Query the GWR for firefighter incident response plans

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Markus Boos

Nov 30, 2024, 11:11:44 AM11/30/24
to GeoAdminCh API
Hi there

I'm looking for a way to query all sub-terrain buildings (parking space) within our municipality.
I know the web form to query details on buildings if I know the address. e.g. [1]
But I'd like to query an API with
- postal code
- building class
to figure out the area.
Why? The area is an indicator on how to adapt your incident tactics if something happens (e.g. car burning).
- Is this possible with the GEO API or do I need to look for an API somewhere else?

Hints are highly welcome.

Kind regards

Marcel Clausen

Dec 12, 2024, 1:22:15 PM12/12/24
to GeoAdminCh API
Hello Markus

The information that you are trying to extract (sub-terrain buildings) is contained in this layer: ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register [1]
Unfortunately it is not possible to search/filter this layer by attributes. The data owner did not activate this feature in api3.geo.admin.ch
Only the queryable Layers [2] can be used and filtered with the LayerDefs [3] endpoint.

As an alternative the source data of this layer is available for free download [4].

Best regards

Markus Boos

Dec 15, 2024, 3:35:13 PM12/15/24
to GeoAdminCh API
Dear Marcel

Thank you very much for the clarification. 
Meanwhile, I figured out how to use the Webservice [1]

Kind regards

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