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Brian H Wilson

Nov 18, 2010, 9:56:41 PM11/18/10
to GeoApt Geospatial Data Browser
Greetings all

I found geoapt (the data browser not the biz) today just as I had been
ready to give up on finding a GIS data browser. I was so pleased that
it did not crash and actually is relatively functional.

I'd vote for the name QCAT too. Short and sweet. Lends itself to
creation of a feline logo.

Gary, we need a wish list and/or a bug tracker.

Without a road map of some kind you won't get any developers to sign
up to help you.

Wikis are nice, I always want a wiki. Mine is here:
I throw everything in there.

I would be happy to clean spam out of the google group if you give me
moderator rights.
I hate spam. I really hate mailing list spam.

Brian Wilson
Alsea Geospatial, Inc
ESRI developer by day and promoter of open source by night (well --
all the time actually)
Corvallis Oregon


Nov 18, 2010, 10:23:11 PM11/18/10
to GeoApt Geospatial Data Browser
On 11/18/10 5:56 PM, Brian H Wilson wrote:
> Greetings all
> I found geoapt (the data browser not the biz) today just as I had been
> ready to give up on finding a GIS data browser. I was so pleased that
> it did not crash and actually is relatively functional.
> I'd vote for the name QCAT too. Short and sweet. Lends itself to
> creation of a feline logo.
I am allergic to cats. This isn't a very convincing argument for the
> Gary, we need a wish list and/or a bug tracker.
> Without a road map of some kind you won't get any developers to sign
> up to help you.
My goal in "throwing" it out there was to see if there was any
and let those using begin to define a road map. I haven't really
attempted to push it much.

I think getting a thread started on the list to discuss features and
direction would be a good start for now until things get rolling.
> Wikis are nice, I always want a wiki. Mine is here:
> I throw everything in there.

> I would be happy to clean spam out of the google group if you give me
> moderator rights.
> I hate spam. I really hate mailing list spam.
I don't care for google groups all that much but it was convenient. I
cleaned the spam---if more pops up I'll be sure to enlist your help.
> Brian Wilson
> Alsea Geospatial, Inc
> ESRI developer by day and promoter of open source by night (well --
> all the time actually)
> Corvallis Oregon
Spent a couple of years at OSU back in the day...

-- gary
Gary Sherman
Chair, QGIS Project Steering Committee
-Desktop GIS Book:
-Geospatial Consulting & Hosting
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