Russell in the
1950/1960s, I am not competent to challenge or comment on
any of the specific points Ken raises.
But I wonder whether - since geoengineering is related to issues
concerned with a novel situation: the possible extinction of many
of Earth's life-forms and associated massive planetary disruption
- there may be philosophical questions hitherto not recognised or
fully examined, perhaps not thought to be important or valid, which
could profitably be addressed now.
I do not know the answer to this question.
All Best Wishes, John.
John Latham
Address: P.O. Box 3000,MMM,NCAR,Boulder,CO 80307-3000
Email: lat...@ucar.edu or john.l...@manchester.ac.uk
Tel: (US-Work) 303-497-8182 or (US-Home) 303-444-2429
or (US-Cell) 303-882-0724 or (UK) 01928-730-002
From: geoengi...@googlegroups.com [geoengi...@googlegroups.com] on behalf of Ken Caldeira [kcal...@carnegie.stanford.edu]
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 10:27 PM
To: a.r.g...@gmail.com
Cc: ISE...@listserv.tamu.edu; geoengi...@googlegroups.com
Subject: [geo] Ethics of Geoengineering (anything new?)
Having but an undergraduate degree in Philosophy, you can forgive me for asking stupid questions, but ...
Does geoengineering raise any ethical issues not already considered by historical figures such as Aristotle, Hume, Kant, and so on?
Isn't the ethics of making decisions that affect others not involved in making the decisions a problem as old as humanity?
I just don't understand how there is anything new here for philosophy.
Surely there are difficult decisions to be made with moral dimensions, but I just can't imagine how geoengineering could pose fundamentally new philosophic problems.
Perhaps someone can compensate for my failure of imagination and tell me in what way geoengineering poses fundamentally new philosophic problems not previously addressed.
Ken Caldeira
Carnegie Institution Dept of Global Ecology
260 Panama Street, Stanford, CA 94305 USA
+1 650 704 7212 kcal...@carnegie.stanford.edu<mailto:kcal...@carnegie.stanford.edu>
http://dge.stanford.edu/labs/caldeiralab @kencaldeira
Currently visiting Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS)<http://www.iass-potsdam.de/>
and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Resarch (PIK)<http://www.pik-potsdam.de/> in Potsdam, Germany.
On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 10:58 PM, Andrea Gammon <a.r.g...@gmail.com<mailto:a.r.g...@gmail.com>> wrote:
The Mansfield Center for Ethics and Public Affairs at the University of Montana (with support from the National Science Foundation) is pleased to announce the launch of the Ethics of Geoengineering Online Resource Center.
We have attempted to make this an exhaustive resource for materials, organizations, and events related to geoengineering and ethics. We will continue to work to make the site increasingly comprehensive, accessible, and engaging. We welcome feedback and suggestions about significant resources that are not yet included. Please bring to our attention any papers, events, and other media you think may be missing.
Visit the site at: <https://ch1prd0102.outlook.com/owa/redir.aspx?C=OWAMf8GxrUmH3DmLPhvEmRVCg4-F5s4Ia3rgDEllyFha_7YuC8CjtGrFU9mOVuqXWwDCLmctAsw.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.umt.edu%2fethics%2fresourcecenter%2fdefault.php> http://www.umt.edu/ethics/resourcecenter/default.php
Please email feedback or suggestions to <mailto:geoenginee...@gmail.com> geoenginee...@gmail.com<mailto:geoenginee...@gmail.com>
Andrea Gammon
Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Philosophy
University of Montana, '13
Christopher Preston
Associate Professor of Philosophy and Fellow at the Program on Ethics and Public Affairs
University of Montana
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "geoengineering" group.
To post to this group, send email to geoengi...@googlegroups.com<mailto:geoengi...@googlegroups.com>.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to geoengineerin...@googlegroups.com<mailto:geoengineering%2Bunsu...@googlegroups.com>.
john gorman (engineer)
I mainly write to ask if the University of Montana and other Universities doing ethics studies are considering "Geoengineering" to be identical to SRM - or whether the term also includes CDR. Of the dozen or so messages so far in this thread, I can only detect SRM.
To Ken's point, I can agree that existing Ethical theory probably does not need much additional research. But I doubt there are many parallel examples where one term covers such fundamentally different options. With SRM, the issue is primarily in balancing risks and the need for R&D. With CDR, the issues are speed and costs. Unusual also perhaps for both is the presence of active, well-funded deniers.
On Apr 8, 2012, at 1:13 AM, O Morton <omeco...@gmail.com> wrote:
Just as I think of mathematicians developing new mathematical theory while the rest of us apply existing theory to do calculations aimed at solving real world pproblems, I thought philosophers were developing new general theory and the rest of were applying this theory in our own moral calculations.
It seems to me that alot of what is beig called 'philosphy' is people trying to do moral calculations.
Often math progresses because a calculational need arises for which there is no existig relevant mathematical theory and this spurs the mathematicians to develop new theory
It seems to me that the ethics of decision making when decisions affect others not involved in the decision making is a problem as old as the hills.
I just don't see how this itch is going to need a scratch of a different kind. Aren't existig types of scratches are sufficient? I will be suprised if geoengineering will really be an irritant that can spur philosophical innovation. Not impossible, but I am dubious.
In contrast, I do see how neuroscience can perhaps act a an tch that promotes new types if philosophical scratches.
Ken Caldeira
+1 650 704 7212
Sent from a limited-typing keyboard
I guess a philosopher should probably pipe in here.
I work a fair bit on ethics and geoengineering. Most of what I've been doing has been oriented around getting a clearer sense of what problem geoengineering is supposedly a response to. There's a prevailing assumption, for instance, that we well understand the problem with climate change, but I think this is far from clear. Supposedly, the problem with climate change is that the climate will change, and presumably this will be a change for the worse. I don't disagree that the change will be for the worse, but that it will be worse simpliciter doesn’t strike me as the core problem. Many things in the world change for the worse, and only sometimes do we respond to them. The question of geoengineering, and the variety associated technologies, can help us get a grip on the nature of the climate change problem. So that’s one way in which geoengineering has interest philosophically: by shedding light on the problem that many of us are keen to address and helping us understand the nature of our obligations to address this problem.
Another way in which ethics and geoengineering are philosophically interesting is in a clinical sense: we need to ask what sorts of things we’re permitted or obligated to do; and what sorts of things we’re restricted from doing. Just as a bioethicist dissects the sundry questions associated with health, technology, and medicine, so too can ethicists do the same with geoengineering. There are many related questions about the permissibility of one technology over another, as clearly some technologies will demand more of some, or perhaps burden others, in ways that are unacceptably unfair.
Beyond the forward-looking clinical ethical questions, there are also questions related to definition and the nature of geoengineering. For instance, I think the distinction between SRM and CDR is falsely concrete, and that instead we should distinguish according to whether geoengineering is an attempt to remediate (that is, to draw down our carbon and GHG contributions, as well as our bad land-use decisions, by way of cleaning up our messes) versus an attempt to steer (that is, to avoid anticipated bad consequences from our prior actions). To me, at least, this distinction helps us understand some relatively powerful intuitions that we may have, for instance, that air capture technologies and reforestation practices are nowhere near as worrisome as stratospheric injection technologies and ocean fertilization proposals.
As to Ken's initial inquiry, it's hard to say, generally, what philosophers are doing. It is true that in one respect there's nothing new under the sun, that all hitherto philosophy is just a series of footnotes to Plato, but what most of professional philosophers take themselves to be doing is gaining a bit more clarity and insight on current and ancient problems than otherwise might be gained simply by picking up the classic texts. In the case of geoengineering, there's a lot of work to be done that may help us get to a better place with a more intelligent discourse.
Here's some of my published work on the topic:
1. “The World that Would Have Been: Moral Hazard Arguments against Geoengineering” Reflecting Sunlight: The Ethics of Solar Radiation Management Ed. Christopher Preston. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield. 2012. Forthcoming, 2012. http://spot.colorado.edu/~bhale/Geoengineering_and_Moral_Hazard_webversion.pdf
2. “Getting the Bad Out: Remediation Technologies and Respect for Others” The Environment: Philosophy, Science, and Ethics. Eds. Kabasenche, W.B., O'Rourke, M., and Slater, M. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Forthcoming, 2012. http://spot.colorado.edu/~bhale/Getting_the_Bad_Out_MIT_draft_single-spaced.pdf
3. “Non-renewable Resources and the Inevitability of Outcomes,” The Monist, 94(1), July 2011. http://sciencepolicy.colorado.edu/admin/publication_files/2011.28.pdf
4. “Carbon Sequestration, Ocean Fertilization, and the Problem of Permissible Pollution” (with Lisa Dilling), Science, Technology, and Human Values. 36(2): 190-212. 2011. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/whp/ev/2009/00000018/00000004/art00003
5. “Remediation and Respect: Do Remediation Technologies Alter Our Responsibility?” (with Bill Grundy), Environmental Values. 18(4). 2009. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/whp/ev/2009/00000018/00000004/art00003
6. “You say 'solution', I say 'pollution': Ocean fertilization is a fishy solution to a whale of a problem,” Guest commentary, Science Progress, August 18, 2009. http://scienceprogress.org/2009/08/ocean-fertilization-ethics/
I have a few other pieces in various stages of progress as well. I’m happy to share.
Beyond this, there’s some really great stuff coming out now from a number of other sources. Christopher Preston has convened a volume on the Ethics of Solar Radiation Management, we’re publishing a series of essays later this summer in the journal Ethics, Policy, & Environment, and there is even more stuff forthcoming.
These bibliographies compiled by Preston should prove helpful:
Benjamin Hale
Assistant Professor
Philosophy and Environmental Studies
University of Colorado, Boulder
Tel: 303 735-3624; Fax: 303 735-1576
Ethics, Policy & Environment
I think clarity is one of many objectives that a philosopher might have, much in the way that a scientist might aim to gain clarity on the forces in play in a physics question or an economic modeler might aim to gain clarity on the social forces at work in a question about values in exchange.
I don’t think these are “mere” language questions, as sometimes they are taken to be. If, for instance, I want to know why it is permissible in some circumstances to pull the plug on a loved one, but not permissible in other circumstances, I’m not asking a question about terminology. I’m asking a question about boundaries and constraints. I need to know the conditions under which it is reasonable and acceptable for me to proceed with my planned action.
So too for geoengineering. If I think that the reason we should geoengineer is because there will be disastrous consequences if we don’t, then I need to know not what those disastrous consequences will be, but whether those disastrous consequences are the sort of consequences that might warrant the wholesale suspension of other moral principles, such as state sovereignty, individual rights, and so on. These are real and challenging questions for which there are no easy answers… and these questions, notably, are neither scientific questions nor engineering questions. They cannot be answered by simple appeal to observation (as with the sciences) or by appeal to technical calculation (as with engineering). They must be reasoned out, just as we reason out many of our many other vexing social questions. That’s what we’re up to in philosophy.
Tis true, of course, that my moral hazard paper is primarily a terminological undertaking, so there’s some clarification going on… but the orientation there is mostly around getting a grip on the problem we face, and understanding also how easily we can bury the complicated ethical questions simply by slapping on a label and hiding them away.
Thanks for the feedback!
Benjamin Hale
Assistant Professor
Philosophy and Environmental Studies
University of Colorado, Boulder
Tel: 303 735-3624; Fax: 303 735-1576
1. “The World that Would Have Been: Moral Hazard Arguments against Geoengineering” Reflecting Sunlight: The Ethics of Solar Radiation Management Ed. Christopher Preston. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield. 2012. Forthcoming, 2012. http://spot.colorado.edu/~bhale/Geoengineering_and_Moral_Hazard_webversion.pdf <http://spot.colorado.edu/%7Ebhale/Geoengineering_and_Moral_Hazard_webversion.pdf>
2. “Getting the Bad Out: Remediation Technologies and Respect for Others” The Environment: Philosophy, Science, and Ethics. Eds. Kabasenche, W.B., O'Rourke, M., and Slater, M. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Forthcoming, 2012. http://spot.colorado.edu/~bhale/Getting_the_Bad_Out_MIT_draft_single-spaced.pdf <http://spot.colorado.edu/%7Ebhale/Getting_the_Bad_Out_MIT_draft_single-spaced.pdf>
3. “Non-renewable Resources and the Inevitability of Outcomes,” The Monist, 94(1), July 2011. http://sciencepolicy.colorado.edu/admin/publication_files/2011.28.pdf
4. “Carbon Sequestration, Ocean Fertilization, and the Problem of Permissible Pollution” (with Lisa Dilling), Science, Technology, and Human Values. 36(2): 190-212. 2011. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/whp/ev/2009/00000018/00000004/art00003
5. “Remediation and Respect: Do Remediation Technologies Alter Our Responsibility?” (with Bill Grundy), Environmental Values. 18(4). 2009. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/whp/ev/2009/00000018/00000004/art00003
6. “You say 'solution', I say 'pollution': Ocean fertilization is a fishy solution to a whale of a problem,” Guest commentary, Science Progress, August 18, 2009. http://scienceprogress.org/2009/08/ocean-fertilization-ethics/
I have a few other pieces in various stages of progress as well. I’m happy to share.
Beyond this, there’s some really great stuff coming out now from a number of other sources. Christopher Preston has convened a volume on the Ethics of Solar Radiation Management, we’re publishing a series of essays later this summer in the journal Ethics, Policy, & Environment, and there is even more stuff forthcoming.
These bibliographies compiled by Preston should prove helpful:
Benjamin Hale
Assistant Professor
Philosophy and Environmental Studies
University of Colorado, Boulder
Tel: 303 735-3624 <tel:303%20735-3624> ; Fax: 303 735-1576 <tel:303%20735-1576>
Ethics, Policy & Environment
-----Original Message-----
From: geoengi...@googlegroups.com [mailto:geoengi...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Ken Caldeira
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2012 6:04 AM
To: omeco...@gmail.com
Cc: geoengineering
Subject: Re: [geo] Re: Ethics of Geoengineering (anything new?)
I think I simply use the word 'philosophy' different than most modern philosophers.
Just as I think of mathematicians developing new mathematical theory while the rest of us apply existing theory to do calculations aimed at solving real world pproblems, I thought philosophers were developing new general theory and the rest of were applying this theory in our own moral calculations.
It seems to me that alot of what is beig called 'philosphy' is people trying to do moral calculations.
Often math progresses because a calculational need arises for which there is no existig relevant mathematical theory and this spurs the mathematicians to develop new theory
It seems to me that the ethics of decision making when decisions affect others not involved in the decision making is a problem as old as the hills.
I just don't see how this itch is going to need a scratch of a different kind. Aren't existig types of scratches are sufficient? I will be suprised if geoengineering will really be an irritant that can spur philosophical innovation. Not impossible, but I am dubious.
In contrast, I do see how neuroscience can perhaps act a an tch that promotes new types if philosophical scratches.
Ken Caldeira
kcal...@carnegie.stanford.edu <mailto:kcal...@carnegie.stanford.edu>
+1 650 704 7212 <tel:%2B1%20650%20704%207212>
http://dge.stanford.edu/labs/caldeiralab <http://dge.stanford.edu/labs/caldeiralab>
Sent from a limited-typing keyboard
On Apr 8, 2012, at 0:13, O Morton <omeco...@gmail.com <mailto:omeco...@gmail.com> > wrote:
> I agree with Ninad; philosophy feeds on novelty in its continual
> reassessments; it doesn't assimilate it in a serial model of progress.
> Many philosophical problems are not solved (though they may be moved
> outside the realm of philosophy by other developments), and few are
> novel. There's a relevant quotation from Wittgenstein:
> “Philosophy has made no progress? If somebody scratches where it
> itches, does that count as progress? If not, does that mean it wasn’t
> an authentic scratch? Not an authentic itch? Couldn’t this response to
> the stimulus go on for quite a long time until a remedy for itching is
> found?”
> Geoengineering may be a new itch for philosophy to scratch, and
> scratching is not an inappropriate response to itches.
> And again as Ninad said, changes in the way science views the world
> may change the way we philosophise. Parfitt's notion of
> intergeneratonal justice (which is clearly relevant to geoengineering
> and climate issues) clearly rests on seeing what makes a person
> through a particular biological lens (see
> http://ijdb.auzigog.com/concept/parfit%E2%80%99s-paradox <http://ijdb.auzigog.com/concept/parfit%E2%80%99s-paradox>
> To post to this group, send email to geoengi...@googlegroups.com <mailto:geoengi...@googlegroups.com> .
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to geoengineerin...@googlegroups.com <mailto:geoengineerin...@googlegroups.com> .
> For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/geoengineering?hl=en <http://groups.google.com/group/geoengineering?hl=en> .
John Shepherd cautioned me that there's a risk that Arctic geoengineering could move the ITCZ, and hence the monsoon.
If we're even considering doing this at any point in the next couple of decades, we should IMO be pushing modelling studies right away. The consequences of inadvertently affecting the monsoon are very serious indeed, and we need to accurately model the teleconnections before making actionable proposals.
My understanding is that this needs a high res GCM model to resolve this effect. I hope a group can run this.
To post to this group, send email to geoengi...@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to geoengineerin...@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/geoengineering?hl=en.
Tel: 303 735-3624 <tel:303%20735-3624> <tel:303%20735-3624> ; Fax: 303 735-1576 <tel:303%20735-1576> <tel:303%20735-1576>
Ethics, Policy & Environment
-----Original Message-----
From: geoengi...@googlegroups.com <http://geoengi...@googlegroups.com> [mailto:geoengi...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Ken Caldeira
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2012 6:04 AM
To: omeco...@gmail.com <http://omeco...@gmail.com>
Cc: geoengineering
Subject: Re: [geo] Re: Ethics of Geoengineering (anything new?)
I think I simply use the word 'philosophy' different than most modern philosophers.
Just as I think of mathematicians developing new mathematical theory while the rest of us apply existing theory to do calculations aimed at solving real world pproblems, I thought philosophers were developing new general theory and the rest of were applying this theory in our own moral calculations.
It seems to me that alot of what is beig called 'philosphy' is people trying to do moral calculations.
Often math progresses because a calculational need arises for which there is no existig relevant mathematical theory and this spurs the mathematicians to develop new theory
It seems to me that the ethics of decision making when decisions affect others not involved in the decision making is a problem as old as the hills.
I just don't see how this itch is going to need a scratch of a different kind. Aren't existig types of scratches are sufficient? I will be suprised if geoengineering will really be an irritant that can spur philosophical innovation. Not impossible, but I am dubious.
In contrast, I do see how neuroscience can perhaps act a an tch that promotes new types if philosophical scratches.
Ken Caldeira
kcal...@carnegie.stanford.edu <http://kcal...@carnegie.stanford.edu> <mailto:kcal...@carnegie.stanford.edu>
+1 650 704 7212 <tel:%2B1%20650%20704%207212> <tel:%2B1%20650%20704%207212>
> To post to this group, send email to geoengi...@googlegroups.com <http://geoengi...@googlegroups.com> <mailto:geoengi...@googlegroups.com> .
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to geoengineerin...@googlegroups.com <http://geoengineerin...@googlegroups.com> <mailto:geoengineerin...@googlegroups.com> .
To post to this group, send email to geoengi...@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to geoengineerin...@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/geoengineering?hl=en.
Emeritus Professor of Engineering Design Institute for Energy Systems School of Engineering Mayfield Road University of Edinburgh EH9 3JL Scotland Tel +44 131 650 5704 Mobile 07795 203 195 www.see.ed.ac.uk/~shs
John Shepherd cautioned me that there's a risk that Arctic geoengineering could move the ITCZ, and hence the monsoon.
If we're even considering doing this at any point in the next couple of decades, we should IMO be pushing modelling studies right away. The consequences of inadvertently affecting the monsoon are very serious indeed, and we need to accurately model the teleconnections before making actionable proposals.
My understanding is that this needs a high res GCM model to resolve this effect.� I hope a group can run this.
On Apr 10, 2012 11:36 PM, "Mike MacCracken" <mmac...@comcast.net> wrote:
I�ve been off-line for most of this discussion, but let me offer a couple of comments regarding tropospheric sulfate. The major health and environmental impacts of sulfate and the SO2 emissions been that, because the SO2 is a by product of coal combustion, the emission of SO2 and deposition of sulfate have been generally in the most populated regions of the world (North Atlantic basin through much of the 20th century, and now, presumably, mainly eastern and southern Asia). In a geoengineering application, limited scientific results suggest that it would be much more effective to be creating the sulfate layer out over the dark ocean, in relatively clean areas to enhance cloud brightening, and in low latitudes to get maximum solar exposure�and it would make no sense to put out all the other byproducts of coal combustion that may actually be the cause of the worst health impacts. Thus, assuming one could technically emit the SO2 over remote Pacific and Indian ocean areas in ways that would create larger areas with lower amounts of sulfate to get a similar or even greater cooling effect, the ethical (and governance) issues concern how might one make the tradeoffs of perhaps significantly reduced climate impacts for billions, but, quite possibly, a different mix of impacts (some less, some more) for millions.
My suggestions to use sulfate in the Arctic troposphere during the Arctic sunlit season only raise similar issues�though in this case those in the Arctic presumably get very significant benefits in that one would be trying to preserve the present or slightly cooler climate while experiencing some impacts (for several reasons quite possibly lower health impacts than caused by past SO2 emissions) with key potential benefits of slowing or countering permafrost thawing (so reducing global warming) and ice sheet mass loss (so reducing sea level rise) with likely some impacts on precipitation systems that are good for some and detrimental to others, etc. Again, very challenging governance and ethical aspects (not to mention public education challenges to have an informed discussion).
And then there is the potential that some other suitable substance could be generated (e.g., sea salt CCN) that would presumably limit the health impacts (although this may well not be the dominant impact to be considered, there are economic considerations, and lots more). And there may be particular operational considerations that can minimize some types of impacts, etc.
With so much (and more) to be considered, it seems to me there is a very significant need to be augmenting scientific thinking about all of this�indeed, the engineering and scientific aspects might well be the least challenging aspects.
Mike MacCracken
On 4/9/12 12:28 AM, "John Nissen" <johnnis...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Oliver,
I attended the Planet Under Pressure conference, for the session on geoengineering governance.� A cynic would regard most of the speakers as people who had found a nice subject for academic study, and were not particularly interested in whether geoengineering was actually required!� But let me move on from cynicism.
I take John Gorman's point that the problem we face is�essentially an engineering problem, quoting the economist Robert Samuelson who said:
"The trouble with the global warming debate is that it has become a moral crusade when it's really an engineering problem. The inconvenient truth is that if we don't solve the engineering problem, we're helpless."
As an engineer as well as a scientist, I am able see the Earth System as a piece of engineering, where the mechanism controlling stability (especially of temperature and the carbon cycle) has been damaged and requires repair.� Certain parts of the system are critically damaged and require repair immediately before the system collapses into a new state, inconducive to the continuation of civilisation as we know it.� In this situation, not to intervene would be suicidal, and therefore there is a moral imperative to act.
Now, I agree with�Michael Hayes's argument that that any action to affect the Earth System, whether deliberate or inadvertent, should be considered geoengineering.� For me the question of morality of some particular geoengineering technique or measure, is whether it is helping to repair (or allow repair of)�the Earth System or not.
May I now take an example of where a 'good/ethical measure' from one point of view is a 'bad/unethical measure' from another point of view.� This is sulphate aerosol in the troposphere.� This has been countering the global warming of greenhouse gases by up to 75% during the past century, until there was a determined effort to reduce sulphur 'pollution' in the 80s and 90s.� This effort continues with an effort to further reduce tropospheric sulphur by removing the sulphur from the 'bunker fuel' used by ships.� It has been estimated that ships have contributed a negative forcing (i.e. a global cooling) of up to 0.6 Watts/m-2.
So from one point of�view - the pollution point of view, which prevails today -�the removal of sulphur from bunker fuel is a good thing.� But if one considers how seriously damaged the Earth System has become, especially with the sea ice retreat in the Arctic, removal of sulphur is close to suicidal, and definitely bad/unethical.
Leaving�sulphur in�ship's fuel is not going to save the Arctic sea ice, but will definitely help.� If you agree with the argument that saving the sea ice is necessary to reduce the risk of methane feedback (i.e. necessary to defuse the methane time-bomb) then removing sulphur from ship's fuel is not sensible.
The case for SRM geoengineering to cool the Arctic is much clearer.� Without some rapid cooling action to save the Arctic sea ice, the Arctic warming will accelerate, methane feedback will almost inevitably gain traction, and we could be in for run-away global warming - definitely suicidal.
So SRM geoengineering has to be part of the solution of the engineering problem, in the case of the Arctic sea ice.� Not to geoengineer would be suicidal and therefore immoral.�
On Sun, Apr 8, 2012 at 7:22 PM, Oliver Morton <Oliver...@economist.com> wrote:
Do philosophers have to be service providers -- can't they simply be doing philosophy on a topic they find interesting? And if they are service providers to whom are they providing their services (who is "us" in Ken's post). Society at large, or natural scientists involved in geoengineering research, or some other entity?�
On Sun, Apr 8, 2012 at 5:39 PM, Ken Caldeira <kcal...@carnegie.stanford.edu> wrote:
So, would it be safe to say that the primary service that philosophers are trying to provide is to help us to use language precisely and to think more clearly about difficult issues?
Is the analogy then of the person needing to do a calculation, asking the mathematician for help, where there is no expectation of really generating significant new mathematics to solve the problem? Nevertheless, we might surprise ourselves and our plebeian problems might in fact induce innovation within the helping discipline.
Admittedly, I looked at your first paper only, which discussed 'moral hazard'. It does seem to me useful to examine what is meant by this term, and how people are using it differently in the geoengineering context.
It is good to know when we have a disagreement whether that disagreement is a difference in our understanding of the facts, a difference in our values, or whether it is a difference in how we are applying words. (And also if it is possible to have disagreements that somehow sit between these categories -- are there clear boundaries between matters language, values, and fact?)
Insofar as philosophers are able to help us disentangle differences in use of language from differences in value judgments and differences in our understanding of the facts, this is a useful enterprise.� More often than not, these things are muddied in discussion. It would be useful if everyone, when we have a disagreement, would make a greater effort to identify the source and nature of the disagreement.
On matters of language, �I am with Humpty Dumpty. I am usually willing to defer to anyone's usage, if they can provide a reasonably clear definition explaining how they are using terms. On the other hand, I am very much with Hume in wanting to clearly distinguish between is and ought, while recognizing that much of language embodies both fact and value.
Think of the use of a term like 'enhances' that implicitly contains a value judgment -- if we assert that 'ocean fertilization increases carbon export' are we also asserting that 'ocean fertilization enhances carbon export'? Can I agree we the first assertion and disagree with the latter?� Sometimes we don't understand when we are making a factual statement and when we are implicitly presenting a value judgment.
�When I use a word,� Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, �it means just what I choose it to mean�neither more nor less.�
�The question is,� said Alice, �whether you can make words mean so many different things.�
�The question is,� said Humpty Dumpty, �which is to be master������that�s all.�
--Lewis Carrol, Through the Looking Glass, 1872
On Sun, Apr 8, 2012 at 8:30 AM, Ben Hale <bh...@colorado.edu> wrote:
I guess a philosopher should probably pipe in here.
I work a fair bit on ethics and geoengineering. Most of what I've been doing has been oriented around getting a clearer sense of what problem geoengineering is supposedly a response to. There's a prevailing assumption, for instance, that we well understand the problem with climate change, but I think this is far from clear. Supposedly, the problem with climate change is that the climate will change, and presumably this will be a change for the worse. I don't disagree that the change will be for the worse, but that it will be worse simpliciter doesn�t strike me as the core problem. Many things in the world change for the worse, and only sometimes do we respond to them. The question of geoengineering, and the variety associated technologies, can help us get a grip on the nature of the climate change problem. So that�s one way in which geoengineering has interest philosophically: by shedding light on the problem that many of us are keen to address and helping us understand the nature of our obligations to address this problem.
Another way in which ethics and geoengineering are philosophically interesting is in a clinical sense: we need to ask what sorts of things we�re permitted or obligated to do; and what sorts of things we�re restricted from doing. Just as a bioethicist dissects the sundry questions associated with health, technology, and medicine, so too can ethicists do the same with geoengineering. There are many related questions about the permissibility of one technology over another, as clearly some technologies will demand more of some, or perhaps burden others, in ways that are unacceptably unfair. �
Beyond the forward-looking clinical ethical questions, there are also questions related to definition and the nature of geoengineering. For instance, I think the distinction between SRM and CDR is falsely concrete, and that instead we should distinguish according to whether geoengineering is an attempt to remediate (that is, to draw down our carbon and GHG contributions, as well as our bad land-use decisions, by way of cleaning up our messes) versus an attempt to steer (that is, to avoid anticipated bad consequences from our prior actions). To me, at least, this distinction helps us understand some relatively powerful intuitions that we may have, for instance, that air capture technologies and reforestation practices are nowhere near as worrisome as stratospheric injection technologies and ocean fertilization proposals.
As to Ken's initial inquiry, it's hard to say, generally, what philosophers are doing. It is true that in one respect there's nothing new under the sun, that all hitherto philosophy is just a series of footnotes to Plato, but what most of professional philosophers take themselves to be doing is gaining a bit more clarity and insight on current and ancient problems than otherwise might be gained simply by picking up the classic texts. In the case of geoengineering, there's a lot of work to be done that may help us get to a better place with a more intelligent discourse.
Here's some of my published work on the topic:
1.������ �The World that Would Have Been: Moral Hazard Arguments against Geoengineering� Reflecting Sunlight: The Ethics of Solar Radiation Management Ed. Christopher Preston. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield. 2012. Forthcoming, 2012. http://spot.colorado.edu/~bhale/Geoengineering_and_Moral_Hazard_webversion.pdf <http://spot.colorado.edu/%7Ebhale/Geoengineering_and_Moral_Hazard_webversion.pdf> �
2.������ �Getting the Bad Out: Remediation Technologies and Respect for Others� The Environment: Philosophy, Science, and Ethics. Eds. Kabasenche, W.B., O'Rourke, M., and Slater, M. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Forthcoming, 2012. http://spot.colorado.edu/~bhale/Getting_the_Bad_Out_MIT_draft_single-spaced.pdf <http://spot.colorado.edu/%7Ebhale/Getting_the_Bad_Out_MIT_draft_single-spaced.pdf> �
3.������ �Non-renewable Resources and the Inevitability of Outcomes,� The Monist, 94(1), July 2011. http://sciencepolicy.colorado.edu/admin/publication_files/2011.28.pdf
4.������ �Carbon Sequestration, Ocean Fertilization, and the Problem of Permissible Pollution� (with Lisa Dilling), Science, Technology, and Human Values. 36(2): 190-212. 2011. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/whp/ev/2009/00000018/00000004/art00003
5.������ �Remediation and Respect: Do Remediation Technologies Alter Our Responsibility?� (with Bill Grundy), Environmental Values. 18(4). 2009. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/whp/ev/2009/00000018/00000004/art00003
6.������ �You say 'solution', I say 'pollution': Ocean fertilization is a fishy solution to a whale of a problem,� Guest commentary, Science Progress, August 18, 2009. http://scienceprogress.org/2009/08/ocean-fertilization-ethics/
I have a few other pieces in various stages of progress as well. I�m happy to share.
Beyond this, there�s some really great stuff coming out now from a number of other sources. Christopher Preston has convened a volume on the Ethics of Solar Radiation Management, we�re publishing a series of essays later this summer in the journal Ethics, Policy, & Environment, and there is even more stuff forthcoming.
These bibliographies compiled by Preston should prove helpful:
Benjamin Hale
Assistant Professor
Philosophy and Environmental Studies
University of Colorado, Boulder
Tel: 303 735-3624 <tel:303%20735-3624> ; Fax: 303 735-1576 <tel:303%20735-1576>
Ethics, Policy & Environment