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AGU Meeting Geoengineering Abstracts-8

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Alvia Gaskill

Dec 5, 2008, 8:46:27 PM12/5/08
That's all I could find that are relevant.  Anyone else with some free time can look for themselves.  Here is the link to the searchbox:
TI: Climate Effects of the 2008 Okmok and Kasatochi Eruptions
AU: * Kravitz, B
AF: Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University, 14 College Farm Road, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, United States
AU: Robock, A
AF: Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University, 14 College Farm Road, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, United States
AU: Oman, L
AF: Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, 3400 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218, United States
AU: Stenchikov, G
AF: Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University, 14 College Farm Road, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, United States
AU: Marquardt, A
AF: Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University, 14 College Farm Road, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, United States
AB: On July 12, 2008, the Okmok volcano (53.43°N, 168.13°W) in the Aleutian Islands erupted, injecting about 0.1 Tg SO2 into the lower stratosphere. On August 8, the nearby Kasatochi volcano (52.18°N, 175.51°W) erupted, injecting an additional 1.5 Tg SO2 into the lower stratosphere. This is the largest stratospheric injection of sulfate aerosol precursors since the 1991 Mt. Pinatubo eruption. Using the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies ModelE general circulation model, we calculated the expected climate response to the resulting sulfate aerosol cloud. We conducted a five- member ensemble of two year runs, and compared our results to interannual variability. We conclude that the resulting cooling and changes in stratospheric circulation would be difficult to detect. We also calculate the amount of additional aerosols expected to remain in the stratosphere in the spring of 2009 and quantify their potential effect on ozone depletion.
DE: 0305 Aerosols and particles (0345, 4801, 4906)
DE: 0370 Volcanic effects (8409)
DE: 1626 Global climate models (3337, 4928)
DE: 8409 Atmospheric effects (0370)
SC: Atmospheric Sciences [A]
MN: 2008 Fall Meeting
[Comments.  According to this, 800,000 tons of S had no detectable impact on global climate from a combination of northern volcanic eruptions whereby the aerosol wouldn't spread any farther south than 30 degrees.  However, these conclusions were based on modeling.  Have or were any field measurements made?  Not too late to make them now. 
Did it have any impact on the degree of summer sea ice that formed in 2008 or how rapidly it began to reform in September?  Also, was the SO2 injected above 53,000 ft or lower in the atmosphere?  The term "lower stratosphere" implies >53,000 ft.  How long did the aerosol remain aloft?  If most of it were formed below 53,000 ft, it would have exited much sooner.  These eruptions were just south of the latitudes proposed by Caldeira, Wood and Benford for the so-called "Arctic only" aerosol geoengineering, but the aerosol would still be expected to migrate to the N. Pole.  If 800,000 tons has no impact, then what is the threshold for a measureable effect?  AG]
[Update.  According to these reports:, the aerosol never reached higher than 35,000 ft.  Thus, it was probably washed out of the atmosphere rather quickly and the conclusions from the modeling therefore have little relevance to injections into the Overworld stratosphere, i.e., above 53,000 ft and may not be conclusive when compared to releases higher in the troposphere, say 45,000 ft.  I know the terminology here drives people nuts, so here is a quick summary to help keep it straight:
At these latitudes and above 30,000 ft, but below 53,000 ft the atmosphere is called the Lowermost Stratosphere.  The atmosphere above 53,000 ft, but below about 120,000 ft is called the Lower Stratosphere. 
So injections of precursors at 35,000 ft are low enough to be rather quickly removed via tropopause folding from weather fronts.  AG]
AN: OS34B-02
TI: Electrochemical Production of Ocean Alkalinity for Carbon Dioxide and Acid Mitigation, and Hydrogen Generation
AU: * Rau, G H
AF: Carbon Management Program, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550, United States
AU: * Rau, G H
AF: Institute of Marine Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz (off-campus), L-645, LLNL 7000 East Ave., Livermore, CA 94550, United States
AB: Various schemes have been proposed to increase air-to-sea CO2 transfer and storage, including the addition of alkalinity to the ocean. Examples include the addition of: Ca(OH)2 derived from the thermal calcination of limestone (Kheshgi, 1995), NaOH from the electrochemical splitting of salt (House et al., 2007), and CaCO3 to carbonate-undersaturated waters (Harvey, 2008). Diluted in the ocean (to pH<9) such alkalinity would react with dissolved CO2 to form primarily dissolved mineral bicarbonates. Another alternative would be to generate Ca(OH)2 directly in seawater via electrochemically forced dissolution of CaCO3. Using DC current of appropriate voltage, protons generated by a water-splitting anode submerged in seawater could be used to chemically decompose otherwise insoluble limestone leading to formation of Ca(OH)2 and thus chemical enhancement of CO2 absorption by the ocean. In turn, H2 gas produced at the cathode could be used to recover/store energy, helping defray process costs. Chlorine generation might be avoided via the use of certain current densities, or the use of oxygen- selective anodes, the net reaction then being: CaCO3+CO2+2H2O---DC--- >1/2O2+H2+Ca(HCO3)2aq. Laboratory experiments showed that such a system can generate excess alkalinity and elevated pH in seawater that subsequently allowed the absorption of 0.8 mM atmospheric CO2. Thus at larger scales, wind-, wave-, or solar-powered, fixed/floating platforms at the shoreline, in coastal waters, or in the open ocean might be employed to electrochemically increase ocean alkalinity. Such platforms would then: 1) enhance the ocean's natural absorption of atmospheric CO2, 2) help neutralize or offset the effects of ongoing ocean acidification, via the calcium hydroxide and/or bicarbonate production, and 3) generate carbon-negative H2 in the ratio 22kg CO2 absorbed/kg H2 produced.
DE: 4805 Biogeochemical cycles, processes, and modeling (0412, 0414, 0793, 1615, 4912)
DE: 4806 Carbon cycling (0428)
DE: 4825 Geochemistry
DE: 4835 Marine inorganic chemistry (1050)
SC: Ocean Sciences [OS]
MN: 2008 Fall Meeting
[Recently discussed by the Group.  AG]
AN: PA13A-1335
TI: Beyond Wiki to Judgewiki for Transparent Climate Change Decisions
AU: * Capron, M E
AF: PODenergy, 3129 Lassen, Oxnard, CA 93033, United States
AB: Climate Change is like the prisoner's dilemma, a zero-sum game, or cheating in sports. Everyone and every country is tempted to selfishly maintain or advance their standard of living. The tremendous difference between standards of living amplifies the desire to opt out of Climate Change solutions adverse to economic competitiveness. Climate Change is also exceedingly complex. No one person, one organization, one country, or partial collection of countries has the capacity and the global support needed to make decisions on Climate Change solutions. There are thousands of potential actions, tens of thousands of known and unknown environmental and economic impacts. Some actions are belatedly found to be unsustainable beyond token volumes, corn ethanol or soy-biodiesel for example. Mankind can address human nature and complexity with a globally transparent information and decision process available to all 7 billion of us. We need a process that builds trust and simplifies complexity. Fortunately, we have the Internet for trust building communication and computers to simplify complexity. Mankind can produce new software tailored to the challenge. We would combine group information collection software (a wiki) with a decision-matrix (a judge), market forecasting, and video games to produce the tool mankind needs for trust building transparent decisions on Climate Change actions. The resulting software would be a judgewiki.
DE: 0485 Science policy (6620)
DE: 6304 Benefit-cost analysis
DE: 6309 Decision making under uncertainty
DE: 6615 Legislation and regulations (6324)
SC: Public Affairs [PA]
MN: 2008 Fall Meeting
[Recently discussed by the Group as to how it could be used to evaluate geoengineering proposals.  AG]
AN: OS34B-05
TI: Sequestering Naturally Occurring Liquid Carbon Dioxide in the Deep Ocean
AU: * Capron, M E
AF: PODenergy, 3129 Lassen, Oxnard, CA 93033, United States
AB: Liquid carbon dioxide has been found as shallow as 1,500 meters in seafloor ooze. Did the liquid carbon dioxide originate from volcanic activity? Or did bacteria convert organic matter, which started as atmospheric carbon dioxide, into methane and liquid carbon dioxide? At typical ocean temperatures carbon dioxide coming out of solution below 600 meters will be liquid. Therefore, one likely mechanism for generating liquid carbon dioxide in seafloor ooze is the bacterial decomposition of organic matter. This paper examines quantitative and qualitative bacterial decomposition of aquatic biomass, with an emphasis on assessing and demonstrating feasibility. Calculations suggest natural processes sequestering liquid carbon dioxide in the seafloor can be sustainably increased to decrease atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. First, algae growing on the ocean surface absorb carbon dioxide. The algae are then gathered into a submerged container. Naturally occurring bacteria will digest the algae producing methane, liquid carbon dioxide, and ammonium. The ammonium can be recycled as a nutrient for growing more algae. Bacterial decomposition continues in dilute solutions with any biomass. The process does not require any particular biomass. Also, concentrating the biomass by removing water is not essential. The buoyancy provided by water allows relatively inexpensive tension fabric structures to contain the dilute algae and decomposition products. Calculations based on algae growth in open ponds and experience with bacterial decomposition at 1 to 5 bar pressures suggest the economics of the associated macro-algae growing and harvesting can favor increasing ocean species diversity.
DE: 1635 Oceans (1616, 3305, 4215, 4513)
DE: 3004 Gas and hydrate systems
DE: 4806 Carbon cycling (0428)
DE: 4845 Nutrients and nutrient cycling (0470, 1050)
SC: Ocean Sciences [OS]
MN: 2008 Fall Meeting
[Comments.  Wouldn't it be more efficient to simply harvest the algae and use them as biofuels?  AG]
AN: OS34B-06
TI: Environmental Assessment for Potential Impacts of Ocean CO2 Storage on Marine Biogeochemical Cycles
AU: * Yamada, N
AF: National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), AIST Tsukuba West, Tsukuba, 305-8569, Japan
AU: Tsurushima, N
AF: National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), AIST Tsukuba West, Tsukuba, 305-8569, Japan
AU: Suzumura, M
AF: National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), AIST Tsukuba West, Tsukuba, 305-8569, Japan
AU: Shibamoto, Y
AF: National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), AIST Tsukuba West, Tsukuba, 305-8569, Japan
AU: Harada, K
EM: koh.harada
AF: National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), AIST Tsukuba West, Tsukuba, 305-8569, Japan
AB: Ocean CO2 storage that actively utilizes the ocean potential to dissolve extremely large amounts of CO2 is a useful option with the intent of diminishing atmospheric CO2 concentration. CO2 storage into sub-seabed geological formations is also considered as the option which has been already put to practical reconnaissance in some projects. Direct release of CO2 in the ocean storage and potential CO2 leakage from geological formations into the bottom water can alter carbonate system as well as pH of seawater. It is essential to examine to what direction and extent chemistry change of seawater induced by CO2 can affect the marine environments. Previous studies have shown direct and acute effects by increasing CO2 concentrations on physiology of marine organisms. It is also a serious concern that chemistry change can affect the rates of chemical, biochemical and microbial processes in seawater resulting in significant influences on marine biogeochemical cycles of the bioelements including carbon, nutrients and trace metals. We, AIST, have conducted a series of basic researches to assess the potential impacts of ocean CO2 storage on marine biogeochemical processes including CaCO3 dissolution, and bacterial and enzymatic decomposition of organic matter. By laboratory experiments using a special high pressure apparatus, the improved empirical equation was obtained for CaCO3 dissolution rate in the high CO2 concentrations. Based on the experimentally obtained kinetics with a numerical simulation for a practical scenario of oceanic CO2 sequestration where 50 Mton CO2 per year is continuously injected to 1,000-2,500 m depth within 100 x 333 km area for 30 years, we could illustrate precise 3-D maps for the predicted distributions of the saturation depth of CaCO3, in situ Ω value and CaCO3 dissolution rate in the western North Pacific. The result showed no significant change in the bathypelagic CaCO3 flux due to chemistry change induced by ocean CO2 sequestration. Both bacteria and hydrolytic enzymes are known as the essential promoters for organic matter decomposition in marine ecosystems. Bacterial activity and metabolisms under various CO2 concentrations and pH were examined on total cell abundance, 3H-leucine incorporation rate, and viable cell abundance. Our in vitro experiments demonstrated that acute effect by high CO2 conditions was negligible on the activities of bathypelagic bacteria at pH 7 or higher. However, our results suggested that bacterial assemblage in some organic-rich "microbial hot-spots" in seawater such as organic aggregates sinking particles, exhibited high sensitivity to acidification. Furthermore, it was indicated that CO2 injection seems to be the trigger to alter the microbial community structure between Eubacteria and Archaea. The activities of five types of hydrolytic enzymes showed no significant change with acidification as those observed in the bacterial activity. As to acute effects on microbial and biochemical processes examined by our laboratory studies, no significant influence was exhibited in the simulated ocean CO2 storage on marine biogeochemical cycling. Uncertainties in chronic and large-scale impacts, however, remain and should be addressed for more understanding the potential benefits and risks of the ocean storage.
DE: 4805 Biogeochemical cycles, processes, and modeling (0412, 0414, 0793, 1615, 4912)
DE: 4835 Marine inorganic chemistry (1050)
DE: 4840 Microbiology and microbial ecology (0465)
DE: 4899 General or miscellaneous
SC: Ocean Sciences [OS]
MN: 2008 Fall Meeting
AN: OS34B-07
TI: Sources of Nutrients for Ocean Enrichment
AU: * Jones, I S
AF: Ian S F Jones, Ocean Technology Group University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia
AB: The remarkable doubling of the productivity of the land over the last 50 years raises the question of opportunities to follow suit in the sea. The rapidly rising population makes increasing demands on food supply and the disposal of waste in the atmosphere from fossil fuel burning It is well known that the supply of nutrients to the photic zone of the ocean limits primary production and this limitation can be removed by the addition of nutrients. The surface waters of the ocean are typically in the photic zone for a decade and their initial quota of nutrients are supplemented by cyanobacteria, atmospheric deposition and river inflows. Together with upwelling these nutrients support about 10,000GtC of new primary production per year. Extra nutrients can be sourced from the thermocline, from enhancing the diazotrophs or by chemically transforming elements on the land or in the atmosphere. Using thermocline nutrients to enhance productivity but are first order neutral for carbon sequestration. Diazotrophs seem restricted to temperate and tropical waters and need phosphate and other nutrients. The increased nitrogen they provide is expected to lead to more carbon storage in the ocean. The macronutrients, nitrogen and phosphorus and the micronutrients have all been shown to be beneficial. With increased new primary production we expect increased sustainable fish production but the species composition will depend on the success of recruitment.
DE: 1622 Earth system modeling (1225)
DE: 4255 Numerical modeling (0545, 0560)
SC: Ocean Sciences [OS]
MN: 2008 Fall Meeting
[Comments.  This is the guy who wants to pump urea into the offshore waters to increase productivity.  The environmental groups in the Philippines weren't as enthusiastic about it and that project ended rather abruptly.  Last I heard, he was trying to get Oman or one of the Persian Gulf states to agree to a field project.  Oman seems to be in the thick of it: ocean fertilization and olivine sequestration.  This abstract is too vague to tell what it is about.  AG]
AN: C11A-0475
TI: The Moulin Explorer: A Novel Instrument to Study Greenland Ice Sheet Melt-Water Flow.
AU: * Behar, A
AF: Jet Propulsion Lab, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109, United States
AU: Wang, H
AF: Jet Propulsion Lab, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109, United States
AU: Elliott, A
AF: Jet Propulsion Lab, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109, United States
AU: O'Hern, S
AF: Jet Propulsion Lab, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109, United States
AU: Martin, S
AF: Jet Propulsion Lab, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109, United States
AU: Lutz, C
AF: Jet Propulsion Lab, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109, United States
AU: Steffen, K
AF: University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309, United States
AU: McGrath, D
AF: University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309, United States
AU: Phillips, T
EM: thomas....@Colorado.EDU
AF: University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309, United States
AB: Recent data shows that the Greenland ice sheet has been melting at an accelerated rate over the past decade. This melt water flows from the surface of the glacier to the bedrock below by draining into tubular crevasses known as moulins. Some believe these pathways eventually converge to nearby lakes and possibly the ocean. The Moulin Explorer Probe has been developed to traverse autonomously through these moulins. It uses in-situ pressure, temperature, and three-axis accelerometer sensors to log data. At the end of its journey, the probe will surface and send GPS coordinates using an Iridium satellite tracker so it may be retrieved via helicopter or boat. The information gathered when retrieved can be used to map the pathways and water flow rate through the moulins. This work was performed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory- California Institute of Technology, under contract to NASA. Support was provided by the NASA Earth Science, Cryosphere program
DE: 0720 Glaciers
DE: 0730 Ice streams
DE: 0744 Rivers (0483, 1856)
DE: 0774 Dynamics
DE: 0794 Instruments and techniques
SC: Cryosphere [C]
MN: 2008 Fall Meeting
[Comments.  This is not directly related to geo, but since I think that some attention should be given to determining if filling in the moulins with ice could slow down the disintegration of the ice sheet, the MEP would come in handy in evaluating the potential impact of such geotechnical geoengineering.  AG]
AN: C42A-06
TI: Numerical model studies of melting and freezing in lakes, canyons and crevasses on the surface of an ice sheet.
AU: * Cathles, L M
AF: University of Chicago, Department of the Geophysical Sciences, 5734 S Ellis Ave, Chicago, IL 60637, United States
AU: Bassis, J N
AF: University of Chicago, Department of the Geophysical Sciences, 5734 S Ellis Ave, Chicago, IL 60637, United States
AU: MacAyeal, D R
AF: University of Chicago, Department of the Geophysical Sciences, 5734 S Ellis Ave, Chicago, IL 60637, United States
AB: Recent observations of the Greenland ice sheet suggest that meltwater movement both on the surface and within englacial conduits can have a significant effect on the ice sheet's flow and possibly its mass balance. Motivated by these observations, we investigate, using numerical models, the thermal and geometrical evolution of several "canonical" types of meltwater features typically observed on the Greenland ice sheet. These features include multi-year meltwater lakes that are subject to seasonal environmental and solar forcing, surface meltwater channels of various scales, and standing meltwater in surface cracks and nascent moulins. The model physics includes heat transfer (including radiative and convective effects) within the combined ice and water domains, and features prediction of evolving ice/water phase boundaries that can either change the geometry of the ice/water domains or even completely eliminate the water phase (e.g., in the case of a failed moulin). Initial numerical experiments examine the evolution of water-filled cracks that are either located subaerially, immediately at the surface of the ice sheet, or at the bottom of a larger standing meltwater feature, such as a meltpond. These initial experiments shed light on the question of whether large standing meltwater features are necessary in the initial formation of moulins.
DE: 0726 Ice sheets
DE: 0748 Ponds
DE: 0766 Thermodynamics (1011, 3611, 8411)
DE: 0798 Modeling
SC: Cryosphere [C]
MN: 2008 Fall Meeting
[Comments.  Which came first, the meltwater lake or the moulin?  Important, since if we fill in the moulins and the lakes return, we have to start over, but if the other way around, fill in the moulins and the problem stays solved.  The meltwater would then be expected to be much less.  AG]
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