🅿ⒾⓈⓀⒶⒺⓋ -) bio-vegetarium

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direct .pi

Oct 22, 2024, 2:45:00 AMOct 22
to geodes...@googlegroups.com
Hello everyone
Finally, I began to cover the geo-dome of my bio-vegetarium with an EVA copolymer film, then I will build a house inside - the stove is ready!
With questions about how many, how, what mistakes and what is needed to prevent them, I will be happy to answer your questions!
the dome tried) to perform according to these developments https://dompodrobno.ru/raschet_kupolnoi_kryschi/#Flat_13/28_Piped_D90_7V_R8_beams_150x50

you can contact us promptly MY Whatsapp +7 917 55 88 567 

WhatsApp Video 2024-10-21 at 16.13.51.mp4

Robert Clark

Oct 22, 2024, 3:49:47 PMOct 22
to Geodesic Help Group
Very impressive!
What is the diameter?
Are there vent panels and how many?
Is the wood treated?
How large is the house you are building inside?

direct .pi

Oct 24, 2024, 12:19:53 AMOct 24
to geodes...@googlegroups.com
Good afternoon!
- radius of 8 m
- the sides of the septic-treated board 150-50mm have three ventilation holes in them
- segments of triangular shape are targeted with a construction stapler on both sides with a film of EVA copolymer and welded with a heat dryer - the sphere stands on piles, I plan the house on the stove - ventilation holes only where a through flow is needed throughout the sphere (respectively, the entrance to the sphere from the exit from the household) and further outside - the internal atmosphere of the vegetarium is assumed to be a closed cycle, namely : the intake of warm masses from above further underground with an exit from the ground into the barn (circulation for plants)- it provides for a household of 2 fl (200 m) with an incoming flow of fresh air from the outside, further underground and through recuperation into the room, further after being placed in the cavity of the dome of the vegetarium - on the third level of the house there is a container for drip irrigation of plants - it should be noted that the house has its own ventilation intersecting only in terms of heat exchange with the vegetarian, the vegetarium is closed (for CO2 plants, O2 for humans))))- the house is on the north side - the barn is oriented to the south so that the sun evenly going from east to west warms the household- there is an air exchange pipe underground under each bed, in summer heat is pumped underground from the top and the cooled air is supplied to the plants, in winter when there is no sun or at night the controller regulates through recovery the necessary thermal regime for plants and humans separately - bath 2 fl. (the Yandex screenshot is not relevant, but you can see it by 54.941972,36.336861 where is it)  in the form of a tower, it is oriented towards a reservoir that has a specific meaning : fishing, wild ducks, partridges
- I will note the disadvantages of manual assembly : the sagging of the dome due to lack of experience in fastening and mechanization, I would have done better, I put supports for leveling, preparing for snow
P.S. It should be noted that this project was conceived as an opportunity for a family to build their own garden with a year-round harvest with their own hands without special mechanisms!
        I also attach the files
фрагмент куполп.png

вт, 22 окт. 2024 г. в 22:49, Robert Clark <clark.rob...@gmail.com>:
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direct .pi

Oct 24, 2024, 12:20:06 AMOct 24
to geodes...@googlegroups.com
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