get object data using API

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Mahmoud Hefny

Jun 5, 2023, 7:48:39 AM6/5/23
to GeoAdminCh API
Dear geocommunity,
First off, my deepest apology if my question seems simple, but I couldn't find a direct answer here in the forum or in the AP3.geoadmin FAQs.

Simply, I need to call an API that will be based on the EGID number of a building and fetch such data (json) roof area [m2], orientation [°], and slope [°] as it shows from this

I just modified an already codepen project for my own use. Here is the link to

So far, I can click on a roof and a popup will appear, but i need to fetch this data in the backend for further analysis. 
any help. is much appreciated. 
thanks so much

Jürgen Hansmann

Jun 5, 2023, 8:03:30 AM6/5/23
to GeoAdminCh API
Dear Mahmoud,

hope I understood the problem correctly.

This would yield a response as the following:
{"results": [{"type": "Feature", "featureId": 14608274, "bbox": [2600958.4, 1197379.1, 2601019.6, 1197468.3], "layerBodId": "ch.bfe.solarenergie-eignung-daecher", "layerName": "Solarenergie: Eignung D\u00e4cher", "id": 14608274, "geometry": {"type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[2601019.6, 1197459.0], [2600986.7, 1197409.7], [2600986.6, 1197409.5], [2600986.5, 1197409.4], [2600967.6, 1197381.0], [2600961.6, 1197379.7], [2600959.5, 1197379.3], [2600958.4, 1197379.1], [2600958.8, 1197379.7], [2600977.4, 1197407.5], [2600980.2, 1197408.2], [2600986.3, 1197409.8], [2600985.0, 1197418.9], [2601009.8, 1197456.1], [2601017.4, 1197467.5], [2601017.9, 1197468.3], [2601019.6, 1197459.0]]]]}, "properties": {"monate": [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6], "building_id": 3622221, "a_param": [0.7755062912, 0.7098547385, 0.5661869333, 0.2962351766, 0.1693468086, 0.1022023258, 0.2048130207, 0.5336860706, 0.5859525475, 0.7479049785, 0.7395116404, 0.7636928753], "b_param": [0.7828834281, 0.6857538137, 0.6517269667, 0.7845801221, 0.8247226242, 0.7599322783, 0.8232715259, 0.7607459635, 0.9871353025, 0.7330628408, 0.7734532972, 0.3427399712], "c_param": [8.7364782054, 12.1443655420, 9.5970643450, 2.4446630563, -0.7054414921, 0.8129652661, -0.5187682017, 0.1800496568, -2.4602668217, 10.1615237373, 16.4557862477, 49.8735324584], "heizgradtage": [126.0000000000, 267.0000000000, 480.0000000000, 556.0000000000, 615.0000000000, 606.0000000000, 464.0000000000, 241.0000000000, 69.0000000000, 6.0000000000, 5.0000000000, 25.0000000000], "bedarf_heizung": 871324, "bedarf_warmwasser": 50272, "datum_aenderung": "2020-04-13T15:14:59", "datum_erstellung": "2020-04-13T15:14:59", "dg_heizung": 3, "dg_waermebedarf": 4, "duschgaenge": 89, "flaeche_kollektoren": 112.9491899234, "gstrahlung": 678655, "mstrahlung": 960, "sb_datum_aenderung": "2014-09-15T11:47:01", "sb_datum_erstellung": "2012-01-24T10:57:59", "sb_objektart": 1, "volumen_speicher": 7400, "waermeertrag": 37705, "klasse": 2, "flaeche": 706.9321895291, "ausrichtung": 124, "finanzertrag": 10858.5000000000, "stromertrag": 108585, "stromertrag_winterhalbjahr": 23567, "stromertrag_sommerhalbjahr": 85018, "monats_ertrag": [17.6297149127, 12.4874732108, 8.1545614837, 4.4122340851, 2.1971746121, 1.7767898762, 2.7226831242, 6.7009714390, 10.6547088684, 19.3592760464, 24.0719911867, 20.7952600080], "gs_serie_start": "2023-05-01T00:00:00", "klasse_text": "Mittel##Moyenne##Media##Mean##Mittel", "df_nummer": 2, "neigung": 29, "label": 14608274}}, {"type": "Feature", "featureId": 14608276, "bbox": [2600967.6, 1197371.5, 2601029.3, 1197460.7], "layerBodId": "ch.bfe.solarenergie-eignung-daecher", "layerName": "Solarenergie: Eignung D\u00e4cher", "id": 14608276, "geometry": {"type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[2600975.1, 1197379.5], [2600969.8, 1197371.5], [2600967.6, 1197381.0], [2600986.5, 1197409.4], [2600986.6, 1197409.5], [2600986.7, 1197409.7], [2601019.6, 1197459.0], [2601029.3, 1197460.7], [2600998.9, 1197415.1], [2600975.1, 1197379.5]]]]}, "properties": {"monate": [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6], "building_id": 3622221, "a_param": [1.1310939639, 1.2128958429, 1.3416497337, 1.3526410029, 1.1590578699, 0.9625781903, 1.1217943545, 1.2617039269, 1.3175572947, 1.1671845946, 1.1682597485, 1.1414910630], "b_param": [1.0835645655, 1.1593150021, 1.4081458119, 1.2338561988, 0.8813049573, 1.1167257750, 0.7554326416, 1.0358648915, 0.8911789105, 1.0920752780, 1.1810233032, 1.4876112557], "c_param": [-17.2283714763, -17.2802761893, -25.3206131529, -9.0542508495, 0.8581581686, -5.0151680107, 5.6903468534, -1.0748026888, -3.5323986613, -14.6793791060, -32.0803951643, -56.1406357879], "heizgradtage": [126.0000000000, 267.0000000000, 480.0000000000, 556.0000000000, 615.0000000000, 606.0000000000, 464.0000000000, 241.0000000000, 69.0000000000, 6.0000000000, 5.0000000000, 25.0000000000], "bedarf_heizung": 871324, "bedarf_warmwasser": 50272, "datum_aenderung": "2020-04-13T15:15:01", "datum_erstellung": "2020-04-13T15:15:01", "dg_heizung": 4, "dg_waermebedarf": 4, "duschgaenge": 96, "flaeche_kollektoren": 81.5266813579, "gstrahlung": 1060928, "mstrahlung": 1315, "sb_datum_aenderung": "2014-09-15T11:47:01", "sb_datum_erstellung": "2012-01-24T10:57:59", "sb_objektart": 1, "volumen_speicher": 5500, "waermeertrag": 40520, "klasse": 4, "flaeche": 806.7890507317, "ausrichtung": -56, "finanzertrag": 16974.8000000000, "stromertrag": 169748, "stromertrag_winterhalbjahr": 48033, "stromertrag_sommerhalbjahr": 121715, "monats_ertrag": [22.0799112471, 17.5109383460, 13.6995712718, 10.8999266678, 4.0618286784, 2.8367996376, 5.4151328710, 12.1489034190, 16.7504220227, 26.7599303094, 31.8410446798, 27.0881294897], "gs_serie_start": "2023-05-01T00:00:00", "klasse_text": "Sehr gut##Tr\u00e9s bonne##Molto buona##Very good##Sehr gut", "df_nummer": 4, "neigung": 27, "label": 14608276}}]}

Out of which you could filter the information you/your user needs.
Does that do the trick?

Best regards

Mahmoud Hefny

Jun 5, 2023, 10:32:06 AM6/5/23
to GeoAdminCh API
Thanks a million, Juergen, for your prompt reply, much appreciated. 
sorry for not being clear enough in describing the problem.

In your provided example, formating this JSON using, then it is easy to recognize that the result (json) doesn't have roof surface area (Roof pitch, Orientation, and Surface area). However, it has a lot of valuable information.

One of this information is the feature_Id which in your example is 14608274. Insert that ID into the sonnendach URL as follows (, one can get the following (needed) results:
Your roof surface area
Roof pitch: 29°, 
Orientation: 304° Northwest
Surface area: 707 m2

Since such results are not json format, I am kindly wondering if there is an API that I can call with this feature_ID to fetch these three parameters.
Thanks so much for your help in this matter,
Best regards, Mahmoud

Jürgen Hansmann

Jun 5, 2023, 10:45:10 AM6/5/23
to GeoAdminCh API
Dear Mahmoud

Still I might be misunderstanding things, sorry!
But, at least the way I interpret the response json, all your parameters you are looking for should be contained:
The roof pitch most likely is represented by "neigung": 27 in the response json.
The Orientation could be ""ausrichtung": -56,"
And the surface area should be either "flaeche" or "flache_kollektoren", guess "flache" is the whole area of the roof or the "Parzelle" and "flache_kollektoren" the area of installed collectors?

This is my interpretation. I'll try to find if there's an official documentation for that layer around somewhere

Jürgen Hansmann

Jun 5, 2023, 10:48:36 AM6/5/23
to GeoAdminCh API
There we go:
Probably you know that one already.
In the first PDF there are more detailed information about the parameters in the json response

Hope that helps?
Have a nice evening

Jürgen Hansmann

Jun 5, 2023, 10:51:38 AM6/5/23
to GeoAdminCh API
P.S.: In my example, there are 2 features returned. You can e.g. use the `tolerance` parameter to restrict or broaden the number of returned results

Mahmoud Hefny

Jun 5, 2023, 5:30:51 PM6/5/23
to GeoAdminCh API
Jürgen, I am very very grateful for your detailed solutions that keep me on track. With all the information you provided, I am now able to achieve my tasks and save myself days of work.
Wish you a very nice day (when you read my reply :) )

Jürgen Hansmann

Jun 6, 2023, 2:15:52 AM6/6/23
to GeoAdminCh API
Hi Mahmoud,

thats great to hear!

Thanks and likewise a nice day

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