Thanks Fabio, your reply gives me some light!!That was the problem:
<UserDefinedFunction name="ST_Distance"
className="mondrian.udf.geo.STDistanceUdf" />
I added the ST_Distance as a user defined function at the end of my schema definition(the GeoFoodMart provided with Spatialytics) and now i can use it.
I found other ST_ functions in the same className.How about using ST_GeomFromText?Do i need to implement it as a user defined function if i want to use it?
Thank you
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Have a nice day!
> 2010/3/9 Nicola Zandonà <>
> > Thanks Fabio, your reply gives me some light!!
> > That was the problem:
> > <UserDefinedFunction name="ST_Distance"
> > className="mondrian.udf.geo.STDistanceUdf" />
> > I added the ST_Distance as a user defined function at the end of my
> > schema definition
> > (the GeoFoodMart provided with Spatialytics) and now i can use it.
> > I found other ST_ functions in the same className.
> > How about using ST_GeomFromText?
> > Do i need to implement it as a user defined function if i want to use it?
> > Thank you
> > Nicola
> > --
> > Hai ricevuto questo messaggio perché sei iscritto al gruppo "geobi" di
> > Google Gruppi.
> > Per postare messaggi in questo gruppo, invia un'email a
> >
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