Final call for edits to Bunker Fuel Regulation Partial Relaxation and/or Benign Aerosol Injection Letter

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Ron Baiman

Oct 17, 2023, 1:55:26 PM10/17/23
to healthy-planet-action-coalition, 'Eelco Rohling' via NOAC Meetings, Planetary Restoration, Healthy Climate Alliance, geoengineering

Dear Colleagues,

Please comment on or make suggested edits to this draft document:

Thank you,
Ron Baiman
For the Bunker Fuel Regulation Relaxation and Maritime Aerosol Injection drafting group

H simmens

Oct 17, 2023, 2:30:56 PM10/17/23
to Ron Baiman, healthy-planet-action-coalition, 'Eelco Rohling' via NOAC Meetings, Planetary Restoration, Healthy Climate Alliance, geoengineering

Hi Ron,

Nice job! 

It’s short and to the point. 

The only question I have is whether it might be possible to describe the qualitative and perhaps quantitative potential/actual consequences  of the increase in radiative forcing and temperatures resulting from bunker fuel relaxation. To the degree to which the fuel oil policy may have resulted in significantly contributing  to the breaching of the 1.5° limit it deserves mention it seems to me. 

Particularly given the Lenton and McKay paper that indicates it’s likely that multiple tipping elements are likely to activated at or above 1.5C. Hansen in his newsletter a few days ago made it clear we don’t need to wait for 20 years to determine whether we breached the 1.5° C level. 

“ There will be no need to ruminate for 20 years about whether the 1.5°C level has been reached, as IPCC proposes. On the contrary, Earth’s enormous energy imbalance (references 8, 13, 14 below) assures that global temperature will be rising still higher for the foreseeable future.”


Herb Simmens
Author of A Climate Vocabulary of the Future
“A SciencePoem and an Inspiration.” Kim Stanley Robinson

On Oct 17, 2023, at 1:55 PM, Ron Baiman <> wrote:

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Clive Elsworth

Oct 17, 2023, 3:06:00 PM10/17/23
to Ron Baiman, healthy-planet-action-coalition, 'Eelco Rohling' via NOAC Meetings, Planetary Restoration, Healthy Climate Alliance, geoengineering

Thanks Ron, for producing this very important letter.


I have put in some suggestions, and comments in square brackets [].




Ron Baiman

Oct 17, 2023, 6:57:05 PM10/17/23
to Clive Elsworth, healthy-planet-action-coalition, 'Eelco Rohling' via NOAC Meetings, Planetary Restoration, Healthy Climate Alliance, geoengineering
Thanks Clive!

Ron Baiman

Oct 17, 2023, 6:59:13 PM10/17/23
to H simmens, healthy-planet-action-coalition, 'Eelco Rohling' via NOAC Meetings, Planetary Restoration, Healthy Climate Alliance, geoengineering
Good point Herb!  I will try to add this bit from Hansen in some fashion - see also my response to Clive's related comment. 

Ron Baiman

Oct 18, 2023, 1:31:40 PM10/18/23
to H simmens, healthy-planet-action-coalition, 'Eelco Rohling' via NOAC Meetings, Planetary Restoration, Healthy Climate Alliance, geoengineering
Thanks Herb. Good point!  I've added Hansen language (including from Clive) to the top.

On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 1:30 PM H simmens <> wrote:

Ron Baiman

Oct 18, 2023, 1:33:29 PM10/18/23
to Clive Elsworth, healthy-planet-action-coalition, 'Eelco Rohling' via NOAC Meetings, Planetary Restoration, Healthy Climate Alliance, geoengineering
Clive, I've incorporated all of your excellent suggestions. Can you find references for the these last two sentences: "

"During this time large swathes of coral reefs have been lost in the Caribbean, for example, and there have been major floods. Phytoplankton produce dimethyl sulfide (DMS), which oxidizes in the air to form sulfur-dioxide anyway. This further oxidizes to sulfuric acid aerosol, a hygroscopic aerosol that helps cloud formation." Thanks!


H simmens

Oct 18, 2023, 2:00:16 PM10/18/23
to Ron Baiman, Clive Elsworth, healthy-planet-action-coalition, 'Eelco Rohling' via NOAC Meetings, Planetary Restoration, Healthy Climate Alliance, geoengineering
Hi Ron,

I’m wondering whether it’s possible to significantly simplify the title of the letter. 

The current title focuses on technical techniques rather than the desired outcome sought and will have little meaning to anyone unless they are already highly engaged with this issue.

Currently it reads:

Open Letter Supporting Research on Urgent Bunker Fuel Partial Relaxation and/or Inclusion of Benign Tropospheric Aerosols in Current and Future Non and Net-Zero Emitting Maritime Fuel Alternatives

Could the title be something like:  
(language in parentheses is an alternative)

An open letter (to the IMO) supporting the utilization of ship fuels that minimize the excess heating of the atmosphere (that continue to cool the atmosphere) while maintaining (preserving) air quality benefits.” 


Herb Simmens
Author of A Climate Vocabulary of the Future
“A SciencePoem and an Inspiration.” Kim Stanley Robinson

On Oct 18, 2023, at 1:33 PM, Ron Baiman <> wrote:

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Clive Elsworth

Oct 19, 2023, 6:35:06 AM10/19/23
to Veli Albert Kallio, healthy-planet-action-coalition, 'Eelco Rohling' via NOAC Meetings, Planetary Restoration, Healthy Climate Alliance, geoengineering

Good point about business losses Veli, which makes me think it's more likely that the IMO would prefer other more benign aerosols to be emitted from ships flues, than reinstating bunker fuels. But it's still a good idea to raise the issue with them. I don't see how allowing ships to switch off their sulphur scrubbers in the high seas would offend too many people.


Adoption of heat pumps by the UK would make negligible difference to climate change. Better for us to work on how to cool the climate by increasing cloud albedo, and removing atmospheric methane and other short-lived climate forcers.





From: <> On Behalf Of Veli Albert Kallio
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2023 1:31 AM
To: H simmens <>; Ron Baiman <>
Cc: healthy-planet-action-coalition <>; 'Eelco Rohling' via NOAC Meetings <>; Planetary Restoration <>; Healthy Climate Alliance <>; geoengineering <>
Subject: Re: Final call for edits to Bunker Fuel Regulation Partial Relaxation and/or Benign Aerosol Injection Letter


The difficulty in bunker fuel decision is same as HS2, investing for expensive equipments, then cancelling the plans make businesses huge losses. Those who now sail at clean fuels are at considerable disadvantage if there is relaxation of rules. Furthermore, international agreements are very difficult to put together, undoing them also undoes interest in climate change emissions mitigation. Rishi Sunak has already played upon fire for oil businesses, UK's climate credentials are in doubt and this is further complicated by many nations who have been for years raising concerns of Israel's expulsions of Palestinians from the West Bank as it has settled several hundred thousands of people that belong technically to Jordan but are under Palestinian authority on occupied lands. I do not think it is good idea to talk about bunker fuels but get the heat pumps installed urgently in the UK like UK's National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) recommends:

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The government needs to expand subsidies for heat pumps, say its independent advisers on infrastructure.


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