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A place to start to get new maps and regions working.

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Jul 7, 2009, 8:33:03 PM7/7/09
to geobi
Hello we're a small Open Source development group based in New Zealand
and Australia. We've been developing a united enterprise business box
based around ADempiere ERP/CRM, eXo and SpagoBI and Elastix - fully
integrated as additional function to ADempiere. If you're interested
you can see some of it in short vids at Youtube by searching for
"CoBox" - it won't take you long to distinguish between the music vids
of the same name and us.

We chose Spago partly because of the Map capibility shown by GeoBI but
are experiencing difficulty replicating the features we find in the

To get started we digitised a map of the regions of New Zealand buy
using Inkscape and exporting the SVG format of the maps throughtheir
XML records for the image. We then looked at the XML templates for
SpagoBI and tried to get a good imitation just from simple copying.
Unfortunatly the result didn't seem to work. The map region outlines
don't change colour - which was our simple test.

The documentation we found on the SpagoBI wiki doesn't cast much light
on the problem of how to process digitised tracings and finished maps
and we can see many places in our simple process where we just guess
rather than know. Particularly some of the parameters in the Templates
for the XML specification of the Maps. Is there a source of a
Cookbook or documentation how to go from our own outline of a country
and region maps to a working GeoBI map rendering.

Regards McBoss - Peter

Fabio D'Ovidio

Jul 8, 2009, 3:36:31 AM7/8/09
first of all thank you for your interest in GeoBI!
I think you are doing confusion between SpagoBIGeoEngine, that works
ONLY with SVG, and GeoBI Open Source Project, that JOIN cartographic
data (NOT SVG!) inside BI processes!
At the moment we have done two integration: one for PentahoBI (1.x, 2,
3) and one for SpagoBI (2.1, and we are working for 2.2).

Well, GeoBI is the INOVA project :-)

So, if you want information about SVG, please contact SpagoBI directly [1].

If you want to try our integration (SpagoBIGeoReportEngine), you are in
the right place! In this case there is a manual that you can download
from here [2]


Fabio D'Ovidio
Geospatial solutions

Inova S.r.l.
Web :
GeoBI Blog:
Tel.: 081 197 57 600
skype: dovidio_fa

McBoss ha scritto:

Peter Milsom

Jul 8, 2009, 9:42:17 PM7/8/09
Fabio - thanks for clearing that up. We have been looking at the SVG
handling in SpagoBI so will concentrate on that for now. However it's
helpful to know there's extensions available that operate on
Cartographic data. Thanks again and my apologies for wasting your time.


McBoss - Peter
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