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Ian Lindridge

Apr 13, 2024, 11:31:10 AMApr 13
I'm installing a CYC Photon e-assist kit on my '07 ICE Trice T. Physically I don't need a recumbent trike but due to near blindness a bicycle is dangerous. E-assist began for me in Sept. 2022 when I bought a 2019 TerraTrike Gran Tourismo with the Bosch system. It was a good price, came with all the extras and maybe one day I would need a motor. I came to appreciate the motor and now it's not "need" but want! My cycling distances remained the same and I was slightly faster but having "hill anxiety" disappear is worth it. I don't ride for speed, I ride for the joy of being outside, and getting some exercise. Having a motor has increased my enthusiasm to get out and ride. Ice and snow is dangerous with me not being able to see where my feet are stepping and I'm stuck inside on a stationary bike until the weather turns nice. The motor has me excited to get out and if a motor makes it easier then the motor is good. The motor makes Selma's Ice Cream in Afton (in the deep St. Croix River Valley) more fun to ride to, well, really from.........

The CYC Photon on the ICE will be fun. Early next year I'm going to put the more inexpensive Tengshen motor kit on my 2015 TerraTrike Rover with a S/A 8 speed internal hub. That Trike needs a motor! 
Enjoy the weather!
Ian Lindridge a.k.a. The Blind (and now deaf) Lord of Kent!
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