hi Justin,
over the past weekend i downloaded the geodb sources (based on the 0.8 tagged release) and modified the POM to use the latest stable H2 (1.3.176) and hatbox (1.0.b9). i then used this version w/ GeoTools (14.3) to build a gt-jdbc-h2 for use w/ GeoServer (2.8.3). all 325 tests (in gt-jdbc-h2) pass after i modified the SQL in 3 H2xxxTestSetup classes to use BLOB instead of GEOMETRY in the CREATE TABLE ... statements.
looking in the 'geodb.sql' used to initialize geodb i see aliases for GEOMETRY and its (JTS) sub-types as BLOBs. this to me indicates an issue in my test environment to do w/ proper initialization of the tests' environment.
this also made me realize that geodb is not using the H2 (native) GEOMETRY type which would be, theoretically at least, more performant since it would require less conversion from/to WKT. is this correct?
if it is, are there any reasons preventing geodb from supporting this H2 type?
TIA + cheers;