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Thierry Badard

Mar 9, 2010, 8:21:47 AM3/9/10
FYI, reply sent on the geomondrian-users and geobi lists but for any reasons seems to have not reach the geobi list. 

Hope it helps.


Hello Nicola,

Sorry for the late reply, the period is very very busy. Fabio is on the right track. Please add the following XML block at the end of the GeoFoodMart.xml cube schema:

<UserDefinedFunction name="ST_Contains" className="mondrian.udf.geo.STContainsUdf" />
<UserDefinedFunction name="ST_Crosses" className="mondrian.udf.geo.STCrossesUdf" />
<UserDefinedFunction name="ST_Disjoint" className="mondrian.udf.geo.STDisjointUdf" />
<UserDefinedFunction name="ST_Equals" className="mondrian.udf.geo.STEqualsUdf" />
<UserDefinedFunction name="ST_Intersects" className="mondrian.udf.geo.STIntersectsUdf" />^M
<UserDefinedFunction name="ST_Overlaps" className="mondrian.udf.geo.STOverlapsUdf" />^M
<UserDefinedFunction name="ST_Touches" className="mondrian.udf.geo.STTouchesUdf" />^M
<UserDefinedFunction name="ST_Within" className="mondrian.udf.geo.STWithinUdf" />^M
<UserDefinedFunction name="ST_Relate" className="mondrian.udf.geo.STRelateUdf" />^M
<UserDefinedFunction name="ST_Distance" className="mondrian.udf.geo.STDistanceUdf" />
<UserDefinedFunction name="ST_GeomFromText" className="mondrian.udf.geo.STGeomFromTextUdf" />
<UserDefinedFunction name="ST_UnionAgg" className="mondrian.udf.geo.STUnionAggUdf" />

Add your geo-analytical queries should now work.

Hope it helps,


2010/3/9 Nicola Zandonà <>
Thanks Fabio, your reply gives me some light!!
That was the problem:

<UserDefinedFunction name="ST_Distance"
className="mondrian.udf.geo.STDistanceUdf" />

I added the ST_Distance as a user defined function at the end of my schema definition 
(the GeoFoodMart provided with Spatialytics) and now i can use it.

I found other ST_ functions in the same className.
How about using ST_GeomFromText?
Do i need to implement it as a user defined function if i want to use it?

Thank you

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Mar 9, 2010, 10:18:45 AM3/9/10
to geobi
Thanks a lot Thierry, it really helps! :)

Have a nice day!


> 2010/3/9 Nicola Zandonà <>

> > Thanks Fabio, your reply gives me some light!!
> > That was the problem:
> >    <UserDefinedFunction name="ST_Distance"
> > className="mondrian.udf.geo.STDistanceUdf" />
> >  I added the ST_Distance as a user defined function at the end of my
> > schema definition
> > (the GeoFoodMart provided with Spatialytics) and now i can use it.
> >  I found other ST_ functions in the same className.
> > How about using ST_GeomFromText?
> > Do i need to implement it as a user defined function if i want to use it?
> >  Thank you
> >  Nicola
> >    --
> > Hai ricevuto questo messaggio perché sei iscritto al gruppo "geobi" di
> > Google Gruppi.
> > Per postare messaggi in questo gruppo, invia un'email a
> >
> > Per annullare l'iscrizione a questo gruppo, invia un'email a

> > <>.

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