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[geo-engineering] Necessary steps to save the planet - conference in Bolivia

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Sam Carana

Apr 16, 2010, 9:54:27 AM4/16/10
to geo-engineering
President Morales has called for a halt to global warming, a halt to
sea level rise, protection of ecosystems, respect for all life, and a
more equitable society. At the same time, scientists are concerned
that the Earth system is liable to pass certain "tipping points", when
it becomes impossible to prevent catastrophe for all life on this
planet - a major extinction event.

Cloudworld is organising an event at the World People's Conference on
Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth conference in Bolivia,
entitled "Necessary steps to save the planet".

Thursday, 8.30 - 10.30 am, 22nd April 2010, UNIVALLE, biblio P3

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