Thanks for asking this question. The HM3 file is just used for aligning to the same reference allele across summary statistics and could, in theory, still be used for African ancestry groups (though you would potentially want to update this depending on whether you have a very different set of variants in your ld and wld files).
The ld and wld file are often specified to be the same. African ancestry LD-scores are provided on the panUKB website (I can't remember if there is any reformatting needed to get those to work but the website indicates they are LDSC compatible):
Another option is to create your own LD-scores using public data resources. For example, 1000G Phase3 data contains both (i) an African Ancestry in the southwest United States subgroup (n = 61); (ii) and an African population (n = 661) group. This is quite a bit more work, but details on how to create your own LD-scores are provided by the original developers here: